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Posts posted by loweman2

  1. 3 hours ago, Ellafella said:

    Absolutely stunning @loweman2. I want to wear it but simultaneously want to frame it. Thanks so much for this…it makes 1884 seem like yesterday. 


    Good work @Ellafella! The quality is amazing isn’t it, proper old school tailoring and embroidery! A real part of the history of our club and you are now one of the few who owns one, thanks for your support in recreating it and for keeping the heritage of the club alive !

  2. 3 hours ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    Loving the trainers @loweman2. Are they @Derbados or adidas?

    They were done by a guy called Aaron or better known as “I am the renovation “ he is on Twitter and Facebook, he does a lot of work for footballers and boxers, he is currently working on a special pair for me that we are calling mackay68s so I’m sure you can guess what they may look like ! Not cheap but he does a great job, this pair were adidas gazelle vintage initially until we changed them to est1884 !




  3. 31 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    Thanks Phil. I got Cloughie and Sir Robertson King very.wrong and so the wrong year. It was Mick Williamson, not Clough. I saw him play for Derby before he moved to Gillingham. I thought it might be Bobby Stephenson but wasn't sure because I thought it was Cloughie on the right and he came well after Bobby. Bobby was a Derby lad and the son of George Stephenson, who played for Derby and England.. I saw the only goal Bobby scored for Derby. It was a half volley at the Normanton End from the edge of the penalty area v Bristol Rovers when we won 4-1 at the BBG in March 1962. Keith Havenhand scored the other three goals. This was a significant event in the history of DCFC because earlier in the season, Havenhand had scored a hat-trick away at Bristol Rovers when we also won 4-1.. It is the only time in the history of the club that a Derby player has scored a hat-trick home and away in the same season against the same club. 

    The only player to have achieved the same feat in the Premier League is Emmanuel Adebayor for Arsenal v Derby County in the 11-point season.

    So having explained that, I am wiping the egg off my face and retreating to bed in disgrace ???

    Age is certainly not affecting your memory is it ? Great work on pulling it all out again ! 

  4. On 28/08/2021 at 10:40, i-Ram said:

    I think I actually like this thread more because of sighting of some of the opposition players you forget about as you get older. Bobby Stokes not hard to forget for supporters of a certain age. But Jimmy Gabriel was Saints penalty taker. A few seconds of each of Terry Paine and Mick Channon too made me smile. McGovern and Zak obviously the Rams goalscorers. 

    The Ram newspaper/ program used to include a colour picture of the visiting team.





  5. So we started the season and played the first ten or so games in this hybrid shirt, a blend of the old design with the hooped neck and cuffs, this was of course the first attempt at Brian Clough’s to replicate the England kit, away from Black and White to Blue and White, also the Ram was new, the snorting ram, it had a bit of attitude about it and has sat there ever since.






  6. 16 hours ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    I spoke on the phone with his son-in-law this afternoon. He said that although it's sad that he is suffering from dementia, Frank still remembers a lot, particularly of the more distant past and he's very proud of what he achieved at Derby. The championship medal was his only major club honour and he still treasures it. He also said he has lost none of his old arrogance and still loves watching football on TV, which he does most days. His son-in-law was just too young to have seen him play but Frank often reminds him "I was bloody good you know." Those of us who saw him and his team-mates at Derby, will all raise our glasses to that. Cheers Frankie Wignall, la la la la la la la.

    Frank was one of the players i went to see at his home when we did the "Legends" tour a couple of years ago, he was very chatty and remembered everything from his days at Derby, i dont want to hijack the thread with a long tale but one funny story i remember was that he said that on one of his first games they had travelled to London to play a game and on the morning of the match Cloughie took them for a walk alongside the Thames, Frank said that he managed to catch up with Brian at the front and wanted to make a good impression on him so engaged in conversation with him, after a couple of minutes Cloughie turned round to him and gave him the classic "Young man" "i have signed you to score goals for Derby County, i have not signed you to be my friend or to engage in idle chit chat now kindly leave me alone" 

    he also told me how he had broken his leg twice, his previous manager had rushed him back after the first break and it was never right, he got into the England team when he broke it again, the player who replaced him was Geoff Hurst, he just looked at me and said "what could have been ".

    Any how a lovely man who like the rest of those lads made no money from football and just has his medal to show for it, here it is in all its glory !!

    one of the 15 that put DCFC on the world footballing map !

    frank wignall medal 1st div champ 1971-72.jpg

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