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Posts posted by TomBustler1884

  1. This thread just goes to show how common it is to have dark times in your life, and how little it is in the public domain.

    I struggled whilst at University, not really understanding who I was, questioning my value to those around me. That culminated on my 20th birthday when I left my friends at the time, went home and spent some time self-harming. Luckily I didn't do much damage, but for someone who was very happy and confident before going to University, was quite a shock to me, let alone friends and family.

    For me, I felt like I needed to make a change and take control back of my life which involved moving to Warsaw to teach English and be somewhere that needed me to rely on myself. Not saying that's the best option for everyone, but it worked for me. 

    Fast forward 12 years and my birthday at the end of May will see me 6 years married, a dog, mortgage, job I love, friends around me and having the confidence to stand up and perform a wedding ceremony for my friends myself. (I'm not a priest by the way!). That's all on top of a great year doing 1884 Group stuff and putting myself out there for ridicule.

    It's funny how life works, and I wouldn't want anybody to think I was trying to compare a low point in my life to the struggles others face, some of which are very difficult to read, but I hope I can give a shred of comfort that life can get better if you give it a chance to do so.

  2. 5 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

    Aren't they some of the flags you're meant to leave behind at the ground after the match rather than take home for your own collection? 

    They were taken at home before they were brought to the stadium, don't worry!!

  3. 5 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

    Aren't they some of the flags you're meant to leave behind at the ground after the match rather than take home for your own collection? 

    They were taken at home before they were brought to the stadium, don't worry!!

  4. The club are willing to put up any flags you have on the hoardings at the back of the stands. Maintenance guys will even put it up for you!

    @privatederby - might be ideal for you?

    If interested, email slo@dcfc.co.uk

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