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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 32 minutes ago, Old Spalding Ram said:

    Played for Roe Farm on the Racecourse when they were managed by Jon Page, knew Chris and Eric, then moved on to Prims

    .……..getting like all our yesterday’s this!


    A good few on those pics the names i'd recognise,  Never knew them, Only heard of them through football, Didn't the Prims play at the Ramarena on Raynesway?,  I played mostly Sunday Afternoons so guessing a lot of those did too, I wasn't of the same quality as Northcliffe, Rainbow or Carrib, But pretty decent

    Chris and Eric were from the same street as myself in Chadd, Ray Lewis remember him, Had a few games for Derby Reserves

    Would you know Ian Collins, Pretty sure he was your secretary before moving to the Vics at the Bowl on Spondon Leisure, I turned out for Davis Derby for a few games when Derby played away.

    DCFC took all my time on Saturdays

  2. 1 hour ago, Old Spalding Ram said:

    Chadd lad. I went to Olive Eden.

    Played for Northcliffe, managed by Steve’s dad Tommy, one of the nicest blokes you could ever wish to meet, absolute legend.

    Yes Chadd Lad born and bred, I was in the year below Andy Rowland of Swindon Town fame.

    Northcliffe United along with Rainbow Athletic and Carrabean All Stars were pretty much at the top of the tree in those days

    I used to go and watch in the 60s Derby Roe Farm, Chris Fuller in goal, Eric Allsop at right wing, Fuller had trials with Aston Villa when Tommy Doc was there, Allsop went and signed for Bury, But came back as he was homesick.

  3. 22 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    Me and the Mrs have done a fair few videos over the years, a good many with happy endings. Now in our 60s I do think we are at the point where we might need some third party assistance with touching up and finishing skills, so yeah if anyone out there wants to help us out too that would be super. Please PM.

    My touching up is pretty good, Unfortunately my finishing skills cum before my touching up.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Barrytheanon said:

    1. Ok so kirchner messed around with his bid, he bid lower because he didn’t want to be footing the bill IF Boro and Wycombe win their cases.

    2. He then went in with one final bid with the deadline of Christmas - this fell on deaf ears so pulled

    3. That left Appleby in the driving seat. But no money had been fronted at that point

    4. Appleby isn’t putting any money in he is a front man alongside moxey and Morgan. The “ imminent” comment from admin was panic from kirchner pulling. 

    1. Kirchners own words, I've not spoken to Admin for 2 months...that is what he said on social media.

    2. Kirchner then puts in another offer(higher at a guess) even tho he didn't want to foot the bill if Boro/Wycombe win their case.

    3. Appleby(Consortium)doesn't need to put any money in until they're the prefered bidder.

    4. Why would Admin panic when Kirchner pulled, Admin already stated their thoughts on Kirchner in an interview.

  5. 21 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Complete failure to properly investigate the origin of the Covid 19 virus would lead me to believe that public health is not their number one concern.

    "Some commentators point to China’s COVID-19 funding to the WHO as a signal of its intent to win influence at the expense of the United States. “I think that’s been overstated,” said Davis, adding, “the problem that WHO faces is not a problem of being under the thumb of China”, but of needing a “very sensitive, prickly authoritarian state” to be a partner in global health issues.

    The WHO’s reliance on shifting donor preferences makes it less stable, said Davis, explaining that budget uncertainty leads, for example, to the use of temporary consultants rather than established staff, leaving it “weaker as an institution overall”

  6. 11 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    arbitration might be worse for us than a court process

    Several on here have asked why the EFL doesn't stop Boro and Wycombe. No one has pointed to anything in the rules that enables them to do that. That said, I would think the EFL is putting pressure on both of them to reach a sensible compromise  

    This was the outcome from an Independant tribunal concerning Sheff Untd and West Ham, Not saying ours is the same, But surely it's in the hands of the football authories rather than the Lawyers?


    "West Ham and Sheffield United today vowed to build a "positive ongoing relationship" as they attempted to draw a line under the fractious Carlos Tevez affair with a settlement that could be worth up to £20m to the Yorkshire club.

    The out of court settlement was confirmed on the day that Lord Griffiths, whose criticism of West Ham's conduct swung the pendulum in Sheffield United's favour in its fight for compensation, was due to reconvene his independent tribunal. That will now be disbanded after the clubs negotiated their own deal.

    The agreement concludes a legal tussle that has been ongoing since Sheffield United were relegated in 2007 after Tevez's goals helped keep West Ham up, despite the club having earlier been fined by the Premier League for breaking rules on third-party player ownership"

  7. 23 minutes ago, hintonsboots said:

    What a massive error of judgement by Gibson and his mate. The floodgates will open with claims and counterclaims, although the legal profession will be rubbing their hands together in anticipation. The EFL should have put their incompetent foot down already, or where will it end ?

    What about the disallowed goal at Villa Park v Sheffield Utd which denied the blades a win and gave Villa the point which I think kept them up at Bournemouth’s expense ? That is also a fact not a theory.



