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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 42 minutes ago, Marriott Ram99 said:

    We could definitely stay up, you seriously think being good enough to finish 13th - 14th is an impossibility with our squad because I don't? We will need 57-61 points which is an average midtable finish. 

    Even if we get another 9 points added on it will be very hard but not impossible if we can add a striker in January +Bielik has an impact like last season. 

    I seriously think that yes.  Especially if we start shipping out the players we have and pick up an injury or two. To come back from minus 11 would be a feat not seen since Moses parted the red sea.  Played well this week though.  Under admin, Bielik would be first to go if he's fit unfortunately, to the first club who will pay what we owe Arsenal as its debt, perhaps with more on top if there's more than one interested party 

  2. 1 hour ago, David said:

    As I just replied in another post, -5, 10pts from safety, that could be 7 by the end of the day. That's not a write off.

    If they slap the other 9 on then yeah, that becomes a task that would be too much.

    Hopefully the admin process can be completed by January by which point Bielik and CKR will be back.

    I just don't believe that right now, as of today this season is over, and I hope the players share that belief.

    As for Rooney's wages again, it came from the Sun, DET rehashed it, credited the Sun. I just have a hard time believing they would have the figures of his contract.

    The biggest risk is the club won't be able to fulfill its fixtures.  Assets will be sold and we won't be able to a team out . Admin with this many games to play is insanity.  

    As for staying up, that's finished. No hope. Staying in business is the worry.

  3. 5 minutes ago, Miggins said:

    Well said, @BramcoteRam84. Compare this with the club's statement last night that administration comes at a time when 'financial forecasts show the emergence of a financially sustainable picture.' What a lamentable state of affairs.

    The upshot is that financially I see no reason with the running costs of the club having reduced drastically that we should be in admin.  If things are so desperate you sell a couple of players in the summer gone to fund ongoing loan repayments/ wages knowing EFL issues may drag on.  

  4. 2 hours ago, sage said:

    As I said, I'm not saying this will work or it's a good idea, but there is more to this than 'we are going into administration'

    That may well be the endgame, but I think there are potential twists and turns to come.


    There honestly isn't.  If you go into administration your basically saying you have debt you can't service.  It was against league rules to go from one season to the next in admin.  The only exception given to this, was dispensation for Leeds who should have gone out of business.  If you see them talking baalocks over the next week, remember they did it and worse than we have by circumnavigating the rules whilst in admin.  As for supposedly pooping on there floor, when they won at Watford in the playoffs there players openly admitted to not just crapping on the floor but spreading it all over the walls in some form of dirty protest .  Vile club.

  5. 2 hours ago, sage said:

    Out of interest, does anyone know what Notice to Appoint Administrators means?

    Why companies do it, and why MM has done it?


    He can't be arsed to asset strip the club to payoff creditors himself as we plummet to League 1, so he'll pay someone to do it.  Perhaps one of the financial wizards he's employed over the last few years could have a go.

  6. 1 hour ago, Red Ram said:

    Mel's reign has, by definition, been a disaster given how it's ended. I agree it's ludicrous to blame the EFL. But it's totally unfair to compare Mel to the 3 Amigos. They were  extracting money from the club. Mel has put in millions and unquestionably wanted success for the club above all else. Unfortunately the best squad we've had under Mel was the one he inherited the day before the play-off final against QPR. Since then he's spent getting on for £50 million making it weaker.

    Assuring a fanbase that the club won't go into admin and flogging 16.000 season tickets a week before doing that, seems much and the same to me.  The biggest disaster to happen to this club.  ******** and bluster.

  7. 1 hour ago, sage said:

    I agree, but could he go on £500 a week so the groundsmen, tea ladies and office staff keep their jobs.


    I would imagine he'll just go without severance and lodge a claim for a few million with the official receiver in a few months when we have no buyer, as will the poor buggers on 200 quid a week.  They might get a tenner sometime in the 12 months. I imagine if Wassall's gone it was an agreed figure for years of service before the poo hit the fan.  Behind the façade this has probably been coming for a while.

  8. If I stood in a pile of vomit, then stood in a piece of fresh dog poo, then topped it off by glueing it together standing in a bit of chewing gum. 

    Just below that out of 10.

    I would also like to add the shoe would wind up in a set of drawers at the EFL, preferably on a very hot day as there poo housing has made the problem worse. 

  9. 3 minutes ago, YouRams said:

    So why hasn’t Mel just sold us for £1 we take the 6/9 point deduction and hope a new owner can save us from relegation this year? What’s the benefit to him or the club putting us into admin?

    Or is he to be believed that we can’t find a buyer and we’re simply losing too much money to carry on?

    The only benefit I can see is keeping cash in the bank.  As I put on here before , I dealt with administrators for a number of years and can see no reason.   

  10. 14 minutes ago, YouRams said:

    Can someone please give me a dumbed down explanation of how ****** we are and what admin actually means, are we still going to have a club to support? 

    Basically we've been here before but the last time we owed a bank money -co op -30 million quid which we cleared on promotion , hence the reason we got Andy Todd and ilk.  A least the debt was contained to a degree on that occasion.  This time its a myriad of poo and could see us go out of business in a few months and result in player sales to fund various creditors.  I expect to see us in League 2 barring a miracle in 2 years if there is a club at all .  the EFL are responsible for this putting off sale of the club by osmosis but no more than Morris who has effectively talked baalocks for 12 months.  With the cost of running this club at the minute - we are still getting TV money, gate revenue and sponsorship- putting it into admin is just disgraceful .  He should be ran out of town 

  11. Thinking about it logically. The EFL must be pretty keen to get this sorted . If they don't and we get another 4 or 5 games down the line and are at sat on 8 -11 points the club will think 9 points and we're down anyway. At that point we tell them to shove it there rear and take it further as 9 or 21 points makes no difference and it could be 3- 6 reduced based on previous cases.  This goes on another 10 days and I can see there arse going.  There probably desperate for us to win the next one for the first time in years.

  12. League 1 could be interesting next year with all these embargoed and FFP bankrupt clubs in it Derby, Portsmouth, Sunderland, Sheff Wednesday, possibly Forest as well.  I assume the TV rights will be renegotiated as all the biggest clubs outside the Premier leagues top 10 will be in that league. Are Reading signing any more 100 k a week players this week under their embargo. EFL protecting its members my arse. 

  13. Just now, B4ev6is said:

    Actually mate if Derby accepted new business plan Derby be able to sign players again for fees.

    If we take a 9 point deduction, added to a chairman who doesn't want to fund loans never mind fees, were pretty much down.  We haven't got enough in the side to make up a 7 point gap. Being a trier won't get enough goals.    

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