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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. There is form for trouble with Sheff Utd.  I recall a number of them appeared in a pub - may have been the Neptune - about 20 years ago , randomly managing to steal some geezers trainers and running off when they realised there were some big boys at the back, who then gave chase.  The bit I saw, was one of them  nursing a sore head, after that big metal sign outside the Acropolis Cafe had bounced off it. I assume the bloke in the pub got his trainers back.

  2. On 04/09/2021 at 18:56, Tamworthram said:

    Question of Sport dumbed down a long time ago IMO.


    Sarah Cox, Vernon Kay, Paddy McGuiness.   This is what happened when TV became obsessed with Bolton 20 years ago for some strange reason, then they moved onto Newcastle.  A combination of the two has left us with Alex Jones, Alison Hammond, Titchmarsh and a load of random sporting dullards with 2 brain cells as the acceptable norm as TV presenters .  That's why Philip Schofields never off the telly and Norton gets 5 million a year or whatever, there the only option. The only one who seems to do an OK job from the sporting world as a crossover is Jenas but he has little competition and I think watching him do anything over serious might be a different ball game. 

  3. 21 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    Just watching the new Never Mind The Buzzcocks…….it’s ducking dreadful 

    My favourite moment from that programme was Tony Blackburn on the same team as Slash.  Tony gets in an argument with someone on the other team about the lyrics to teenager in love and as it gets more heated Slash gives a hug and tells him to leave it. Lamarr states that if someone had asked him "which was more likely, winning the lottery or seeing Slash holding back Tony Blackburn in a fight it would the latter without a thought"

  4. 14 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

    So what should he have done then when the pandemic struck? He had budgeted for £30 million revenue to pay players wages and then found he couldn't. as you say , HMRC were not asking for the money every month like the players were so he didn't pay that bill. So what should he have done? Filed for admin earlier maybe, that's a possible argument ? Borrowed money from wonga?   What are you saying he should have done then that he didn't do?   

    HMRC do expect that money every month though. PAYE tax and N.I is due as salary is paid.  He had no need for admin.  He could have paid the money owed to HMRC in instalments as long as all accounts related to the club were up to date, or, just paid it in full.  They would prefer 100% of what's owed so would take it over 24 months.  The clubs sponsors were still paying what was required of them and that accounts for a huge percentage of club revenue, so there was never a 30 million black hole.   I would imagine a bloke with over 500 million in fixed and liquid assets has little need for payday loan sharks.   

  5. 38 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    When? When did he borrow money? To buy PPS? What... he didn't have £81 million just lying in cash? Whyever not? 



    I think he just put that money from right to left pocket, then borrowed money against it.  The Saunders to Derby from Oxford type of stadium sale - exactly diddly.  By not paying HMRC he effectively found a way to reduce players wages by 40 per cent as the tax and NI is an automatic deduction. He deferred payers wages using HMRC to do it . When it came time to pay the piper he went walkies. 

  6. 44 minutes ago, Retro_RAM said:

    Was Poom the last keeper we had that could be considered as one of the best players in the squad? The guy was immense.

    Let's be honest whilst decent enough nobody is saying Allsop and/or Roos are our best players.

    Pooms mantra when coming out to challenge the striker in the box.  Best keeper in my time.

  7. 10 minutes ago, falconram said:

    Not so long ago people didn't want Roos in goal, remember Wembley anyone and we had Carson on the bench, we've got average keepers who will constantly make mistakes. 

    Reminds me of theSteve Sutton/ Martin Taylor days.  Worldie one minute, then what the hell just happened. 

  8. 1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Its really disappointing. 

    We could literally be watching Derby County FC play for the last time in the next couple of months and we are struggling to half fill the ground, yet when times were good we managed to sell 35 or 40 thousand in hours.

    I think for those of us who have often said we deserve to be in the top flight because we are a big club with a loyal fanbase, this is a bit of an eye opener.


    55 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Form and results should be of little relevance, if we don't get money coming in there will only be 1 result...

    The way it is.  My dad won't go to games at the minute due to risk of illness complications but has spent £250 quid this week on crap made of static and cobwebs from the club shop. He's been a regular since about 1963 till the last couple of years and when they were terrible in the early 80's went home and away.  Are Newcastle a big club. When I went there in 1991/92 they were averaging 13-16k a game and they were nowhere near the position were in.  Leeds were filling less than half there ground 10 years ago.  When I went to Sunderland in 2007 they beat us and went top and the entire top deck of there stands was closed.  You won't be averaging 20k at any other club in this division if they were where we are.   With covid and a team full of kids and freebies with a 12 point deduction and more to come and practically no attacking options our gates have dropped around 20% from when we were flying . 

  9. 4 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    As far as I know were not in lockdown and they don't have to have a vaccine.  They may choose to have one if they'd seen what I have over the last 18 months.  Perhaps they need permanently locking down.  What a load of nobbers.  

  10. Our best players are the two pensioners at the back and Knight who has the application to be a premier league player in the next 18 months.  I fully expect him to be off for 3 or 4 million in the next window with add on's.  Would be 10 if we didn't have to sell him on the cheap to cover the interest on Mel's tax bill.

  11. 16 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Please tell us how we should feel about this 

    With the cockwombles that follow that club , I might be prepared to let them have this one. Especially as it was 2 goals in extra time and they haven't won at home since dinosaurs roamed the earth. Might take there attention from other teams accounts for 2 minutes. I fully expect the gumps to ship a couple in injury time at the weekend to make up for it though.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Ram-a-lama fa fa fa said:

    still a weak point. everyone bangs on about a 20 goal a season striker but for me a decent goalie is just as bad important. 

    both goals were shocking to be honest. a half decent keeper would have kept a clean sheet tonight






    The force of Foletti and Feuer are strong in these ones.


  13. Young lad was like a rabbit in headlights for 10 mins when he came on for Jozwiak.  That and a goalkeeper with the body strength of a leaf in the wind cost us 2 very vital points.  Had to win this one .  First goals in weeks and we give them 2.   

    Luton fans possibly the biggest bunch of chavs in football, with very short memories.  If were going down at least we don't live in Luton permanently.  Absolute poo tip.

  14. oh dear. Particularly like the two dancers with the maracas.  Do you think they brought them especially.  I assume the  girl sat with them is the responsible adult as she looks a little lost.  The same Ian Storey who tried to force a move to Derby.  I believe when Hector was playing for Derby we won league titles and Forest got relegated.  Top Lads !!!!!!!!?

  15. Always thought the lad we got from Athletico Madrid should have had more of a go.  He played against Charlton , scored a winning goal then we only saw him for another 10 minutes, there was a German lad in the reserves who got a lot of goals at the time as well.  

  16. 49 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    I think you give him too much credit.

    I suspect a "studio appartment" in one of Bristol's less pleasent areas, with an overflowing bin containing the remains of microwave dinners for one, grime on every surface, amidst the piles of jazz mags, pizza boxes, empty bottles and cigarette ends, there is a single table with a computer and a chair, at which sits mr Pop with the puss weeping from the sores of his bloated folds of fat, frantically typing on the bristol rovers forums about Derby county in between posting on 4chan about how feminism is why he can't get a girlfriend and why it's not fair that he keeps getting turned down for jobs on the grounds of "personal appearence or hygene"



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