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  1. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to NottsRam in Liam Rosenior   
    Remains to be seen.  Spent a fair amount of money at Hull and some of the football at Derby was dire, especially away from home.  Not saying he won't be a good manager but it's too early to say.
  2. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to ram59 in TV Repeatedly Apologising For Bad Language At Live Football Matches   
    I am getting fed up with TV commentators repeatedly apologising for bad language picked up on the mics at live football matches.
    Normal tv programs are preceded with warnings saying that this program contains bad language, sexual scenes, violence, etc, etc. They don't have someone talking over the dialogue to apologise, every time an actor swears during a program.
    It is a live sporting event, people should expect to hear swearing, as they expect to see violence in a John Wick film.
    Surely one visual and audible warning preceding the match, should suffice?
  3. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to falconram in Will Clowes patience soon run out?   
    We're under a business plan until next summer, some adjustments did happen this summer, what they were I don't know. 
    David Clowes is a reluctant owner, he's wealthy but not mega, he ain't splashin cash or sacking managers. Those who think he should sack n splash need a reality check. There's many of us fans who witnessed utter rubbish in the early eighties when I'm guessing most who write so much negative comments were not even born, get a grip get behind Warne and the lads and we may just get were we want to be this season, otherwise stay at home. 
    Two seasons ago everyone pulled together hoping for the miracle to happen, it don't take long for the feel good factor to go, be pleased you have a team because had David Clowes not stepped in think who you may have been watching. 
  4. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to jono in Will Clowes patience soon run out?   
    Surely it means we should be mid table or thereabouts in the championship by September 2026. Would that be ok ?
    The definition of “established” is somewhat loose isn’t it ? especially as he has been in post for just 14 months out of 48 
    personally I think he will be under pressure from the start of nest season and more so if he doesn’t get a play off place this year. But as far as I am concerned he gets this season free. Only then will I start to question. One thing for sure I don’t want another manager for at least 12 months. It would be appalling impatience and stupidity to want to shuffle things yet again. (IMO of course !) 🤪
  5. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to BathRam72 in Will Clowes patience soon run out?   
    True. However the only reason we are in league one is down to the points deduction (unless you have forgotten) and we are now in a rebuild phase. Patients will be required. 
    On paper we are a bigger club than we are in, however all these fans who say we are the richest club in the league say so without any proof what so ever. Only the owner and his accountant will know the truth.
    We have been placed in this situation due to piss poor management in the past. We now have to manage the club and our expectations 
  6. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to PendineRam in To those of you going to Crewe on Sunday.....   
    My dad often told the story of how him and his mates celebrated winning t'Cup in '46 with Sav'ry Duck, Bubble and Squeak and Mushy Peas washed down with Camp Coffee!  One can only imagine what the sewage works had to cope with next day! 
  7. Clap
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    Night game
    v Chelsea at home 1974 4-1,  a lot of aggro ensued at this game as the Chelsk's were jealous of our success.
    It even took a Derby lad to score their only goal (Ian Hutchinson RIP).
    He was probably one Clough and Taylor missed from under their noses?
  8. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Jram in How Paul Warne survives!   
    They thoroughly outclassed Crewe today. They’re not quite creating the number of clear cut chances required to win consistently but I think that will come. 
    Up the Rams.
  9. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to G STAR RAM in Warne Out Out   
    Please dont try and speak on behalf of the fans.
    I'm sure there are many, like me, who do give more than 2 f**** about things other than just what happens on the pitch because we realise without David Clowes we would have no pitch to give 2 f**** about.
    As for hating the manager, grow up.
  10. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Mucker1884 in Live football thread.   
    Portsmouth out to National league side Chesterfield... and we can't even keep up with Portsmouth!  👀
  11. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Bris Vegas in Crewe Alexandra versus Derby County - Match Day Thread ( FA Cup 1st Round )   
    I thought we played well. Making progress.
  12. Angry
    GB SPORTS reacted to GeneralRam in Crewe Alexandra versus Derby County - Match Day Thread ( FA Cup 1st Round )   
    I’m ashamed of myself I actually got annoyed we equalised. I’ve never thought this about Derby, ever.
    That man is ruining our club 😭 
  13. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Mucker1884 in "Pizza Cup" no more.   
    Winning this now will be like making love to a beautiful woman...

  14. Clap
    GB SPORTS got a reaction from admira in A new daily game. Name the year & opponents of a famous Rams match   
    A Bit of a guess, but we belted Bolton near the end of Div 2 68/69, i didn't start keeping a diary until 70/71 so i don't have anything to rely on.
    So i say March 1969 v Bolton at Home.
    On the ledge at the back of the ossie end.
  15. Haha
  16. Haha
    GB SPORTS reacted to Bob The Badger in Vaping Trick or Treaters   
    Now then now then
  17. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in Vaping Trick or Treaters   
    Vapes should have been nicotine flavour only, available only to those who had been to a GP and registered as a smoker.  No huge tax revenues in that though.  The government only get interested when it goes underground and they're losing revenue as per.  The fact that they're full of lead and stink like bubble gum is incidental to the revenue being lost.
  18. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Ram-Alf in Vaping Trick or Treaters   
    Another fecking Americanism that's crept over the pond...have a good day yall 
  19. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to ramsbottom in Cool the anti-Clowes rhetoric   
    I still find it hard to fathom that a good number of fans are actively having a pop at our owner.  This is a man who did not want to get involved, but simply had to because he knew what the likely alternative was.  It also pisses me off that folk think he should sell up at the earliest opportunity because he didn't spunk £3m on a striker in the summer.  Only he, along with his accountants, truly know how bad it was when he started his due diligence, so he'll do whatever he can to ensure we don't get in that state again.  If we're moaning at anyone, perhaps we should be moaning at the head of recruitment for not finding the wheat amongst the chaff, in the last transfer window.
    As for bringing in, and for the time being, sticking with Warne.  If you had the choice between a novice manager or someone who has 3 promotions from this division, to get you out of it, who are 99% of people going to choose??
  20. Angry
    GB SPORTS reacted to RamontheMoor in To those of you going to Crewe on Sunday.....   
    Take a packed lunch 🤢🤮
  21. Haha
  22. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to DRBee in Hourihane gone in January?   
    Did you spend a long time on the concourse?
  23. Like
    GB SPORTS reacted to Steve How Hard? in John Eustace   
    He's been gone too long though.
  24. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to Mostyn6 in John Eustace   
    Birmingham weren't known as a decent footballing side under him. 
  25. Clap
    GB SPORTS reacted to therams69 in Updated Rams manager's win percentages   
    Isn't it obvious? Look at the squad we had back then. Quite a few hungry players with something to prove. Certainly not a side that is miss matched and free transfers pretty much. Hence why again we need a few trading windows to allow this.
    Are we struggling? Or just not hitting any kind of form? I raise my point again of potentially being 2 points off play offs and 5 off second in the league. If we were towards the bottom I could understand, that we are not as we speak.
    Fan expectation is the issue here. It really is and until many realise that and learn to channel it better then we will forever be having to try harder than the opposition. This all works in the favour of opposing managers, just wish many of you could see that. Steve Evans pre match chat is simple, get the first goal, there fans will start booing them and put pressure on them, what happened?
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