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Posts posted by IlsonDerby

  1. On 20/07/2022 at 21:37, beardyjim said:

    How do you know it is not one of his darkest times? He's clearly a lad with an abundance of talent and sometimes there comes pressure. Maybe it got too much for the lad. 

    He's not been a tool on social media, he has kept quiet. Sometimes silence speaks volumes. 

    Shame on anyone who's jumped on the HMP bandwagon without knowing the facts. 

    Wasn’t he allegedly involved in ‘the crash’? 

  2. 12 hours ago, Chester40 said:

    How do you know Buchanan isn't depressed that Liam doesn't rate him and has told him Fozzy is his number 1 left back, but he chooses not to say so? Or that Duncan is egotistical and entitled but has got a representative who has floated the idea he is struggling with his mental health to divert attention from his diva-ish behaviour?

    I've no idea and I dare say neither have you. Why is it OK to criticise one but not the other, unless that's personal choice - which exactly what 'you' are criticising other people for.

    Seems pretty hypocritical to me is my point.

    You’re having to make up possible situations to defend a guy ditching us in one of our darkest times. I can criticise him because he has done this - there’s no speculation. He literally used a loophole to tear up his contract with us. 

    On the other hand Bobby Duncan just isn’t being played… 

  3. On 18/07/2022 at 21:44, duncanjwitham said:

    Is “agreed terms” actually legally binding though? If he’s not old enough to sign a contract, he’s not old enough to sign a contract. If a bigger club offer him mega millions in the next few months, can he just take it?

    Bet it just juices up any compo payments if they do lose him (until the contract is signed) 

  4. On Bobby - I hope he’s got the right people around him and I hope he gets himself back on track. 

    Lots of big clubs have given him a chance which means there must be something there and he’s since ditched the agent who had him demanding to leave Liverpool so probably recognises that was poor advice? 

    Anyway glad to see a few have written him and his entire character off based on rumours and guesswork. Probably the same sort who didn’t want CKR because they heard he was Mr Bigtime. Funny how that worked out eh? 

  5. 1 hour ago, Chester40 said:

    I'm not that fussed about him either way actually, so this will come out harsher than I feel.  But I'm not sure why he gets a pass....and Lee Buchanan who has played well for the club, worked hard and is probably just taking his agent's advice to try and further his career ...is fair game?

    Maybe Lee has a relative who needs horrendously expensive medical treatment which is only available overseas or more realistically maybe he comes from a family who have always struggled and has an overwhelming desire to make sure his parents no longer have to worry. 

    There are always reasons for someone's actions and to mitigate them. Fact is Duncan came with a massive reputation for having an overinflated opinion of his ability coupled with an attitude he shouldn't have to start at the bottom and work hard to get what he feels he deserves. Having never met him I have nothing to base my opinion on other than what other people have said, but he has produced the sum total of absolutely zero for his time here, so forgive me for thinking maybe they weren't far wrong.

    As for sympathy, well we have been in administration and people have lost their jobs and businesses have been paid back years later a tiny percentage of what was owed to them, so any sympathy would lie with them, not a young lad who appears to have been getting paid a decent wage to do what he wants to do. If he doesn't like it, he has a club to advise him and could go to college and re-train to do something that he does like, just like hundreds of thousands of other people have to do.

    One of them hasn’t used a legal loophole in our hour of need to break out of a contract he damn well signed. Hope that clarifies the difference between the two… 

  6. On 13/07/2022 at 19:43, IslandExile said:

    The first choice goalkeeper - just don't know his name yet, not until he signs.

    I'm assuming Wildsmith will be backup, no?

    After watching Allsop against Salford in his first match I was worried. He turned out to be great. 

    Accept that most keepers under 27 will be a bit inconsistent, will need to work hard on the ball being at their feet but get behind him. 

  7. Managed to find someone doing remake replicas of old kits. 

    believe that this kit original had 3 sponsors, Bass, Sportsweek and BPCC. 