    Who would the claim be against, The Premier League, Or the Company who own the tech that's inside the ball and goalposts?

  8. 5 minutes ago, sage said:

    What are the odds of both Boro and Wycombe pursuing this through the courts if we call their bluff and throw out their claims?

    Whilst we are in the weaker financial position, we are in the stronger legal position. If it goes to court, the EFL will need to get on our side, they can't afford a legal precedent. 

    Haven't we been told on here that it goes to *ARBITRATION* why are people getting worked up by 2nd rate journalists who've got nowt better to do than spew their bilge in a 3rd rate newspaper.

    How on earth can the EFL even concider 2 fellow members sueing a fellow member, When one is historical and has no basis as they cocked up on their last few matches when we finished 6th, Those no marks in Wycombe who's Chairman is a Yank lawyer(Ambulance chaser)is just there to make the numbers up.

    Does this go to arbitration or not?



  9. 10 hours ago, Turk Thrust said:

    Maine Drive. Roosevelt Avenue, Trenton Green, The Kingfisher.  It’s all coming back to me……..after 40 years

    Yes it was my playground, Kingfisher now gone along with the JFK pub, I have a mooch down there every now and then, Park at the precinct on Notts Road, Pass the Park Hotel, Through the Park, Valley Road, Lexington Rd, Roosevelt Ave, Maine Dr, Tennesee Rd, Across the Brook, Wilmot Arms pub, Chadd Lane End and back to the car.

    Memories aye ?

  10. 29 minutes ago, Yani P said:

    I would imagine Baldock out to free a spot as Plange does his role better and Baldock is injury prone. Can't see Lawrence going anywhere unless we get a silly bid.

    He'll be gone, Whether January or June, He will not be offered the same wage as he's on now with us, If we believe he's on £25k a week, We'll get 2 players that will put more into a game than himself imo

  11. 4 minutes ago, Turk Thrust said:

    Live in Woodford Green in NE London

    Leyton Orient, and The Irons (as they appear to be called now instead of The Hammers)

    born and bred in Derby (Abingdon Street off Osmaston Road until aged 8, then DairyHouse Road till I was 15 then to Valley Road Chaddo) Taken to my first Rams experience in early 1950s by my Dad. I was born in the year Derby won the cup. It’s in the blood

    5mins through the woods across the park from where I was born...off Main Drive

  12. 13 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Al they have to do is name the preferred bidder. Are they really that spolied for choice?

    BAWT are on record as saying Appleby is still very much here, Not forgetting there's a reported £5million non refundable payment to the Admin...so as the Lawyers/solicitors for the alledged 2 buyers maybe more answers are needed to questions asked amongst this fallen house of cards which is Derby County.

  13. I'm more confident now than I was at the begining of December, As we all know football is a results business, Hull went on a run and got out of the bottom 3, We've strung 3 wins on the bounce, Not only has it given the supporter hope but I believe the players as well.

    Confidence is a huge factor, Against Stoke we were confident to be on the front foot from the off, I don't want to over praise Thompson but my has he done well in the middle of the park, Does all the ugly things, Tackle, Foot in, Get the ball and give it, These type of players often go unoticed, Huge respect to a player so young.

    A win on Monday and...well ?

  14. 19 hours ago, Archie said:


    I don't know how he shuts his eyes and sleeps at night. The guilt alone would ruin me. 

    During my time as a Senior Union Official, I've met several multi millionaires, One more than once(Sir John Rose ex CEO of Rolls Royce)and the common denominator is...they see life WAY WAY different to a person on the shop floor, If I only had £10k and lost £9,500 on a secondhand car as it was broken i'd be mortified , Or if had 100s of millions of £s and lost £100m what's all the fuss, I'm still filthy rich.

    MM doesn't walk in our shoes...he may have done once, The circle he runs in is wealth, He kidded those who believed him, People fooled him he employed, Money becomes an issue when you see walking at the end of the tunnel and the tap is still running and pissing money out...Lansdowne at Bristol City a good example.

    MM played HIS! game, Turned the tap off, He loved the limelight as pictures of him at away games buying beers for some, He didn't like to be criticised...hence the Breakfast Club a few years back, The fallout with several Managers, Walking into the dressing room at HT, The shananingans over Pearsons/Clements sackings shows what kind of person MM is/was.

    MM also gave a lot of his wealth away, Hospital, Charities, Supporters, Gifts left right and centre, But in a "selfish" way knowing he either put it through as tax relief or knew his other monies would re coup those gifts.

    He'll get no plaudits or anger from myself, It's the person on the shopfloor who gets my sympathy.


  15. 6 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    When the administrators make an announcement regarding a preferred bidder and the club can be saved that will be some positivity, until that time the club is in deep poo  and nothing to be positive about.You look at it how you see it,i will look at it as how i see it.

    Derby 1 Blackpool 0

    Derby 1 WBA 0

    Stoke 1 Derby 2

    Our Academy players are shining through, Our away support is phenominal, WR is learning the game the longer he's here, Our squad have out performed and faught supposed better teams.

    There's far too many bad Doctors around...no patients!

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