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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. Just now, i-Ram said:

    The Academy comment is very odd. Morris bought in an untried ‘name’ (Lampard) and allowed him to spunk millions on average (at best) players, and also loaned 3 youngsters from other clubs obstructing a pathway for our own, and then he sacked Cocu who had much success in Holland bringing youngsters through, and who was giving our youngsters lots of game time. Supposedly he still owes Cocu and Co. massive compensation for terminating their contracts. You couldn’t make it up really.

    The bloke has lost it simple as that

  2. 1 minute ago, cosmic said:

    Ah, you know who’s he’s on about regarding us not playing enough Academy players - Liam Delap and Kaide Gordon! Delap’s being loaned out to the Championship this season, probably thinks we should have been playing him two years ago.

    Not much we can do when the big Prem clubs come knocking, Mel! 

    Exactly, I'm not sure what he wants. Our best bet of being successful is doing what we did with Lampard that season. Bring though one or two academy players, get good players on loan, combined with experienced players at this level. That group just had the right blend.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    I really don’t know why Rooney is still here to be honest. He’s said he would walk if things didn’t change, and it doesn’t appear that it has.

    Why is he coming out and not only saying he’s the most confident he’s been regarding signings and then given an actual timescale?! Who is telling him this information? They’re lying to him and in turn  the fans are being misled.

    Money can’t be the reason he’s still here, nor can career progression. One last option would be loyalty, but really?

    When did he say that? I thought he said he wasn't going to quit no matter what.

  4. 2 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    The fact that no one is saying anything, in my opinion, suggests there isnt anything good to say.

    If we were on the verge of a takeover or things were going to be ok people would be scrambling to be the first to break the news.

    I expect the meeting was just a lot of lip service without much substance. 

    Unfortunately I think you're probably right

  5. 1 hour ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Spurs? They've only won the top division twice - last in 60/61
    Arsenal haven't had a top 4 finish since Wenger was manager

    Leicester have more chance of winning it than those two. It'll be man city, Chelsea or man United this season.

  6. 23 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

    And not one Derby fan moaned at Mel spending money. Plenty of Captain Hindsights around at the minute. We gambled. It didnt work. It nearly did. Derby will build back. No doubt in my mind about that. For now we have to take our medicine and move on. Ive seen bad times before. Derby will rebuild. 

    You've said it yourself. We gambled. That's the problem. It was no way to run a football club. It was reckless. And now look at us. But I hope you're right, I hope we can rebuild.

  7. 2 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

    So you didnt simply say when we were spending money that this may bite us in the backside? No you didnt of course. You danced and sang like the rest of us. The biggest downfall we have had is not gone up in 4 play offs. Its as simple as that. 

    I had a feeling that it would bite us in the backside when signings didn't work out. But we never changed, we kept doing the same thing over and over again. Overspending. Yes we've come close, but Mel has gambled the future of the club on it. What he has done and the situation we're in now is simply unacceptable. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, DazzaRam said:

    I didnt moan when Mel was spending. So i wont be a hypocrite and moan when its gone wrong for him. Im there Saturday to support the team as always. 

    It's not being a hypocrite. We as fans didn't know all the goings on inside the club. He did. He is the owner, he is responsible. Just because we didn't moan at the time, doesn't mean we can't say anything now. We as fans expect him to run the club properly. He simply hasn't done that. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Depends how much below 20k. 18k or 19k would be disappointing but not embarrassing. I wouldn’t be surprised if attendances all round the championship are lower than you’d normally expect even for an early August game. 

    Not sure the “club is a joke” comment is really necessary.

    Fair point. Due to the pandemic, a lot will have got out of the habit of going to football and might not return for some time. And that will be the case for every club. However, due to the situation Derby are in, the problem of attendance will likely be exacerbated. It would be a great shame for a club of this size that usually has exceptional home support, to only have 18k. But, it's certainly better than nothing. Let's all get behind the team.

  10. 1 hour ago, rammieib said:

    Anything over 20k will be amazing is my honest opinion including away fans.

    17-20k expected.

    Under 17k, club has a lot of work to do on and off the field to entice fans back.

    Under 20k would be embarrassing really. But you can't blame the fans, the club is a joke. 

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