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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 1 hour ago, Bianoic said:

    If you cant pay HMRC then its a pretty fair bet that you are in severe financial straits and therefore are unlikely to meet other liabilities and debts as well. Its pretty well a last resort to not pay these people. The only people who don't pay are those that cant. And everybody knows this. 
    So its not really a surprise that the EFL treat this as a massive red flag, I’m afraid.

    I'm not sure it's a case of owing HMRC money as such.  As a business it's making none.  So it's quite likely to be penalties for non submitted accounts at companies house showing no corporation tax is due, which it seems clear the club aren't doing for some EFL related reason.  The HMRC debt might be a grand in associated penalties. If it was PAYE/NIC owed we would likely be up in court already and the magnitude would be common knowledge.

  2. 12 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    In fairness, I think Mel would have kept him, especially given the £8 million severance payment! Not sure the same could be said of the fans though...

    Was that seriously his pay off . The mind boggles. Fwanks compo paid for some of it I suppose

  3. 2 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    I thought we lost money on the Russell and Shotton transfer fees ? And from what I remember the Albantosa fee was a marginal profit at best? - Hendrick is by a long way our most profitable sale which is probably highlighted by the amount of premiership minutes he has played, he was the most suited to the premiership. 

    We made money on Shotton - somehow.  Our income as a club and transfer fee to cash shelled out on fees isn't that bad at all bar the splurge under Clement.  What's killed the club is the frankly ludicrous wages shelled out over 5 years.  We paid Bent a reported 30k a week for a season he wasn't even supposed to be here anymore. Anya on over 20k a week for getting 4 years of splinters.  Butterfield and Blackman on the same for being out on loan at other clubs.  Blackman could have had his own programme - going on a European tour with Nick - this episode Turkey. 

  4. On 05/09/2021 at 19:29, B4ev6is said:

    What I mean telling were something my since duration is useless.

    Straight of the bus and down living dead alley - formerly East Street, Straight over the intersection at Mamba row -used to be St Peters street, pass St Peters churchyard benches were you'll find Derbys finest screaming obscenities and look for the old theatre on the corner, the one that looks likes it been used for carpet bombing practise for twenty years, this is Muggers Mews - formerly Green Lane.  Then your at Macklin Street.

  5. 3 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

    When I first moved to Leicester I ordered a curry mix. They looked at me confused, no idea what it was. 

    I explained it chips with curry on top. 

    so they served me a tray of chips and a pot of curry. 

    ‘no, the curry’s supposed to go on top of the chips’.

    ’I don’t get what you mean, can’t you just pour the curry over yourself.’

    ’well, yes, I suppose I could, but that’s not a curry mix, you’re supposed to do it for me. You’re ruining curry mixes for me.’

    i couldn’t really come up with a good argument of why I couldn’t just do it myself. Suddenly I felt very demanding insisting that the girl behind the counter do it for me. 

    You should have told her that people in Derby are more environmentally friendly clearly and putting curry unnecessarily in a pot made of polystyrene and plastic might be ok in Leicester but not down the road in a real football city.  Then walked off shaking your head muttering about landfill.

  6. 1 hour ago, Kinder said:

    I’m loving it as well mate! Very progressive, some incredible guitar work from Adrian especially. It’s challenging, with three 10+ minute tracks to finish, but they’re actually three of the strongest tracks on the album. Awesome!


    How you can listen to this lot after what McBrain did to Poom I don't know. Cost him a month wage fine as well.

    Unlikely sporting links - No 2 Footballers' weird injuries

    Sun 3 Dec 2000 20.31 GMT

    Mart Poom's penis

    Derby's Estonian goalkeeper bruised his penis playing in a charity football match against Iron Maiden earlier this year. Poom, playing as a striker in the match, collided awkwardly with the heavy metal band's keeper as he headed in a goal.

  7. 52 minutes ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

    I assume it must be. 

    When I asked for a mix in our local Hampshire chippy I got a Long Island Iced Tea.... ?

    I asked for a pea mix in Wolverhampton , Cue very vacant stare from the girl behind the counter.  Offering to 'wash the pots' is another cue for a vacant stare as is asking for a cob although that may be slightly more widespread than Derby..

