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Posts posted by FlyBritishMidland

  1. 15 minutes ago, alram said:

    i understand the complexity and that its going to take longer than other administrations


    i just dont have much faith because i have seen zero progress, lets see what happens but i am not holding my breath. reading between the lines it just looks like they havent named a preferred bidder because nobody has the money or interest to buy the club


    lets be honest mel really has well and truly ducked us with the tax bill and stadium

    Mel has definitely left us in a right mess and made it far harder than it needed to be.  Not sure about no one being interested.  Mike Ashley went public a couple of weeks back and seemed pretty irate at the press reports saying he wasn’t interested.

  2. 2 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    But maybe those other clubs had the finances to get through to the other side.

    My reading was that the Administrators were so confident that a PB would stump up the $5 million that we stopped player sales.

    If we don't get through the season, we're out the league, no?

    I might be wrong but I thought Andrew Hoskins said that with player sales, reduced running cost, increased revenue, etc they were confident that we could complete the fixtures.  He did say it would be a stretch to get the the end of the financial year in June but that shouldn’t be a problem with a PB in place.

  3. 40 minutes ago, alram said:

    because the preferred bidder is where negotiations START

    it should be one of the first things they do, as with every administration. It is extremely rare for a preferred bidder not to be in place after a couple of months, never mind what is it now 7 months?

    we can believe that many are competing to buy the club but i think the reality is a bit closer to the administrators are struggling to find someone to buy the club, it is the only logical reason. just ignore all the puff from the media and look at the facts, the admins seem to pluck up a new barrier every time a deadline comes.

    How have you got to seven months?  We went into administration on 17th September 2021 or thereabouts.  I make that just over five months.  And this is a complex case with the size of debt, parties that we owe money to, ground ownership, claims from other clubs.  If it hadn’t been for the claims, particularly MFC as WWFC have yet to formally submit one, we would have had a PB in early January.

    Since the resolution of the MFC issue the administrators have asked for formal bids and allowed seven days to submit.  That seemed reasonable.  And it’s common practice for bids to go in at the last minute.

    A couple of months ago I posted this table in the “Admins chased” thread.  The average duration for a club being in administration is about 8/9 months. And our case will be more complex than average.



  4. Win tonight and it’s as you were.  Plus the gap to Hull is reduced to 10 points.  I still think Hull could get drawn into it.  If we get past Easter and the gap is still around 5 points we can do it.  Our last 3 fixtures aren’t bad and 2 are at home.  Reading and Hull play each other so they both can’t win.  And we only need to finish level on points due to our goal difference.

  5. 15 minutes ago, David said:



    That’s a typical patronising response from RP.  I’d like to see his evidence of “every club in every country” statement.  It will be interesting to read the amended wording because the press release states clubs should use the straight line method and not shall which have different contractual meanings.  It’s like if Mrs FBM says that she thinks I shouldn’t go to the pub, but I do.  She didn’t say I shall not or will not go ?!!

  6. 3 hours ago, David said:

    You are cherry picking lines from it.

    It's not just talking about good faith. 

    And yes, I will keep going back to it until we have an official answer. 



    I think your absolutely right to keep going back to this.  The text in brackets is the important bit that everyone seems to be forgetting (or ignoring in some cases).

    I’ve tried emailing Rick Parry a few times but I do find his replies very arrogant and dismissive.  Yesterday I asked if they had reviewed Mel’s offer and if they’ve set MFC and WWFC a deadline, given we have one at the end of this month.  He just said they are aware but won’t give a “running commentary”!!  He said nothing about a timescale for MFC and WWFC, which I didn’t think was an unfair question given how urgent the situation is.

  7. 2 hours ago, I know nuffin said:

    Just a suggestion for the EFL rather than keep moving the goalposts, as confirmed by tweets for current dcfc employees, if Gibson does not take up MMs offer what about charging Middlesbrough of bringing the game into disrepute by bringing baseless charges against a league founding member. Either he takes MMs offer up or he is making it up and causing unfounded mental anguish on dcfc staff and fans 

    I had a skim through the EFL Regs today (what else there to do on a Saturday afternoon without football?).  I came across Reg 3.5.


