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Posts posted by TomBustler1884

  1. 6 hours ago, Plusi_Ram said:

    I think he'd be wise to leave the area permanently and never set foot within 100 miles of Derbyshire again.

    He can put a stop to this. He can confront Gibson and cough up. Saves the club from the brink of extinction and may salvage some of his shattered reputation.

    Exactly this. It blows my mind that he is not willing to prevent the destruction of DCFC.

  2. Can I just add that lots of people seem to be making major assumptions that the MPs, business leaders, etc aren't Derby fans, have no idea about what's really going on, are clueless about what the EFL are up to.

    I have no idea about all of them but I know for a fact that some, including the Leader of Derby City Council and MD of Marketing Derby are season ticket holders and well into their football. As are many of the businesses tweeting their support.

    As I said, they will be balancing their personal feelings with the best approach to get a resolution which will be to be measured, non-reactive and calm. The EFL and Quantuma will respond far better to this approach than an all guns blazing rant!

    It might have no effect, it might resolve the issue, but we shouldn't be expecting a detailed interrogation and resolution from one meeting!

  3. 13 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    Awesome. Bet they start with some polite tutting, and if things get really bad, maybe even a strongly worded letter.

    I can assure you that is definitely not the way John does things! My money is on him demanding a face to face meeting with the EFL where he will have them explain themselves to a group of business leaders from major Derby employers, with a prepared reply that leaves them in no doubt about the importance of the club to the people, employers and economy of the city.

    Go on John!

  4. 5 hours ago, angieram said:

    Tom, she has already agreed  to arrange a meeting with the Sports Minister on this.

    A good way to encourage Amanda's involvement is to stress the mental health impact of all this on us as fans, she is very supportive. 

    Yes, fair play to her, glad she's listening 

  5. I hate that chant, I hate all Rams fans are associated with it. 

    I'm sure when he lost his kid, we raised money for the cause and he even singled us out for our support.

    Hes a player I would have loved to have signed for us, he would have been a fan favourite.

    To see the state of things now with our fans accusing him of something disgusting, and him hoping the club goes bust is pretty depressing tbh.


  6. I think I'm in a minority of one in quite liking Newcastle. Fantastic city, interesting club, big fanbase, incredible stadium, fans always travel in numbers. Name me a fanbase that doesn't hold some delusions of grandeur!

    The Saudis? Yep, not a nice regime by our standards, several stances on human rights, LGBT, not cutting people up into pieces don't sit well with me obviously.

    But, why should NUFC and their fans have to reject their takeover which will mean significant investment into their club and city, when other clubs in this country haven't? Chelsea? Man City? And also when our government supply them with weapons, offer no consequences to their actions and generally suck up to them?

    Smacks of hypocrisy to me, the horse has long since bolted on this argument.

    Having said all that, watch DCFC now attract a takeover from the Taliban Investment Fund. 

  7. 9 hours ago, Boycie said:

    Was that bought with fans donated money?

    The flags were being bought by a mix of fan donations, donations from Mel and from the club directly. After initially being pretty much all fan donations, I think by that point the majority was from Mel or the club.

  8. 48 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Whatever happened to that other very big flag (can’t remember exactly what on it)? I think it appeared once never to be seen again.

    If you mean the one we did, it was the size of an upper tier block in the south stand and said We Are Derby with tonnes of Rams legends on it.

    It has been missing for a good few years now. We packed it away after using it, and when we came back, it wasn't there anymore. Nobody at the club could ever explain what happened to it. The theory is that they were building the Yard at the time, it somehow ended up in there and the builders chucked it away with their waste.

    So that was nice.

    As for all the other flags we did, again, they were left with the club to use once we stopped operating. Last I heard they were left out in the rain or stored whilst wet, and when they went back to them, they were all green/mouldy/disgusting and got thrown away too.

    Shame really.

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