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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 18 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    I am sure the EFL would prefer us to have been done before they agree on Reading punishment 

    if other clubs are to fail then it needs to happen by March to count this season so it’s unlikely any more will join us 

    Pretty sure they won't want the same situation.  Any points will probably be deducted in the next few months.  Made sure they allowed them to bring in a couple of Chelsea players first mind. All rather odd if they were that close to the knuckle.

  2. 32 minutes ago, baiano27 said:

    That's correct. I've not heard about Keogh. Always thought it was the Bryson deal which triggered demands from other players and the club caved in.

    To be fair that season was always going to push up the wages significantly , especially if clubs the division above were interested with most having clauses or a year on there contract.  Our problem was we then paid even more or the same amount to players higher division clubs were pushing out the door or those who higher division clubs wouldn't want in a month of Sundays.

  3. 9 hours ago, Seth's left foot said:

    All players ask for more money and didn’t Bryson change his mind about going to Burnley?

    Some fans will slate Keogh for his payout too but I am one of those who think that he was made the scapegoat for ‘that’ night.

    Yes, when he was made the highest paid player at the time .  To be fair he'd earned it.  Unlike Keoghs pay out .

  4. 17 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    He doesn’t own the ground. MSD do. If he pays their loan off, the company that owns it owes the club £millions in purchase price.

    We have a ground to play in, I can’t think why MDS or Mel would want to deny the clue use of the ground. Has anyone suggested they will? Mel said the opposite. The club has a lease of the ground  (but admittedly that lease might fall away on administration)

    Sure his legacy is tarnished if he leaves the club in a worse state than when he bought it. We would all like him to dig deeper into his pockets. But this suggestion he is obliged to restore it to its original position is nonsense


    I always understood he took a loan against the ground of 15 million?  If he pays the loan back in full and that on the training ground they would come back to his ownership.  If not why not .  Is this another cluster he's caused.

  5. 5 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    By the time this all ends he will have put,  what,  £250 million into our club. Criticise the mistakes if you want. But where does it come from, your bizarre notion that because he bought the club he is indentured to put every last penny into it ? It’s just a weird proposition 

    No, just enough to pay the tax bill and the loans he took on so we can have a ground to play in. He can sell the ground back to a new investor at 4 million a year for the next 15 years if he likes.  Or he can look for someone to pay his bills, not get it and be the man who destroyed a founder member of the football league.  If the club didn't have debt to carry it would have been sold 12 months ago.  EFL or not. Probably to a decent investor as well, rather than 50p millionaires who have come and gone.

  6. 3 hours ago, Seth's left foot said:

    It’s not often I say this but there’s been a good call on Radio Derby tonight. It was highlighting how our wage bill went from £14m a year when we lost to QPR in the play off final to £40m just a few seasons later! Covid wasn’t invented then Mel! 

    Keogh started that by demanding 25k a week to stay and not go to Burnley - just after his wembley treat- this in turned put up Brysons wage who Burnley also wanted and then more for the rest.  Ironically we tried to buy Simon Francis and Matt Ritchie from Bournemouth that summer and that with a fit Thorne would have pissed the division.  Bournemouth turned us down despite being massively over FFP and got promoted.  

  7. 29 minutes ago, One Andy Weimann said:

    What happens now depends on what is uncovered by the administrator. No one knows what went into the compilation of the accounts, is/was there anything being hidden to be frank. LOL! As fAr as Wycombe having recourse against the EFL is between them, not anyone’s problem except theirs, but they will be making the EFL justify decisions over Derby in the light of the current circumstances, which is what I would be thinking..Then it’s all about if they can on the balance of probability show improper procedure or conclusions  

    What will likely happen is suit will be filed against the perceived plaintiffs whomever they may be What happens next is something called discovery then it’s all up for grabs, make no mistake. I would be expecting that sooner rather than later

    Discovery, in the law of common law jurisdictions, is a pre-trial procedure in a lawsuit in which each party, through the law of civil procedure, can obtain evidence from the other party or parties by means of discovery devices such as interrogatories, requests for production of documents, requests for admissions etc


    I'll be honest mate.  If I want to read this crap, I'd head over to see what Mr Pop says on your forum.  Make no mistake your bitter as the rest over their and would love us to go under. 

  8. 23 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    I understand their grievances. I didn't last year because well it wasn't like we were anywhere near the team that broke P&S. Nevertheless, they do have a good case considering their losses. It would absolutely put us in the mire more so than we already are, so I would again go back to the point - liquidate the club and start again. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is more painful than all this off-the-field baalocks. 

    Midlands Counties Division 3... whatever the level. I just want to focus on the football again. 

    Your ok thanks

  9. 12 minutes ago, Rample said:

    Notice the 2 letters of the Loughborough sign still haven't been fixed since last match, can we not even afford lightbulbs?

    Wonder if the microphone was repossessed?

    Actually no. Long story and a bit boring. Essentially, my cousin works with one of the community teams that use moor farm - only allowed to use one half the lights since last year. 

  10. 28 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    On the KM podcast he (KM) mentions he’s spoken to people who are in the process of selling businesses to Mel Morris!!!

    This isn’t can’t pay anymore, this is won’t pay anymore and he’s prepared to put the club at risk because he won’t stand behind HIS gambles. 

    I’ve reflected more on that interview and in my initial comments i went easy on him. He had the audacity to say this course of action is the best most positive way forward for the club to get a buyer and move forward. It’s unbelievable he said that!! 

    The more I think about it I realise what a dire position HE has put us in BY CHOICE and the angrier and angrier I feel.

    Absolutely, been saying that since Friday.  Pay your loans off and what's owed in tax.  Take 5 million a year for the ground and at a reasonable sale price . Gift the academy to the club as you've been banging on about it being your legacy for years. He has a point with the EFL and the stadium debacle and the amortisation.  Potentially that cost the club a loan of uncertain proportion, but the basic of running a business is keeping your tax liability straight and we don't owe the figure bandied about for one year of trading.  Other than that , I'm struggling.  Chancer



  11. 54 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    The more I think about it, the less credible it seems the administration can possibly be anything other than Mel is fed of paying and isn't going to do it any more.


    He doesn't want to sell the club for cash in his account but doesn't want to pay debt accrued whilst here, He should pay the lot including the any HMRC liability and loans associated with the stadium.  Should he then wish to sell or lease the stadium back to a new owner, deal with that then. I assume that's not in his remit hence the unnecessary administration.  The sponsorship and gate receipts from the current season is more than enough to cover the clubs outgoings for this year and in perpetuity with the right balance.  I'm still not seeing where this figure of 26 million to HMRC has come from . Must have missed it somewhere.  I know they do a name and shame now which seems alien to me but there you go. Was it on there?

  12. 4 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    He seemed to contradict himself to me.

    Sure he said something about he would be getting back nothing like what he had put in.

    Then he said he would be getting nothing back.

    Also said he would do anything he could to help sell the club...well how about clearing all of the debts run up during his tenure...that would be a good start. 

    That did cross my mind.  At least any tax due.  Is it 26 million. Not sure where that figures come from .  Seems pretty unlikely they would let PAYE arrears run that high.

  13. 12 minutes ago, Tombo said:

    Yes because they disputed the valuation. For us to buy the stadium back, there's no way the EFL will allow us to receive it for less without punishment

    If he owns it the valuation makes no difference to what he sells it for.  If he gifts it to an individual as part of any deal the tax implication would be substantial to him personally.  If it's still affiliated to the club in anyway, I suppose in theory it may go down as some sort of loss if he gives it for free thereby putting us in some breach of FFP further down the line.  

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