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Posts posted by loweman2

  1. 1 hour ago, Keepyuppy said:

    It is hallmarked with the correct year, maker and gold/silver stamps. It has been heavily polished, but can make out the Club Initisks on it. Considering its 135 years old and a reasonable assumption that probably only eleven were commissioned for the game, it could probably be the only one thats survived. 

    What did the guy who sold it to you say, how has the connection between a game, the year and derby county been made, is it stamped somewhere or did it come with any paperwork ? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Keepyuppy said:

    I came across and acquired this hallmarked gold & silver Derby County Player Medal in last few days from an Antique Emporium in Yorkshire. 
    Providence confirms it was made in 1886 in Birmingham. Derby County only played 2 games in 1886 against Aston Unity and Birmingham St Georges in the FA Cup and these medals were presented to the Derby County players in recognition of the match. 
    A very rare find indeed and I’m thrilled to have found it. 
    I thought I’d share it as a point of interest. ??


    Sounds interesting and not something I have seen before in research, would be interested to hear the story behind it, how do you know it is derby county, does it come with paperwork, as far as I know the club historian is unaware of it, could be a great find.

  3. A good recap of his career and a reminder of just how good he was so young, he came from a caring family but was obviously a boy of the streets, maybe if he hadn’t of had football in his life it could have worked out very differently with his admissions of alcohol and his temper, he obviously had the right people around him in David Moyes and later on Alex Ferguson but it is very apparent that he owes everything that he has to Coleen, she has been a massive rock for him through everything and stuck by his side, she understood him from when they were kids and has pulled him back into line many times.

  4. I had the privilege and the pleasure on Monday to meet up at Seven restaurant in Derby with some DCFC royalty.

    I had been approached by a national newspaper (not the sun) sports reporter to ask if i could assist him in inviting some of the legends of the 1971/72 team, they are not just legends of Derby County but 1970s football in general, household names in the footballing world until this day and men of god for those who follow Derby County and forever revered in these parts.

    What he wanted to do was to something that nobody else in the press seems bothered about and that is to bring the story of what those players did under the auspices and guidance of Brian Clough & Peter Taylor into the headlines and to freshen up and relive the story.

    It has been such bad timing that the club is in such a mess that it can not honour these fine gentleman (another victim of the poor management of our club) so i was more than happy to get them together and sit in on what was a great three hours spent over lunch and a couple of drinks in a private room reliving not just that season but the seasons that followed.

    its not for me to tell the stories as that honour falls to the reporter and in should be in print a little nearer the end of the season but needless to say there were some funny moments, some very honest and truthful moments and some sad moments.

    Kevin was supposed to join us but had to pull out at the last minute but he was ably covered by the others, Messrs Mcfarland, Durban, Gemmill and O'Hare !

    50 years ago they were Champions of England and will be forever Champions of Derby !


  5. On 05/02/2022 at 11:46, Inverurie Ram said:

    I just received this retro shirt for my collection, it is well made and at a great price for the red and white 1891-95 Derby County shirt but back to front with the colours, which I’ve only just noticed when typing this? But then again it appears to be the correct way around as per players in the photograph but wrong way around compared to the shirt in the colour photo of @loweman2 book.

    Oh well…….glad I’ve got an Umbro silk one with the colours maybe the correct way around but with no collar!

    It’s not easy collecting football shirts!





    They were some shirts that we had made but upon arrival they had been made not to our specification, they button up all the way to the bottom instead of half way, so we did not include them in the "Lowe&Shardlow est1884" collection as the idea is that they need to be as they were in the 1880s/90s, they are fantastic quality, so Richard has been selling them at below cost on ebay as we await the arrival of the correctly specified shirts.

    the colours are correct on the shirt, we continued with research after that first edition of the book, we now believe that the shirt in the book may in fact be a Preston NE shirt worn by John Goodall and not from his Derby days.

    i will be posting photos of the correct shirt along with a team photo from the day, it was the shirt that Steve Bloomer made his debut in and wore for the next five seasons, should have messaged me mate !! still a great shirt !

  6. 1 hour ago, CornwallRam said:

    Sorry to interrupt the administration stuff  but I have question.

    I got this beauty for my birthday. Its a recreation of the Patrick home shirt, which IMO is still the greatest football shirt ever made.

    I had a replica shirt when I was about 12 and basically lived it. However, the new one is a little different from how I remember it. My memory is that it was standard shirt without seams and the piping was printed onto the shirt. The new one is made of panels and the piping is on the edge of each panel.

    Have I just remembered it wrongly? Is the new one just made wrongly - even though the quality is excellent? Or was just that kids' replica shirts were different to the adult match shirts?


    Somebody had these made up so they are not as per the original but not a bad copy, the player shirts had a raised Patrick logo on the chest and the arm badges and the ram were embroidered, on the replica it was all within the fabric, not sure what the process is called, sublimination ? But they were built to last, the one I have still looks brand new !




  7. Just jumping in on the comments about the history and heritage of the club, it is something that a few of us have been actively doing for a number of years at huge personal expense, though i must also say that there have been some fantastic people who see the value in the preservation of the clubs history greater than the pound and have donated precious items, i am one of the founders trustees of the ramsheritage trust along with @cstand and a few other like minded individuals and we pool our collections together to do pop up displays, the Derby County Collection run by club historian Andy Ellis has been doing this for years and we plan on doing future events together and as soon as covid has passed these will be more prevalent.

    i always cite the Arsenal museum as a great example of what can be done, its a relatively small building and is all about the history of their club rather than the trophies that have been won and it is done as a time line, it uses modern day lighting techniques very well and display screens with looped video footage, crowd sounds and of course many exhibits, it just has somebody on the door who over sees it, free entry is granted to anybody who does the ground tour, after spending three hours with Charlie George it was the perfect and most interesting end to the tour

    its not a money making exercise its just an opportunity for fans to learn and engage with the past.

    the past and the history of a club is integral to the now and the future, without the past there would be no club.

    i started off as a normal fan as a kid, dad taking me then going with my mates home and away then as i got older i wanted to learn more, that's why i have been researching with Jason and Andy for the book about the history of the shirts and the colours, you then start to find out with the help of Peter Seddon about the meetings in the old bell in saddler gate about how the club was formed and where those players came from, the fact that Derby County was not the best club in Derby but because of the connections it had it became the only club in Derby, lots of intrigue.

    so don't write it off as being boring, engage where possible and promote where possible, it is actually quite interesting and who knows this time next year we may have the opportunity to build something permanent.

    if anybody has anything up in those attics or sheds then drop me a line at mail@phillowe.co.uk or message on here.

  8. Happy new year to everybody, thank you to those who supported the various ventures with the 1884 shirts and the Colours of the Rams book and with all of the usual shirt and memorabilia posts, got some great things planned as a solo venture with a reunion of the 71/72 team, some great events with ex players and displays as part of the Rams Heritage Trust.

    let’s hope that 2022 has a lot of good lined up for all of us and that our team and it’s fans get back on track.

    since I was young !???♥️

  9. I had the pleasure of spending time today with Derby County royalty and a legend of 70s and 80s football, double back to back European cup winner, second division champion and two x first division champion, I reunited him (temporarily) with his 1968/69 no9 shirt, looking fit and well, i could have listened to him all day, such an interesting and nice man who really has been there and done it, always the first on Brian Cloughs list to build a team around, could hold the ball up and create chances or take them himself ! Heres here hes there hes asked us not to swear ! John O’Hare ! top man






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