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Posts posted by IlsonDerby

  1. 4 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Take your point buddy, but its one thing seeing sub-optimal performance, it's another stating he lacks talent and ability. In fairness, most on here do seem to see it but as has been stated countless times, the lad needs to start games, not be given the odd cameo and expected to play at the top of his game. As with any player, games will breed confidence and I think we're stating to see that latent ability coming to the fore now he is being given more game time.

    Oh yeah I tend to think that those who write him off completely rather than see it as a poor performance are working in hyperboles 

  2. 7 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    The lad's going to be a top player. It's always astounded me that some folk can't, or wont see it. We've actually got an entire group of really exciting young players at the club right now and it's a delight to watch them maturing into senior football, despite all the distractions and chaos around them.

    I'm particularly proud to see the fight and passion they seem to exhibit. Huge shout out also to all of our academy coaches who are doing a wonderful job and have been for a fair old while now. Lots of work still to be done, but some green shoots definitely in evidence.

    Here's to a brighter future.


    People made their opinion based on him trying too hard to force things to happen in his 7/8 minute end of game cameos. Think he’s got potential to be brilliant for us and if we nurture him correctly he should be one of those championship players a premier league team spends >£10m on in the future. 

  3. 5 hours ago, StarterForTen said:

    How our world has changed! Two years ago, the majority Rams games could only be seen by buying a ticket and turning up at the ground - now we feel short changed if its not on our laptops!

    Two years ago you could still watch midweek games on rams tv (league games) and all fixtures if you ‘took a holiday’. 

    Just think they’re missing a massive trick here when they’re making it as hard as possible to actually get tickets for it. 

  4. 17 minutes ago, RamLad1884 said:

    Get those in and we should have enough for a play off push nevermind avoid relegation.

    On current showing we look comfortably mid table this season. A few key signings and we're a top half/top 6 side potentially. 

    Steady on haha. There’s still a reason some bookies weren’t taking bets on us going down. We’ve made a steady start we’ve got to build on it. 

  5. 6 hours ago, Chester40 said:

    This thread won't age well, I'm calling it now. ?? 

    Joke... But I do think he's always got a mistake in him. Kicking isn't great, doesn't command his box, lacks concentration and just makes odd decisions at times. Really hope I'm wrong though. 


    Think every keeper at this level has a clanger in them. That’s why they’re in the championship not the prem. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Are there any entitled fans?, There's a multitude of differing supporter, From the young to the old, From the cheerfull to the grumpy, From the loyal to the casual, From the lone attendee to the group, From the infirm to the able bodied, And i'll wager there was more than 1 supporter there yesterday that MOANED, It's a human trait, It's in their character, They can't help themselves, I've found over the years that the "moaners" are those that don't understand the game, That want to play to up to those around them, That when at work always complain about the most obscure things.

    Back in the day at the BBG(Popside both Columbo and Vulcan Street, Ossie End, C Stand Paddock) I can't remember any moaners, Not excluding the A B and C stand who in the main are todays West Standers(I think)We were stood close together all for one and one for all, We'd encourage or howl with rage our dissatisfaction at the players.

    Today it's a different world, Sit down, Don't swear, Do not abuse either players or officials or other supporters, So Ilson I think you're right there are those that think they're entitled, With fortune they can moan about the moaners on message boards.

    I don’t expect all fans to be stood up singing and cheering the whole game. That’s not For them and they can choose how to enjoy the match. My issue and point is that we seem to have lost a hell of a lot of the ‘groan at the first sign of a sideways pass’ brigade which does negatively impact the team. When you play a pass and a few thousand fans all collectively groan at you it’s not useful. 

    It isn’t about the ‘I’m a better fan than you’ it’s about the ‘we seem to have lost a lot of fans but the atmosphere is better’. Is it down to some groaners staying away? I think this definitely impacts it in my opinion. Obviously other factors are the siege mentality that’s been developed over the past year due to EFL etc. 

    I’d love for the ground to be full to the rafters but not at the expense of the supportive atmosphere we’ve seen this season. If we can be full and have the atmosphere with no groaning and whinging during the 90 minutes we want them to be busting a gut for us then amazing this is what we all want. If not I’d rather lower attendances like yesterday. 


  7. I might have worded it better but I’m not going to apologise for the general point of my post even though it upset a few folk. 

    The crowds during those seasons where we hoped to be challenging we’re entitled and it was more quiet and there was more groaning and whinging and less patience. 

    These last few games at PP have been what it should be like. Support, loud support through thick and thin. No expectations other than the players give it their all. If you think it’s because of the situation rather than shedding some of the ‘here for the good times’ lot then that’s absolutely fine. I happen to think we’ve shed some entitled fans who don’t wanna be there for an unsuccessful team. I won’t apologise for that. 

    Im not saying anyone who isn’t going at the moment is part of the good times brigade which some seem to have assumed.

  8. I enjoyed the post. Found myself agreeing with a majority of it. 

    Unfortunately even though I really like him as a player - Shinnie was the one I’d highlighted Saturday as not doing what the management wanted them to be doing. 

    Would be quite happy seeing Hutchinson or Watson brought in with Sibley starting on the right. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Derbados said:

    I don’t actually think we’re playing that bad, we look relatively solid and comfortable on the ball with a couple of moments of madness but it’s Derby, to be expected. 

    My only gripe is Bird yet again, he has to stop hiding (yet again!) and show for the ball, Morrison and Lawrence are having to drop deep because Bird is terrified of being passed to.

    Were still in with a good chance here 

    For your first point - name one chance we had in that whole half against a team who have conceded 7 in two. 

    For the second point, it’s Rooneys bozeyed system that’s meaning the forwards are having to drop deep. Bird is in the vacated RB spot just as Rooney wants which means there’s no one central to provide an option. 

  10. Bird has been far superior today to Shinnie. Can’t understand the calls for Bird to be dragged off at half time. He’s tried moving the ball forwards. Some of it not good enough quality but I can’t remember Shinnie trying to pass forwards once today. 

    Tell Max to stay central. Pull Shinnie wide to allow Forsyth to push forwards. Get Byrne overlapping Ebosele because he provides quality into the box rather than making him come inside. 

    Tell Morrison to stay closer to CKR. 

  11. This system is crushingly bad. I understand the idea behind pulling a CM into the left back spot to allow the left side forward to come inside and Forsyth/Buchanan to provide an outlet out wide but I just don’t understand doing it both sides. It creates congestion on the sides and loads of space in the middle that we have no one in. 

    That’s the reason the ball is doing the old horse shoe around the back of our team today because there’s nothing in the middle. 

  12. 1 minute ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I was in there at the weekend and didn't really hear any moans or dissent tbf although would have been interesting if we had done 2-0 down with about 20 minutes gone how quickly things would have changed......

    Well we don’t need that fair weather attitude. Chances are we go down this season and it isn’t the young lads faults that they’ve been thrown in at the deep end. It’s easy to sing loud at 0-0, 1-0 up ain’t it. 

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