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Posts posted by Rammy03

  1. 17 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    Said this earlier in the week. No need to announce anything really, it's hardly going to add 5000+ to the gate when we announce Davies, Jagielka & Ravel is it, and the less Huddersfield know about who we have available the better.

    The attendance will improve when the club start selling season tickets and we win a few games. 

  2. 1 minute ago, LittleEatonRam said:

    Worth remembering that there were many fans who hated GSE. What a terrific job they did. Then MM rode in flashing his wallet around and everyone jumped on the bandwagon.

    "Thank God we've got Mel"

    "Roooooney! Mel's done it again!"

    I liked Mel's ambition but he's completely ducked it. He's just gone about things in totally the wrong way. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I thought they all looked decent, and haven't most of them, bar Allsop? had careers higher than we are now (ie where we ended last season)?

    That doesn't mean they're any good now. I liked the look of Morrison and Jagielka. Baldock and Aluko are not very good. But, needs must. We're in a state and need any players we can get. 

  4. Just now, cheron85 said:

    Somewhat contradictory statements there - I'd have thought if the players are as bad as you claim then they would not be capable of keeping us up


    My point was that there is this huge fuss about signing the players when in reality they are not that good anyway.

    You would have thought after all this time that we'd have found someone better. But then again, with our situation it's basically impossible.

    These players will improve us in the sense that we have a bigger squad. But out on the pitch, I can't see there being a huge difference. We'll have senior centre backs finally, which will help keep us up.

    But that just shows how far we've fallen. I'd expect a club like Derby County to have a centre half on the books going into the first league game. What a mess.

  5. 15 minutes ago, angieram said:

    I wouldn't sign Stearman or Baldock. Carroll marginal. Allsop only if Marshall is going.

    The only players out of that lot I'd sign are Morrison, Jagielka and Davies. Possibly Carroll. The rest are useless. What's happened with Wisdom? I haven't seen anything about him anywhere. The guy has just disappeared.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Kernow said:

    The reason we are in this mess isn’t because we bought players instead of using academy players. It’s because of the players we actually bought. Our recruitment strategy has been nothing short of pathetic and it puzzles me how through all the chopping and changing of managers and playing staff, nobody has ever looked at clearing the recruitment team and getting someone in who looks a little further than pissing money up the wall at any big name player or someone who is coming off the back of their first good half-season in their career.

    Nail on the head.

  7. 1 minute ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    Therefore I agree to some extent with Mel's criticism of the lack of youth exposure to the first team - what I can't understand though is why he waited until August 2019 to appoint a manager with a proven track record of developing youth. Whilst I accept the Academy model needed some years to perfect, hiring managers like Rowett & Lampard who were solely fixated on achieving success made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Their recruitment not unsurprisingly was overt short-termism - transfers on which Mel himself signed off on directly or indirectly. It was a total mismatch of strategic plan & personnel and frankly ridiculous.

    I think that's slightly unfair on Lampard. He bought Bogle through and played him all season. It's all about having the right mix so that you can blood youth while being successful at the same time. In my opinion Lampard did that very well. People criticse him over the signings he made despite the fact that it had been happening years before he even got here. Its quite clear that the recruitment team and Mel Morris are to blame for that.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Andrew3000 said:

    If true, not the mentality we need is it? 



    Nothing really in that report. Every player would prefer to challenge for promotion, its obvious. We probably won't be able to sign him anyway with whats going on at the minute

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