    Surely both clubs accusing us of systemic cheating breaches this?  In fact, didn’t Couhig in one of his tweets say every Derby fan was part of this cheating??

    And yes, I do need to get out more ?.

  8. 52 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    I see your point and I share your frustrations Eaton with how the administration process has been dragged out. But I think Q ignoring Gibson has been the right tactic. By not responding to him, they have given no recognition to the credibility of the claim. That has clearly wound Gibson up and he couldn't resist repeating the same drivel he came out with last week. His increasing symptoms of Little Man Syndrome get worse by the day.

    Also, I expect Q have been aware of Mel's cunning plan for a while now.

    I also think Qs silence was, and is, the right approach.  Let others do all the talking.  It’s a good negotiation strategy - never fill the silence.  And here it seems to be working as others are putting out statements that in my view weaken their position.

    Also, they’ve had legal advice from three QCs.  No doubt this was keep your distance, don’t engage with them or your giving credence to their claims.

    If the MFC and WWFC don’t accept Mel’s offer then Q take their cases to the High Court.  Both the EFL and MFC have opened that door.  Mel then agrees to indemnify them against any losses.  The outcome for Mel is still the same and avoids the EFL kangaroo court.

  9. MFC have issued a statement, surprisingly they agree with the EFL that their claim is a football debt.


    Once I got past all the drivel, this bit at the end stuck out……

    A significant focus of MFC’s claim against Derby County relates to the sale of Derby County’s stadium and the belief that it was done in a way which manipulated the Profit and Sustainability Rules.

    The valuation of PP has been accepted by the LAP/DC, the EFL didn’t appeal this and MFCs original claim for £40M on the basis of the stadium was rejected by the LAP in October 2020.  Surely, if the basis of the claim is the same, they’re playing into the admins hands?  Perhaps @Brailsford Ram can advise as you seem knowledgable in this area?

  10. 36 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Funny how their statement doesn't mention Boro trying to sue EFL first. then coming to a cosy deal with EFL to sue Derby instead.

    Nor does it say that their original claim was against the valuation of PP that the LAP rejected in October 2020.  And as @duncanjwitham has said, when they launched their 2nd claim we actually hadn’t been found guilty of anything and it hadn’t been proven we had breached P&S.

  11. The EFL’s Insolvency Policy is designed to offer guidance to Clubs on how the board might seek to deal with any Club in administration. That policy, which has been accepted by all 72 Clubs, describes how the Members agreed ‘that the starting point is that no Club should gain (or seek to gain) any advantage within the context of professional football over other Clubs by not paying all its creditors in full at all times.’ 

    In this case, Derby County is seeking to use insolvency legislation to avoid having to defend the claims of Middlesbrough FC (which commenced initially in January 2021) and Wycombe Wanderers FC. Derby County considers those claims should not be treated as football related debts and that it would be wrong for the EFL to require the Club to have to continue to defend the claims as a condition of continuing membership in circumstances where they have been compromised by way of a restructuring plan. The EFL does not agree with that analysis. 

    In the bit in bold above, surely its at odds with the EFL view that the claims are football debts?  OK, MFC and WWFC haven’t gone into administration but if we lost the case and have to pay, surely they are gaining (and are currently seeking to gain) and advantage over other clubs?  Compare that to, say Arsenal.  We owe them, in instalments (something else the non-educated fan of other teams seem to forget) £8M for Bielik.  Us not paying gives us an advantage over other clubs.  Neither MFC or WWFC are owed money by us!!!!  And, in the EFLs eyes they are both above others in the pecking order from HMRC down to St John’s Ambulance and @Davidand the debt to this forum.  Which is cash that’s actually due!!!!

    This has really got me riled.  The arrogance in the statement is staggering but I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised.

  12. I interpret this as the EFL are classing MFC and WWFC as football debts.  So if arbitration feel rule in their favour we have to pay?  I’m struggling to understand how the EFL policy takes precedent over the law.

