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Posts posted by loweman2

  1. 14 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    In all honesty, I went for the atmospheric nature of the photo (I loved night games there) and didn't fully appreciate the significance.
    A quick Google explains that it was a tad before my time (my defence!) and also the reason for your pain... for which I apologise... but it's fair to say, neither DCFC or the BBG are/were perfect, and I'm a great believer in allowing the bad times to make you appreciate and embrace the good times more.

    So apologies for your pain (and for the tears of others' reactions), but no apology for an otherwise sexy, moody, classic BBG night shot!  


    I was only pulling your leg, in all honesty I was only two at the time so any pain has only been formed from that of my old man’s pain, and of course Alan H, you are correct, those evenings when you could see the steam coming off the players and the mist (what ever it was ?) blowing in from Leys chimneys, the smell of the turf aswell, all very mesmerising and atmospheric, also the way you could hear the players calls to each other, there’s another penno !


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