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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. 13 hours ago, DCFCJim87 said:

    Whichever way these signings pan out we are massively up against it next weekend. Huddersfield have actually played a competitive game today whereas we've either fielded a very inexperienced side today which could be all we have next weekend or alternatively we make signings but they've have limited opportunities to play together in a game. I'd have rather we'd be playing one of the big guns on paper first up as at least then we could brace ourselves for what is probably coming. Worst case scenario here, we lose badly to Huddersfield we'd then be looking at playing a Salford side who've already beaten us in pre-season in a cup game, games after that against the promoted sides Hull and Peterborough. I know none of us probably expect much this season but with games against Gibson's Boro and then Forest to round off August we could all be wishing the season would end pronto by then. 

    I don't agree at all, I think you're being massively pessimistic here for no real reason

  2. 2 minutes ago, jono said:

    I really like the look of that side. I might be tempted to start Bird in one of the AM places .. his confidence will be high after the goal and I think he is better higher up the pitch, rather than as a deputy DM that was tried last year. ?

    I agree, and let's be honest, he's just warming the seat for Bielik when he returns from injury. Bird lacks something to be that holding/defensive midfielder. He's played better when he's given a bit of freedom to play further forwards. He's got an eye for a pass but when he's played deep, he just ends up passing sideways and backwards.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

    If we can't bring players in, it'll be another 30 goal season.

    And that's what I've been saying.

    Forget Rooney for a minute, forget the coaching staff, forget the shambles off the pitch, it's all about the players. We need better players. It's as simple as that.

    And I know with the current situation, it is going to be hard to bring better in. But not impossible.

    But what I would say is, just from these few games, Baldock and Aluko are not it. They are not the answer. They will not improve us. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Barney1991 said:

    Couldn’t agree more I’m watching it at work and paid more attention to my work. If this is what we go with I don’t see where the goals come from tbh and could even score less than last season (is that possible). I don’t see any change of play to the last 15 games of last season where no one goes past the halfway line 

    He's got nothing to work with. Most of these players are useless.

  5. 3 minutes ago, tombomb said:

    Hi guys, I was a season ticket holder from the age of 5 and have vivid memories of the baseball ground and attended the opening of pride park stadium. My parents job moved me to the usa and then back to bristol,uk. I now only attend the occasional game included the bristol city away matches and the rest of the games I listen on RamsTV. The big question is.....

    Does that make me a half fan? 

    Not at all

  6. 46 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Goalkeeper - good

    Fullbacks - good

    CBs - good (with free agents)

    Midfield - good (with Bielik)

    Forwards - missing a goal-scorer

    Like the optimism but at centre back we are not good, even with free agents signed. Goalkeepers are inconsistent. Midfield with Bielik is decent but still need something else in there. In forward areas we are missing more than just a goal scorer. We need more pace and power. We just need more players all over the park. I believe we will sign some players but whether they are good enough to make us look a decent team, I'm not sure. 

  7. Just now, paintingstandsatderby said:

    There seems to be loads of discussion on Rooney causing Knights injury. ....Does it actually matter??? Could have been any other player in any other tackle. It's football and injuries are part and parcel of it.

    Yeah I agree it's a non story really

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