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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. Just now, Wistaston Ram said:

    Also remember Miles Addison having a blinder at St James Park a few years later in a hard fought 0.0.

    Played 98 minutes after 4 months out with a stress fracture in the foot.  Injured it again after 70 minutes and wasn't taken off, so a point could be proved about squad depth. Unforgiveable Management towards a young player.  Not sure he played again for us.

  2. 29 minutes ago, JfR said:

    Forest making some BIG moves to close out the window

    Never seen a highlights reel for a forward where it takes 2 minutes to show them scoring a goal

    A Portuguese second division player who played in Greece.  They must be bored of them now surely. ?

  3. 8 minutes ago, SparxTheRam said:

    Yet Reading who are supposedly under same embargo we are have signed international free agents like halilovic and Drinkwater and Rehman on loans ... Absolute bullsh*t

    Chelsea are the Scrooge of deals .  They must be covering 80-85% of wages . They don't do this. Very odd.  Have Reading given Chelsea half there U16 team to get them to cover these wages, like we did with Man Utd to get Mengi for 3 hours of football.

  4. 17 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

    Funny you say that, after the game i was waiting in players car park and Mac came out. I did not realise he was still around. I just assumed he was gone after all the cost cutting exercises

    I have no idea why he's here, other than maybe taking training in the week if Rooney or Rosenior buggers of home.  I assume they do and he has a house here.

  5. 13 minutes ago, StrawHillRam said:

    Feels like a defeat to me too

    Seems a long time since we had a game against Forest where we haven't made an error to gift them a goal and at the other end we haven't been robbed of a penalty or had a perfectly good goal chalked off.  The only one in return was Worrall and Sambas  treat the other year.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Generally heartened by that.

    We should have had 2 or 3 penalties with them also having a player sent off, plus we had the better chances. But the game would have changed if Fozzy had been sent off at the start. Was it deliberate? An official could have given it.

    The movement from our forwards was often great, but we're not clinical enough. And the fiasco over the (lack of the) Stretton substitution contributed to a significant momentum shift in the game.

    For their goal the ball went right through all our defence and Stretton particularly should have cleared it. The player shot hard and low. It was at Roos but they're not always easy to stop. Yes it should have been kicked away but they quite often go in.

    What a difference a win would have made and the fault for not winning is roughly half on the ref and half on us not taking our chances.

    That was poor.  Must have been a good 4 or 5 minutes

  7. We finished the first half badly and took it into the second half .  Change it then Wayne.  Unhappy about the handball and might have to get his players to start diving to get penalties.  Don't tell others that.

    Lawrence broke down with a groin problem by the sound of it after having an injection.  

  8. 12 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    Max Lowe has signed for them and is available for selection for this game. 

    If he plays the crowd has got to be merciless in terms of "Derby reject" and boos. It's our job to knock him out of his stride, make him not want the ball or be worried every time it goes in his direction.


    It works.  I remember Paul Williams getting that much grief that he was a walking red card and Strachan took him off after 40 minutes. Paul Kitson got the same against West Ham - or it seemed that way.  It was actually his doppelganger from Denmark making his debut as a sub and they announced Kitson coming on. Bloke got absolute pelters for about 5 minutes. 

  9. 46 minutes ago, Sufferingfool said:

    I have stopped listening to RD because I couldn’t take any more of Ed Dawes sure he’s passionate and better without Craig Rammage but no not for me. Turned on tonight reluctantly and so refreshing to hear Chris Coles the game flew by. No hyperbole no squeaking like a wronged child just good clear balanced commentary. Well done that man.

    You mean your not inspired by 5 minutes of apoplectic rage about an opposition throw in on the half way line, followed by a further minutes about reffing some U12s team and the 15.30 train from Hull to Filey appearing in the distance followed by a couple of Canadian Geese.

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