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Posts posted by Gee SCREAMER !!

  1. 4 minutes ago, Retro_RAM said:

    I understand Wycombe's feeling a bit harshly done here but what I don't understand why is it with us? EFL hasn't deducted us points for FFP breaches... yet. So are they suing because we went in to administration this season and not last season?? If so, then surely they'd get laughed out of court.

    If / when the EFL does give us a point penalty for FFP then again it was not our decision when they actually dock us these points.

    I don't in anyway see how there harshly done by.  They got up by default, weren't in the league during this apparent FFP breach, as you say we weren't in admin last season and they got relegated because they let Andre Wisdom score against them in injury time.  

  2. 3 hours ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

    Maguire will never be a top level defender. Not at the level of a Van Djik, Ramos, Thiaga Silva (a few years ago) etc...

    against Salah in that form it will only ever go one way

    But he needs to play for fitness, so that England can continually hump it to his Frank Sidebottom head at ever free kick, corner and throw in available. 

  3. On 09/10/2021 at 14:50, loweman2 said:

    polo shirts will follow at some point, but doing these first for those who want, there have now been 24 who have paid deposits, the aim is to do the first five shirts from the race course years, not a money making exercise but its just never been done before, 

    If you get a polo shirt done of the original shirt I'll deffo have one mate.


  4. 1 minute ago, CornwallRam said:

    I can never believe how badly Burnley handle transfer negotiations. What a terrible idea to try to keep transfer outgoings to a minimum and only pay what they can afford. They'll never achieve Mel's level of success with that attitude. 

    They probably wish they hadn't bothered outbidding Leeds for Vydra.  He must have cost them 3.5 million a goal.  Makes Blackmans 2.5 million a goal look like a bargain.

  5. 9 minutes ago, David said:

    Anyone trying to enter a football ground wearing Stone Island or one of those ridiculous looking jackets with goggles in the hood should be strip searched, including a full anal cavity inspection.

    Then charge them an extra £100 to enter and made to bring their mum to sit next to. 

    I have a bald patch and hair that's receding like the English coastline, even that doesn't come close to the embarrassment that I would feel leaving the house with a Stone Island badge slapped on my arm.


    I think you protest too much

    I've got one from the 90's that I got as a Christmas present . Lovely arm badge and pure garibaldi red.  Never worn and vintage.  Message me if your interested.

    Might have the odd Burberry and Ben Sherman shirt as well.  You know you want too.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Alpha said:


    Where you see paw prints in human poo. 

    It's got that 'welcome to Chernobyl 1986' vibe. 

    There's more Staffordshire Bull Terriers called Tyson in Coventry than there are Muslims called Muhammad in Cairo. 

    In Gaza they have an annual fund raising event to help the poverty in Coventry

    You think they came to fight Derby fans? They only wanted their coins back. 

    100% Coventry would make Neo completely regret taking the red pill. That poohole makes I Am Legend a documentary 

    Nothing good ever goes there but the second you leave the concrete wasteland you've improved your health, wealth and career prospects. 

    Dump. It's like if Doncaster and Luton had a baby. 

    Roughest place I've been for a night out and there's been a lot.  Never seen bouncers at a Kebab shop before. Some really attractive women there with the ugliest blokes .  Seeing one sat with a bloke 20 years older than her, pushing a very greasy battered cod into his gob with his hand whilst surrounded by wooden forks, was a terrible waste.  Wish I'd found it at 18 rather than 35, I'd have been well in .  If your young, single, have opposable thumbs, don't grunt instead of speak and some teeth, then move there.  You can't fail to have a harem on tap with the home grown competition.

  7. 44 minutes ago, Shipley Ram said:

    Interesting comments on the Cov forum https://www.skybluestalk.co.uk/threads/crowd-trouble.137677/

    I think this poster has it about right

    "lots of pocket money spent on stone island coats and cocaine mixed with catnip"

    I don't know if it's a lockdown after affect or just times changing but there seems to be a lot of it going on, I've seen quite a few reports of fighting at different games, Bristol V Forest for one. I suspect it may start to calm when prople start getting 6'o clock wake ups and football bans.

    I had a read and its hilarious, every cliché from The Brimson Brothers handbook. I don't think a bit of argy bargy happens in Coventry too often but it seems they have there own branch of ultras, it's all very excitable over a piece of thrown wood, some damaged flags and some shouting.  

    Many favourites but this is a good one

    From what I’m being told is…

    Derby came for a scrap in coventry

    Derby started trouble outside and inside the ground

    Derby got the hiding of their lifes

    You don’t come to a city the size of Coventry and not expect some return for you behaviour rightly or wrongly. This is rough, tough city and if you think your going to behave like a prat and not expect a response your sadly mistaken.

    German bombers limping back to France was a quote I head of the Derby fans today!


    There forum seem to be think the penalty was pretty soft and there player seems to have form for finding dangling legs it appears.  He had a 2 game ban earlier in the month for it.

    Seeing a replay of the penalty and whatever contact was very slight. God has to be careful that he's not classed as a diver.

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