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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. Anyone else think this may be nothing to do with points and more attached to this proposed business plan going forward meaning we still can't sign anyone.  This could really stump any sale.

    Watching Quest who call us dull as ditch water Derby and are now reconfiguring the table with breaking news that we are taking a 9 point deduction and 3 more next season. All based on information from....... nowhere.  

  2. 2 minutes ago, Philmycock said:

    A block "storming the directors box" according to my red dog pal ? 

    They seem to be banging on about lack of players a lot this week.  They've brought in 10, but are used to having 20 to use as random doorstops and draft excluders I suppose.  Have they still got any of those Portuguese wonder kids, who could have played for Munich but chose Forest.  

  3. 1 minute ago, Steve Buckley’s Dog said:

    What are these alleged points deductions actually for, does anyone know? Is it going to remain a secret? I don’t really understand. 9 points would relegate us unfortunately, in my opinion. How could we get more than Wednesday who deliberately put the sale of their stadium in the wrong year and thus failed FFP. Maybe we have failed FFP. Maybe they are holding our chief scouts hostage and we think 9’points is worth paying to release them. Who knows. Another reason to make god only knows our new club anthem.

    For selling 57 million quid's worth of players in 5 years in an attempt to break the rules, while Bournemouth with an average attendance of about 9,000 can have 20 million pound players and a wage bill of 70 million a season.  


  4. 9 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    It's the Daily Fail, so pinch of salt taken.

    I'd much prefer something a little less punitive, but tbh I'm getting to the point where it just needs resolving. The longer it takes the less likely a takeover is.

    Isn't that were we started supposedly. 




  5. 23 minutes ago, Foreveram said:

    If you want a cheap match you could go to the s*ltty ground tonight,£20 adults and kids for a quid . Gumps v Ah’m not avin that,warnock , could be worth it for the comedy value 

    Do they still sell student tickets up to the age of 24 for £5 and season tickets for £90.  More expensive for a pint before the game than going.  That's ok and fills seats but is always laughable when used as an attendance stick. 

    That reminds me, I must get rid of all those £100 quid phones I supposedly got for free with match tickets.  I've got at least 4 van loads to take to the tip.

  6. 4 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    documentary where the boss' mate goes on the 'inside' and stunningly finds everything is hunky dory at a club that has won 2 games from their last 24 and won once this season. 

    I remember when he was one of the gruesome twosome all over social media for a month, the other being Drogba, posting daily videos about Lampard taking over at Chelsea.  His opinion on our club was evident enough in those videos, so no need to watch. Surprised they let him in the door.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

    Unbelievable isn't it that this seems to be the tactical masterstroke of the championship.....buy a couple of lumberjacks and a former javelin thrower.

    When have we got Cardiff. Stoke next the original masters of this dark art.

  8. Just now, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Roos - 10 - MOM, best performance in a rams shirt. Outstanding.

    Byrne - 6 - Is it him or Rooney’s tactics? Badly out of position again a few times in the second half.

    Buchanan - 8 - Excellent defensive performance 

    Jagielka - 8

    Davies - 9

    Shinnie - 6

    Knight - 6

    Sibley - 6

    Jozwiak - 6

    Williams - 8 - what a league debut, he is some talent.

    Baldock - 4 

    Pretty much right.  Byrne seems to leave Jagielka exposed to covering him somewhat.  

  9. 1 minute ago, Tombo said:

    I'd look into the mitigating circumstances surrounding the incident you are referring to before trying to make a joke about it mate

    Was it his loan spell here. He should try watching.

  10. Very scrappy this one. If their top shows how utterly cack this league is. Shame we having nothing up top with Baldock . One chance to take it and shoot and passes. Strength of a gnat as well. Nice if he gets a winner though. We really need to get a striker in for options . 

  11. 43 minutes ago, atherstoneram said:

    Did he???. That was what the club said in one of their infrequent press releases,whether that is correct is open to conjecture. Did he jump or was he pushed.

    I imagine if he left he wouldn't be getting a pay off.  So you would be correct in that assumption.

  12. 8 hours ago, Crewton said:

    And yet Rooney is statistically doing better than Cocu was at the start of last season, despite having to deal with even more political/financial crap than Cocu ever had to and operating under even tighter restrictions. And which young players were actually playing well when Cocu left? 

    I swear that the idea that another manager would be doing noticeably better is becoming a meme based on very little credible analysis. Rooney currently has a better ppg record than Hughton and Pearson, and Paul Cook is struggling at Ipswich. It's just baseless imo. 

    Rooney isn't carrying his builders arse around the pitch for the first 7 or 8 games which probably helps.

    Sibley, Knight and Bird played far better under Cocu in my opinion, which I stand by. Sibley now looks like a player desperate to do something and Bird is anonymous most of the time . As for Knight, he was knackered for the last 15 games of the season but kept being rolled out, then his own manager bust his ankle, say no more.   Rooney seems to be copying the template of a manager and his team that had a supposed 4 million payoff. Why get rid if no-ones earmarked to change things. If Bielik hadn't come into the side for 8 games or so we're on a streak of about 3 or 4 wins in a year.  

  13. 7 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

    The problem with Rooney last season was that we didn't have a style of play. Logically, this made absolutely 0 sense because if you're mimicking your oppositions style the likelihood is they'll be better than you at it. It was indefensible and led to a shameful run that lacked both performances and points. I felt last season he should have been removed with immediate effect post Sheffield Wednesday. 

    This season Wayne has finally decided to develop a style that is still in progress. My current view is that it's not fantastic either defensively or going forward. Too often we look edgy at the back and conceding chances because of individual errors fostered by the style or because of space left due to the desire to have full backs far up the pitch. Going forward in the games I've watched (Huddersfield, Middlesborough, Stoke, Peterborough, and Birmingham) we've looked poor lacking the ability to unlock defences and create actual opportunities. 

    However, he does have mitigating circumstances this year and at this point Mel is Rooney's best defence. I'd give him until november/december and if we're in the relegation places at that point it'll be necessary to have a conversation with him that ends with him leaving the club. Our current run over the past 22 games is so poor that even by chance almost anyone could have done better and at some point it's got to reach the level of just being unacceptable. He doesn't deserve a full season but a run of a few months to see if he can turn it around. 

    Isn't it exactly the same style Cocu utilised though.  He was certainly struggling when he went, but by all accounts the club are paying of 4 million quid to an ex manager and have replaced him with someone copying his template and not as well looking at the form of some of the younger players.  

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