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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 6 minutes ago, oldtimeram said:

    This time last year we were waiting for the takeover to be concluded before Christmas!

    Deja vu

    Ahh those Halcyon days of our sail, It's like we mist the boat on the Seas horizon, Only for months later to get docked points and now finding we're moored at the bottom of the division...it's all a shipwreck I tell thee!

  2. 2 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    Well l am a Rams Fan, and there were 4 recorded breaches of EFL rules on their website before Quantuma took over. Then there was the Administration process. Oh and P&S overspends in 3 of the 4 last trading years. Morris was wading in his own poo for the last 2 years of his tenure.

    You're not helping the situation are you i-Ram, He/she will wait untill midnight when all the bloodsuckers come out, Count all the replies and get to bloody well knows where

  3. 15 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Two alleged rule breaches have led to our 21 point deduction . The first is FFP breach due to the amortisation issue. The second is our administration. 

    neither of these were deliberate and the latter is nothing to do with Boro or Wycombe. 

    Damn, Now you've given Hordh a head start, I doubted he/she would have got passed number 1, Altho a number 2 could be more apt.

  4. 26 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

    Fair point Bobbster, in that no one can say for sure that QPR cost us promotion by their overspend......just as no one can say for sure that DCFC cost Boro promotion or Wycombe relegation by our much smaller overspend.....The difference is that DCFC are being sued and QPR were not, despite us argueably having a stronger case. What Galls is that we have been publicly lambasted far more than any other Club, denied Covid loans and now being sued for far more than the fine you actually paid and yet not a single Club, even previous transgressors like QPR have offered the slightest support. In fact what did your striker do at Pride Park a few weeks ago?

    And then what did he do when missing a penalty the next game...karma is a good thing...PMSL

  5. 17 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    It was a one off game in which you played several players who you should not have been able to afford. 

    wycombe claim against us I don’t know what it’s about but on last game of season we drew with Sheffield Wednesday which sent Wycombe down. If we had lost to wednesday then Wycombe would still have been relegated along with us so I really don’t get what their claim is about. 

    The Yank Couthig smells $$$$$$s as he filed after the dwarf filed his, A Yank ambulance chaser.

  6. 15 minutes ago, richinspain said:

    Surely that can't be true. I remember we were playing at home the day of the Bradford fire and being told about it when I got home. Or maybe I've got my memory in a twist along with my knickers.

    Take your time and untwist those knickers.

    May 11th 1985 Newport 1 Derby 3

    May 11th 1985 Bradford Fire disaster

    We stopped off in Worcester on the way back and we'd heard about the fire, Slowly as the night got longer the deaths were mounting, It wasn't until the Sunday Morning when I got up that the true extent unfolded ?

  7. 12 midnight asleep, Wake around 2-30am for the old man p iss, Back to sleep, Wake up at 6am ish, Bathroom, Brush teath, Open the blinds in bedroom and living room and kitchen,TV on, Computer on then kettle on, Coffee sit down and check emails, Channel hop until I see sumat that I want to watch.

    8am off out for a run...5 miles which takes around 45mins, Back home shower n shave.

    9am ish breakfast, Anything from cereal to toast, Might watch sumat that i've taped(I don't have a VHS or Betamax video recorder...I still say taped when I have Sky)Dinner around 1pm ish...planning a Chicken Dinner if I can be arsed could just as easily be beens on toast.

    More TV until around 6pm ish then tea time, Sandwiches, Yogurt and a biscuit.

    Bed around 10-11pm

    All the above I enjoy, Being single after 45 years of Marriage has made me see what I am capable of doing, And to quote Kevin Keegan

    "I love it...just love it"


  8. 10 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    Is there anybody in this thread who is concerned about missing Christmas because it's actually a sacred time for them?

    I'm not criticising anybody or saying you shouldn't be looking forward to Christmas if you're not religious. Just curious.



    Nope!, I have a Son and Daughter who I see through the year, I don't want to sound like a "Bah Humbug" but it's just another day for me, Dropped off the Grand kids presents a couple of weeks ago, Both Son and Daughter enjoy the day, They always ask if i'd like to go round for dinner/tea and the answer is...No thanks ?

    PS...i'm Agnostic

  9. 3 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Why though?

    70% of people hospitalized with covid last year were aged 70+, this year 96% of the vulnerable age groups have already had their booster.


    Furthermore, according to Sajid Javid suggested that Soth Africa aren't suffering from omnicron due to natural immunity acquired from catching Delta.


    Now either the vaccines work, or they don't.  Either natural immunity works, or it doesn't.  Continuing to lockdown and hide from covid everytime there is a new mutation that 'looks a bit scary' as is the case of omnicron means this is now the new normal - being made to feel scared s41tless every winter and threatened with having our freedoms taken away.  Thats no way to live, I've done my bit and I've had enough.

    No other reason than both Scotland and Wales are "upping their game", Media pressure, Some scientists/medical personel arguing for more restrictions, Plus the PM, Javid, Raab saying nothing ruled out, It's a softening of the blow.

    Just an opinion...nothing more ?

  10. 19 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    I don't Have a clue, I'm 100% if favour of letting the scientists tell the Government what to do.


    I can tell people what to do, Doesn't mean they're going to do what I say, We're now down to who's the most popular, The dimwit PM has had some astonishing bad press this last 2 weeks and rightly so, Wales and Scotland are going their own way, There'll be a lot of border crossing in the next couple of weeks, BJ doesn't want to p iss anymore of the English dwelling public off, I can't see him rubbishing Xmas...but I can see him calling the shots come the 27th Dec.


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