    It’s a bit before my time but thought it looked cool and didn’t cost the Earth so I bought it.

    can someone who followed us back then answer this: How does it compare to the actual strips in the 80s? Are the shades of blue similar enough? 


  8. 19 hours ago, David said:

    This is the correct answer.

    Assuming Bielik and Knight are off, if not Knight starts in place of Bielik/Bird and Knight/Sibly rotate.

    Knight cannot replace Bird/Bielek. They’re completely different types of players. 

    Knight is a Bryson with more technical ability he needs to be the ‘shuttler’ 

  9. Half the players we’ve signed if suggested in this thread people would have been shouted down for ‘unrealistic’ expectations. 

    My heads honestly gone that we’ve managed to sign Chester and Hourihane never mind Mcgoldrick. 

    I’m still managing expectations in my head but it’s just nice to not have to watch a bunch of 18 year olds being fed to the wolves week in week out despite how spirited and great they were.

  10. 2 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Thankfully we’re under a business plan so we can’t sign loads on silly money. Clowes also seemed sensible and not the type to throw money at it. 


    I think we’ve got a good core of young players: Cashin, Carlos, Thompson and a few others who were training with the first team last season. We’ll also have the more established younger players: Buchanan (lawyers permitting), Bird, Knight, Sibley. 

    We have a fair few players for the future if we can hold on to most of the above listed. What we need for the league one battle is players for now. This is why I’m not worried about the ages of some of the players we are linked with. 


    Davies*/ Stearman*/ Cashin/?/?  

    Buchanan, Forsyth*

    Bird/ ? 
    Knight/ Thompson/ Sibley/ ?/ ? 


    CKR*/ Stretton/ ?


    * 4 players to re sign. 
    ? 11 players to sign. 

    A big big couple of weeks. Hopefully 2/3 loans * a couple of younger players out of contract from league 1 or 2 (we still have the pull of being derby) and then 5/6 more experienced pros looking for one last project rather than a retirement home. This would give the right mix needed for the now and the next few seasons. 

    I’d sell Byrne if someone offered okay money and try and get Odebajo in on a free. I’d sell Buchanan for the right money because it doesn’t feel like he ever bought into us like other players have. It’s a shame but Bielek is going to be on loan somewhere else as he’s already shown he’s the best player in this division when he was at Charlton. 
    I like the sound of Barkhuizen, Hourihane and Chester to fill some of those roles we need filling - on the right money of course. 

  11. Thankfully we’re under a business plan so we can’t sign loads on silly money. Clowes also seemed sensible and not the type to throw money at it. 


    I think we’ve got a good core of young players: Cashin, Carlos, Thompson and a few others who were training with the first team last season. We’ll also have the more established younger players: Buchanan (lawyers permitting), Bird, Knight, Sibley. 

    We have a fair few players for the future if we can hold on to most of the above listed. What we need for the league one battle is players for now. This is why I’m not worried about the ages of some of the players we are linked with. 


    Davies*/ Stearman*/ Cashin/?/?  

    Buchanan, Forsyth*

    Bird/ ? 
    Knight/ Thompson/ Sibley/ ?/ ? 


    CKR*/ Stretton/ ?


    * 4 players to re sign. 
    ? 11 players to sign. 

    A big big couple of weeks. Hopefully 2/3 loans * a couple of younger players out of contract from league 1 or 2 (we still have the pull of being derby) and then 5/6 more experienced pros looking for one last project rather than a retirement home. This would give the right mix needed for the now and the next few seasons. 

  12. On 29/05/2022 at 01:33, Leeds Ram said:

    My main hope is that they make it affordable for everyone who would like to go. To average 25,550 post xmas means we have a very strong supporter base even when relegation looked very likely. Hopefully, the new ownership recognises that whilst understanding people's finances are bottoming out. 

    Sell as many season tickets as possible and then make every non-Saturday match friend for a fiver/kid for a quid. Encourage the next generation of fans and ensure you’re getting £5 per seat rather than £0 for the midweek games where attendance dips. 

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