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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. So the main points of the press conference are:

    Rooney wants to sign all of the trialists and the club are working to get it done soon.

    Rooney thinks he can get some loans in. Talking about Delap and Mengi, says he's on top of all this but it's the parent clubs decision at the end of the day.

    Rooney says he decided to go with the younger lads in Roos and Allsop and told Marshall of his decision. 'Marshall has a decision to make.' Sounds like he could be off by the end of the window.

  2. Just now, Ramos said:

    Tbh I’m not sure why everyone keeps saying protest - Mel has made it clear he’s trying to leave and has been for two years. I’d get a protest if we had a Chairman who wasn’t  budging but he’s clearly trying to get out - so what will a protest actually achieve? 

    What I don't understand is why we are going into a new season in an even worse state than we finished last season.

    After that game against Sheffield Wednesday, Rooney made it very clear that the off the field issues needed to be sorted immediately. They haven't. Why?

    Then the club put out that message 'from the top' talking all that BS about how they were going to communicate with the fans and restore our pride. Did they just forget they said that or what?

    It's a complete shambles. What exactly needs to be done to resolve this situation? Can anyone answer those questions?

  3. Just now, Sparkle said:

    I was hoping for Jagielka so very disappointed in that - if we sell Marshall and or Lawrence we may be able to bring in most of the others as that should raise the wages budget a little 

    If we sell Lawrence we may as well just give up. More goals going out of the team. And nothing better to replace them.

  4. 1 minute ago, roboto said:

    Pretty sure Marshall will go. Nothing concrete except my feelings that his mysterious injury/illness when players weren’t paid followed by a massive drop in form second half of last season. Not sure he really wants to be here tbh.

    He can go. Bang average. Many mistakes last season and in the euros.

    Roos is certainly no worse. I'd argue he's better.

    "But he doesn't play for Scotland" I hear people say. Yes, because he's Dutch.

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