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Posts posted by Ramos

  1. 2 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Everyone is busy rejoicing about the Daily Mail article but missing the most important news of the day (so far).

    The tweet/article that last night gave me so much hope has today been blown out of the water.

    It's a great article in the Mail (but the Author also suggests Rooney should go to Everton) but see Simon Hare's tweet/article.

    This is getting well beyond scary now.

    I don’t think many people truly believed Alan Nixon’s story tbh. It doesn’t suprise me he’s not actually involved. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    I mean, I do think IF there was someone willing to front £7m to keep us running until the end of the season that there would be more people than the ever-reliable Alan Nixon running the story. It's huge news. 

    I'll wait to see what transpires tomorrow. 

    You say that but him and Percy are the only ones to have gone with this story the whole time. Most media outlets are still reluctantly if at all covering it, so wouldn’t surprise me if it was only him to know this. But he also said at the start of the week Ashley was talking to Gibson which seems to have been a non story. 

  3. 27 minutes ago, WestKentRam said:

    After getting thoroughly worn down by this like everyone else and D-Day fast approaching, desperately my only hope is Mike Ashley comes galloping in on his Sports Direct stallion to save us, having waited until the last minute to try and get the best deal. Hopefully not like putting in a very late eBay bid to find the item's gone already ?

    For all we know, Ashley or any preferred bidder may be saying ‘look, we are willing to take on the claims after the takeover. However we would prefer not to, put the pressure on, if it’s not resolved at the very last minute we will step in.’ That for example could be one scenario. There are games being played, very dangerous games by all involved. Let’s just hope someone somewhere blinks and makes the right decision for the sake of Derby’s future. 

  4. 31 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    Don’t forget Hosking could also be calling their bluff. I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of a bidder eventually offering extra cash to come to a compromise (as painful as that would be).

    Could be this - dangerous game to play but could be a bid to force their hand. My only concern that this isn’t their hand is that if it was, why didn’t they make sure the EFL and boro collusion was more commonly known until now? Or are we thinking they didn’t know it would actually be a sticking point until last Friday? 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Good points being made on 5Live about the wider impact it would have on the EFL, the championship, and football in general if we were to go bust, suggesting it’s in no one’s interests for us to disappear and has a knock affect to other clubs revenues, tv audiences for the league(s) etc etc. that’s reassuring to hear, hoping it proves to be true!

    Only thing I didn’t understand was Kieran’s points about credit card companies pulling out of EFL? 

  6. Just now, TuffLuff said:

    I only listened to the first half, will catch up with it in the morning.

    FWIW been a bit critical at times about both of them but thought Maguire and Nigel were doing a good job at outlining the issues without it having any real bias either way. 

    They have tbh. Also Kieran and Colin Murray just made some excellent points about why the EFL cannot let Derby go bust and Kieran referred to the fact Derby is one of the EFLs biggest pulls and a fellow championship chief exec has talked to him about why it can’t happen. Colin seemed strangely positive about the survival considering all that’s going on.

  7. Boro and wycombe are colluding. They are purposefully using the word ‘cheating’ because they know catchphrase brexit Britain will jump on it.

    The biggest fact that is being omitted from all the stories all along and that Derby have not done nearly enough to communicate is that the accounts were signed off and Mel openly talked in the fans forums how we amortised players. That’s why we handed new contracts to Johnson and butterfield before letting them go.  Then the EFL decided to go back on it and this point is conveniently left out by all involved. And why has no one ever just simply said to the EFL btw lads if you told us 3 years ago to stop using this accounting method, we wouldn’t have. We ever cheated, we did something we thought we could do. 

    We never hid a thing. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Ramarena said:

    He’s the weakest link so he gets the graveyard shift.

    It goes like this.

    EFL see themselves as the key player so they go first, to get ahead of the MP debate, so release their statement last night so it’s on the morning news agenda. 

    Boro are next in line of importance, so release their statement at a similar time to the debate with their MP coincidentally highlighting Boro’s talking points, which are then reinforced by Boros statement.

    As mentioned WW get the poo end of the stick to try and close out the news agenda and speaking to the Rams fans which is beneath Boro and the EFL.

    Yep sounds about right. Don’t think it’s worked as well as they think though. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Ramarena said:

    - EFL 10pm last night

    - Boro early afternoon today

    - Wycombe this evening

    This is an organised and concerted media management strategy by the three stooges, to put their agenda across and most importantly try to disrupt the news agenda through the day.

    They are doing this in reaction to the MP’s debate and the attention it will attract for us.

    There is absolutely no way this is coincidental.

    They have coordinated and planned this TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!

    I mean the weird self Q&As by the EFL and Boro basically says that is of course the case. Maybe the wycombe chairman doesn't like talking to himself and that’s why he’s coming on RD. 

  10. 20 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    It is clear that Admin were going to blow Boro & Wycombe out of the water with the 'new' Insolvency law. They'd have separated them from the other creditors and made sure they got nothing.

    The above is I imagine also why they hadn't been in touch with them? Not gonna drop them a line saying by the way we've gotcha!


    Yep I think you’re right. I guess at this point there’s so many twists and turns, it’s hard to know who or what to believe. Let’s hope the admins have something up their sleeve cause boro and the EFL seem mighty confident over this shambolic episode.  

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