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Posts posted by YouRams

  1. 8 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    Has he actually played well anywhere for any length of time? He always seems to drift from loan to loan. He is the equivalent of Pardew or Appleton of Managers.

    He's the type of player we should be looking at for that reason, maybe dropping down a league he'll find some confidence, Chelsea wouldn't have kept him on the books even loaning for so long if they didn't think he had something. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    He paid a number of the rugby club’s star players handsomely and within their salary cap of course….and also bought them houses and helped them set up businesses of their own away from the rugby club (or something along those lines), they were punished and ended up being relegated I think for massively breaching the salary rules. Naughty naughty rugby man 

    Very naughty indeed! I don't think any of us can handle another scandal for a few years so let's hope everything's above board... or never discovered 

  3. 6 minutes ago, Black ('n' White) Sheep said:

    Even without Hourihane (if he is in talks with 'uddersfield):

      Byrne  Davies  Cashin  Buchanan
                    Bird  Johnson
    Barkhuizen  Knight  Mendez-Laing
                        NEW CF

    I'm feeling a lot more positive about the start of the new season now! COYFR! ?

    Cant see Knight staying personally, id like to see Sibley given a chance if he is to leave could be his breakout season.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Ram1988 said:

    Shame to see Roos go. He would have been our number one next season for sure. Concerning that we have no senior goal keeper now.

    Not sure who is a solid keeper, available on a free and willing to come to us in League 1. 





    Mentioned him a few weeks ago Wayne Hennessy is looking for a club trying to cement a place in Wales World Cup squad would be a great signing for L1 

    Edit just seen Pope might be leaving Burnley so that’s probably him staying

  5. 1 hour ago, David said:

    With Crypto/NFT, all I hear is this a good time, never this is a bad time to invest.

    Buy the dip, we must be in the dip dip dip dip dip now.

    Almost feels like the vegan cult that will say anything to get more people on board.

    Honestly not for me, I’ll take the risk of missing out being a millionaire.

    It is very much like that and the majority of the projects will fade into nothing along with the investors money, ive not personally invested in any NFT companies yet and id also never try to push someone into investing but ive spent hours on end researching and i fully believe this is going to be bigger than the internet boom. The tech is too good and too quick for it not to take off, if you do have time to do any research look at the banks that are already invested in XRP that tells you all you need to know. 

  6. On 18/06/2022 at 08:38, David said:

    Still not sure I fully understand NFT’s, from what I can gather is they are like digital one of a kind trading cards.

    So say this image:


    If Derby County released that as an NFT, I bought it for £5000, I would own that image. Absolutely nothing stopping others from using the image as a wallpaper, in posts and that as copyright laws don’t cover them yet.

    It’s just I own that image and can sell the ownership by sticking it back on the market and I guess hope to sell it for more than what it’s worth.

    Now Derby wouldn’t just release that, they would add maybe a frame round it, bit of text so it’s not just a stock image.

    If all this is correct then I just really don’t understand why anyone would pay big money for any NFT, it’s not a physical collectible that can sit in your house, it’s just an image and from what I’ve seen, it’s mostly Monkey drawings. ?

    NFT's will move away from just being a "picture" everything paper based as we know could eventually become an NFT. House registration documents, Uni textbooks, medical records the list is endless.

    Its a good time to look at the leaders in NFT and Blockchain tech, invest in the company rather than a digital picture, the ones that have done well selling worthless images will have the capital and infrastructure ready for mass adoption from the "real world".

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