    Interesting that they say it’s up to the administrators to decide how to take it forward.  Not sure I fancy their chances of getting all those parties in the room at the same time.  Personally, as it’s obvious Gibsons gripe is with Morris, I think I’d prefer it if Morris was kept away.  He’ll just wind Gibson up and they’ll disagree with each other on principal which isn’t good for us.  Let him sort the ground, etc out with the PB.  Let the PB and administrators deal with the EFL, Gibson and Couhig.

  13. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I do wish the EFL would just point this out to Couhig and the Wycombe 'fans'. Why is it so difficult?

    I mentioned this in an email to Rick Parry last weekend and the comments of the Sheff Wed and Brum cases.  He didn’t acknowledge that point just that they need a PB in the room and Mel could still help.  I did copy in Margaret Beckett and Pauline Latham so it won’t be lost on them!!

  14. 2 hours ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    The man is just class. I can't think of anyone who would have turned down an interview at their boyhood club, a Premiership club, to stay at this total car crash of a football club. It is an unbelievable decision, it defies logic but it proves that he was telling the truth when he said he wanted to restore pride to this club. 

    Whilst Rooney deserves every single platitude coming his way, I think we should all remember loyalty cuts both ways. This club will get back on its feet one day & at that point, expectations will rise. Don't want to see any kneejerk 'we've lost 3 games in a row, he has to go' nonsense - he deserves more leeway than any manager we've ever had. Because at our lowest ebb, he stuck with us & he didn't have to ?

    p.s. @RoyMac5 you called it - Chapeau

    Exactly this.  I can’t think of any other manager who would have stuck by us like he has.  Even when his boyhood club come calling.

    I was very critical last year but the way he’s turned us round and got everyone on side is fantastic.  And I think he gets it.  What DCFC means, what it’s like to play and manage in a one club city, which he’s never had in England.

    And, @David you were also banging the Rooney drum from day one.  Wish I’d have had the faith a year ago too.

  15. I’ve seen a couple of posters mention Parkrun.  Getting outside for a bit of exercise is really good for mental health.  There’s quite a few in the local area and I regularly do the Conkers Parkrun at Moira.  It’s free, it’s fun and you can do it at your own pace.  If you don’t fancy the run or walk you can volunteer and still get the benefit of the fresh air!!

    Here’s a link to the Parkrun website, have a look and you might find one near you.


    And if you ever turn up at Conkers you might see me with a crazy Cocker Spaniel!!

  16. I’m still not sure what to make of today’s announcement.  The good thing is it’s a joint one so at least we’re not playing ‘announcement top trumps’.  But it doesn’t really tell us much other than what Nixon put out there on Tuesday.  It puts us through another month of uncertainty.

    What it has done is certainly grab the attention of the MPs in the area.  I really hope they give the EFL what for tomorrow.  The EFL could make all the MFC and WWFC claims go away.  A word with Gibson that he’s got what he really wanted with Mel out of the way and tell Couhig they actually set the deadline.  The EFL keep saying, or hiding behind, the phrase “the EFL is all 72 clubs”.  Well,  if they were that bothered about all 72 clubs they’d sort it out or there’ll be carnage.

    To be fair, I’m struggling to lay any of this at Quantuma’s door.  They’ve got the devils own job sorting this out, especially as all someone is buying is a debt.  MM still owns all the infrastructure and a lot of players are out of Contract in less than six months so investment in the team is needed.  Plus the two claims to try and resolve at the same time.

    And, if the EFL are leaking details, as Quantuma have said - and Nixon has a source somewhere - it really is despicable.  It’s hard enough for us fans but what if your employed by the club and keep reading rumours every day.  I hope the MPs make this point too.

  17. 7 minutes ago, Mihangel said:

    Nice one, came across well - I don't know how you held it together.

    Welling up watching breakfast tv is something I never imagined would happen. 

    Wasn’t me mate.  The whole family came across well and got across what it means to the fans.  On the whole, it was a nice piece.

    Made me think watching them that I’m the last one in our family line.  No brothers, sisters or kids to carry on supporting The Rams.  Really don’t want it to end.

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