  8. 1 minute ago, Crewton said:

    I remember when Maxwell loaned £1m to Spurs so they could buy Gary Lineker, at a time when he was starving DCFC of funds and denuding the squad. Lineker promptly scored the only goal of Spurs win at the BBG, helping us on our way to relegation. No-one could say he didn't have Derby's best interests at heart. 

    Mentioned that one a while back. Think they signed him after he ditched his Thames Valley Royals idea. A loan as a down payment to buying them.  Then he overspent on purchasing the New York Times and couldn't shift Derby as by that time we were pretty much down.  Think he wanted 10 million for the club, which was a huge sum at the time, to help him buy Spurs.  He wouldn't sell to Pickering either and used Brian Fearn as a go between and took the Saunders and Wright money to make up the difference.  


  9. 1 minute ago, JfR said:

    Also, does anyone else remember Cafu having a couple of nasty kicks out at Waghorn in this same fixture last season? Presumably he got punished retrospectively for violent conduct, right?

    I remember Clarke being put out of action for 5 weeks following a Yates rugby tackle.  Any retrospective ban .

  10. 28 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    As good as Archied's?

    "Pop Group Right Said Fred say a now-deleted tweet criticised for confusing statistics from a new study into the effects of the COVID-19 vaccines on ‘long COVID’ was 'taking the piss'

    The study from King’s College London shows adults who are fully vaccinated are 47% less likely to have long COVID should they contract COVID-19. This suggests those vaccinated are more likely to experience less severe symptoms, or even be asymptomatic, when infected than people who are unvaccinated."

    This would be the same Right Said Fred requesting anyone wearing a mask stay away from them as they were defunct and didn't exist as far as they were concerned .  Cue lots of people pointing out if they require any medical treatment they should probably invest in some leaches.  Deeply Dipshit

  11. 9 minutes ago, Ellafella said:

    We know Craig’s character and he is an honest and fair footballer. Not a deliberate act; unfair punishment in my book. And as others have pointed out, what about the penalty decisions: the handball by the Florist defender described as “clever” by the Snotts Evening post. 

    Has that Middlesbrough player had his 3 game ban yet for playing rollerball with Jagielkas head . Thought not

  12. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Maybe we're waiting for this money to pay the 'missing' transfer instalment?

    More likely we were hoping to shift Marshall by midnight to avoid paying some transfer instalment.  What a rudderless poo show. 

  13. 25 minutes ago, Zag zig said:

    Just about beat Ireland on his own in the last minute and extra time (though it was a great cross 1st goal and uncharacteristic of him, he missed an earlier penalty).

    Headlines seem to suggest he should have been sent off after missing the penalty. ?

  14. 7 hours ago, Archie said:

    Have any idea what happened to the time capsule that was buried at the Osmaston End for this match? I'm sure it was this one. I assume dug up when the ground was demolished? 

    Night time cup games were the best.  Sheff Wednesday 3-3 was a belter .  The atmosphere at the 4-3 Villa game in the FA cup was brilliant even though we lost.  You won't get that at any cup game now as there just a place to showcase those U23's in front of 10,000-till the SF anyway.  A real loss.  

  15. 30 minutes ago, GangwayD said:

    Martin ‘Crazy like a Fool’ Kuhl’s debut  at home. 

    Absolutely ran the show and Arthur said he was the missing piece in his jigsaw of a very young side he’d put together. 

    Substituted on 85 minutes to a standing ovation. 

    One other was the lad on loan from Wolves, Lee, surname escapes me, who also had a great debut, scored a belter. Didn’t do much after.

    Gangway D from the terrace


    Lee Mills. Appears his actual name was Rowan. I think he scored a few then Smith swapped him for Van Der Laan as part of the deal. . People weren't to happy at the time . 

  16. 7 minutes ago, Heisenberg said:

    Tyrone Mears in the play-off final was colossal, if my memory serves me right.

    Performed two inch perfect tackles in the penalty area to stop WBA and wasn’t beaten all afternoon.

    The one he did on Koumas was a proper crap your pants one. Especially the way he went sprawling.  99% of refs now give a penalty for what was a great tackle.  

  17. 1 hour ago, bimmerman said:

    Would you not like to be a bang average championship club with bang average championship players then a league 1 club though? He could make a difference

    Bet you say that too all those that go to Ipswich after training here. 

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