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Posts posted by MaltRam

  1. 6 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    This is so depressingly typical of Derby at the moment. No statement, apart from the EFL coming out with something incredibly vague that could mean also anything. According to Nixon, we haven't submitted our accounts. If that's the case then the club should be dealt with the harshest penalty allowable by P&S. 

    I loathe Mel Morris for what he's done to this club. What a complete and utter stain he has become to this football club. 

    EFL release a statement, and your immediate reaction is to loathe Mel Morris?

    You need to breathe a bit Ambitious me owd. Cheer up!

  2. 7 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    This comment taken from the BBC website by Warnock

    "Phil Jagielka should have been sent off. I'm not sure the referee even saw it because he asked the fourth official, who said yellow card.

    "When you look at it, the follow-through is horrendous. Jonny's lucky it hasn't snapped his leg. That's a red card any day of the week."

    Anyone expand on this? or is Warnock still...well Warnock.

    Jags has taken a poor first touch, chased it, got a clean tackle on the ball, but followed through and hit his man. Foul, certainly in this day and age. Yellow? Possibly if the ref's feeling harsh. Red? Not in a million years Colin you colossal Bamford.

  3. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    As the poster of this thread it’s only right to give credit when things go right ,,,, tonight was different gravy and for the first time in a long long time under Rooney I thought we didn’t look clueless and disjointed , first twenty we looked like a team who actually knew each other and we looked to take it to them ,

    long way to go and one swallow does not make a summer as they say but credit where it’s due , 

    I thought we looked incrementally better at trying to do the same things, and had Jagielka to soothe our nerves at the back.

    Fine margins. 

  4. Brian Clough said that there was a lot of rubbish talked about tactics by people who barely know how to win at dominoes. He's still right. We've got a tiny squad, packed with old pro's on their last contract, and kids on their first.

    Claw it back to win midweek and Rooney's star is rising. Blow it yesterday and he's clueless and needs sacking. It's pathetic.

    Sack the manager? We couldn't if we wanted to, but it's ALL about the players. We're battling but we're short. Until that can change, we are where we are and all the squealing and whining only hurts us. Best thing is to put our big boy pants on, accept reality, and support rather than whinge.

  5. The young lads looked outmuscled and unsure early, but wow what guts and pride to fight back. Some good football too, after the first 20-25 we really took over. 

    Missed Saturday as on holiday, and OK, it was only a small crowd...but magic to be back at PPS watching the Rams...and winning.

    Bloke near me couldn't help himself but shout abuse at the players though, young lads included, whenever a pass went astray. Two young lads with him swearing their heads off and whining in their turn. Sad.

  6. I tried to get tickets for my family last night.

    Found I was unable to do so without setting up 3 new accounts and linking them to mine. Nightmare. I'm fuming.

    At least that's done for ever now, and everyone in the ground is identified and can be traced in the event of a positive covid test for someone in order to help fight the whole pandemic thing. Still though...that's 3 minutes of my life brutally snatched from me by the incompetence of the club. Boooo. I blame Jozwiak.

  7. 3 hours ago, JG400 said:

    I quite like watching Al Jazeera news , you tend to get less hysterics and bias than you get on BBC or Sky News (Just saying that seems wrong but there  you go)  and they do have some good/objective news documentary series so I will make sure I watch this

    A relatively common view about the BBC, and a complerely wrong one. The single most important broadcaster in the world purely because the way we fund it means it can't be bought. What bias there is there comes from the very slightly left of centre and liberal mentality which comes from being staffed by educated British people.

  8. 1 minute ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

    If we can only sign 3 or 4 then we might as well just give up now.

    Shambles of a club.

    Mel Morris took over a club on the brink of the premier League and turned them into a shoe in for relegation to League One. With that little money we can't sign more than 3 free transfers.

    I'll never forgive that bloke for what he's done to this football club.

    And I hope the fans going on Saturday let him know exactly what they think of him.

    Get some perspective bud. Think of the context in which he's operating. Think of the money he's spent chasing our dreams.

    You'll never forgive him? You want him booed? Poor show IMO.

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