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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 6 hours ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    Would that be the same George Thorne who played in 8 years 57 games for the Rams and scored 2 goals after signing for £3 million so taking into account his wages of £10 million in that period so we paid him £2,500 for every minute he played for the Rams, and £6.5 million for every goal, he was pants as his entire career shows 129 games in 10 years and only 6 goals. Whats more Morris cannot be blamed for his signing.

    I'm pretty sure he played here for 5 years and had a year on loan. I'm sure he was on a good wage but probably not 25 k a week.  He certainly wasn't pants, he was the best midfielder in the division at one point . in fact if he hadn't bust his knee playing on that farmyard in a friendly we would have peed the league in 14/15. If he hadn't broke his leg in that pointless appearance, we'd have peed the playoffs the following year. 

  2. 9 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    My personal favourite deal during the Mel era was sending Chris Martin off to Fulham for 12 months, with a likelihood of sale, giving him an extended and enhanced contract 6 months into that deal as Mac wanted him back, sacking Mac 2 months later, and then loaning out Martin for a couple of seasons. Genius.

    Darren Bent turning up fo rpre season when no-one knew he was coming back is still the best .  An extra 30k a week for 12 months triggered by a sub appearance .  Giving a 29 year old winger a 4 year year deal on over 20 k a week was almost as good.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Is it worth me going a bit early, and maybe buying a shirt or summat... that's assuming they have any left in a regular adult size!  I'd go for the yellow keeper one, I reckon?

    Does the dosh go to the club, or to that new-fangled agent shopkeeper company thing?  ?‍♂️

    I'd be careful with that kind of purchase, you might find yourself pressganged into playing.


    Appears Sheff utd sing this song regular as well about some one.  Must be in the in thing.  Probably not the only club who should be self flagellating it appears.

    Derby fans are so thick they actually believe what they were singing is true Then again so did some of ours at Hull that were singing it

    They were singin that about ? on the kop today, no idea why tbh

  5. 31 minutes ago, I DONT MIND said:

    The newer version of the Collymore song is overly offensive, although he did bring a lot of that on himself with the celebration with Dwight Yorke, after Yorke finished off Dean Yeates's career. (Still don't make it right though). The original version that is a lot more passive about him not being good enough to play for England is ok.

    Seeing that in the flesh and the high five afterwards he most certainly deserves a lovely song.  

  6. 10 hours ago, Eddie said:

    Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood

    A re-imagining of the Manson murders.

    Simply wonderful - this is what Tarantino is about.

    Kevin Hector/10.

    I was disappointed to be honest .  The set designs and clothing were very well thought out .  A fortune was spent on making everything looks as it did in 1969 which looked great and the soundtrack was great but I think the ending was poor.  All left me a bit cold. Probably expected more with the hype .  It's no Pulp Fiction.  A lot was cut apparently and a directors cut is supposed to be on the way, including a lot more of Emile Hersh Jay Sebring character, so will have another look then.

  7. Just now, Papahet said:

    Why does Billy Sharp hate us so much? Literally scores and starts screaming towards the away end…

    Baffled his hatred 

    He's a dick. He hates us because of one horrible comment he received when he played for Forest regarding the death of his child after he posted something himself .  Not sure why you would behave as he does to the rest of the supporters, particularly as the clubs fans raised a shitload of money for the charity he set up.  Two brain cells.

    No point saying we deserved a point or more today I'm afraid, We volunteer for defeat  too often at our own hands. You just can't do that poo in the position were in. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    He really isn’t going to sue us. He only had one whinge if I remember correctly. The valuation of the ground. The EFL tacked the other one on late in the day. I think Gibson was not out of order to challenge the Stadium valuation either. It may not have been found in his (the EFLs favour) but let’s say it had been found to be valued incorrectly and was only worth say £60m we would now be arguing about a £24m over spend for the 3 years up to 17/18 rather than the ‘about £4m’ Morris admitted to on Sunday. Gibson was ahead of the curve compared with many Fans on here. He was concerned, on behalf of his club, that the system was being gamed.

    For the record, again, I do notwithstanding think Gibson is a Bamford.

    i am bemused by the whole thing to be honest . Far as I can tell he initially complained about us villa, and wednesday.  He only pressed the issue on us on two occasions, despite Villa surging past both clubs and getting promoted and Wednesday having deducted points on the incorrect account submission, not the actual sale.  As he can't challenge the EFL to push for it again , he's effectively looking into taking a civil action, as far as I'm aware against competition regs and based on spurious rubbish .  He's not bothering and has never really bothered with the other two.  He knows by pushing the club to liquidation he cuts any income for Morris when he leaves re the stadium. That's the only explanation now.  Whether he wins or not is irrelevant, its the problems he can cause he's interested in and the death of the club is a by product. 

  9. 4 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    Well I'd rather have a Chairman like Steve Gibson than the one we've got. He's using this to take us out the picture, five years ago we were one of the key teams in this league, next year we may well not even be in it. I'd say Gibson would consider that mission accomplished. You might not like this tactics or focus on us but is has proved effective and if it was the other way round we'd all be cheering him for outing a club not wanting to play by the rules.

    I honestly wouldn't. The clubs been hammered and will be further.  His whinge has been addressed twice and was deemed unchargeable. All he's doing now is trying to but a club that's been around 137 years out of business by driving up legal costs.  What a thoroughly horrific piece of pond life.  

  10. Just now, Ramslad1992 said:

    Absolute idiots the lot of them… they’re the same people who are to blame for the elderly not being able to get their groceries or celiacs not being able to get gluten free pasta because during lockdown all the cockwombles bought gluten free pasta once the normal had ran out. 

    no wonder the planet is ducked when there’s so many idiots.

    can’t wait for Christmas when people are fighting in the shops for a turkey.

    I think my favourite 3 days of last year were back in March driving round shops and chemists in Derby trying to find new born formula for my sisters baby as she was struggling to feed .  Found 1 as the shelves had been cleared . Plenty on ebay for 70 quid a pop though and calpol at 30 quid .  This country has a lot of selfish profiteering crap bags in it I'm afraid.  

  11. 19 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    And is that A an indication of his intention given the likely timescale or B an undertaking that whatever the EFl does to him and whatever else happens he will fund in perpetuity ?? 
    B, you seem to be saying   Really ?

    No. Not in the real world 

    The words are there in black and white.  It can't be read any other way.  No ifs no buts .  If that doesn't suit you that's your issue .  

  12. 16 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    What actually did he say ? 

    Interview in February

    His personal investment in Derby since he took control in 2015 is now ‘more than £200million’, and despite that being money he will NEVER recover, he will continue to bankroll the club until ‘a new custodian for this great club’ is in place

    For fans worried about the club’s short and medium-term future, Morris insists he will be around to keep it afloat until a transition to a new owner is complete, whoever that is. ‘Literally every day is spent trying to work out how to improve our situation,’ he says.

    Despite everything, he says he has no regrets about spending more than £200m on his club. ‘I don’t believe in having regrets. You do something and you get on with it. Looking backwards never does anyone any good. My focus every single day is to get this club into the best possible position going forward, as it always has been.’

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