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Posts posted by ramsbottom

  1. 14 hours ago, maxjam said:

    WTF?!?  Gimme my dog back!

    This pic is about 18 months old now when he was still a puppy after we'd taken him for his first haircut. I'd post a more recent one but we never remember to take them and he's a month overdue a cut now due to the lockdown and starting to look very scruffy lol.  He's pretty much identical to yours with the white paws, beard and eyebrows etc - and the white is more pronounced now-a-days compared to when the pic was taken.


    That's pretty spooky!!!  Ours is pretty scruffy at the moment too.  Tried to trim him the other day with my beard trimmer ans despite removing what looked like a full wigs worth of hair, he looks exactly the same!!

    Mini schnauzers rule!!!

  2. Anybody watched Hunters on Prime yet??  Was thinking of giving it a go, but first I have the first 2 hours of The Last Dance to catch up on.  It's a 10 part documentary on Michael Jordan's last season with the Chicago Bulls.  ESPN brought the 'ahem' airtime forward by a few months while everyone's in lock down.

  3. On 03/04/2020 at 16:17, Chester40 said:

    Is a total *******. 

    But didnt they always come out to the Apprentice music... He wanted them to change it to Ibiza trance tunes and was very Dad-cringe about it. 

    You're probably right, I was distracted with work for most of the first episode.  He carries on being a complete tool for the remaining ones though.  The looks on his Mrs' face as he mansplains what's happening on the pitch are priceless.  

  4. Bad Boys For Life - 8/10

    Terminator: Dark Fate - 6.5/10

    Shaun The Sheep: Farmegeddon - 6/10

    Uncut Gems - 9.5/10

    Escape Room - 7/10

    Pokemon: Detective Pikachu - 6/10

    Passengers - 6/10

    Brightburn - 7/10

    Ford Vs Ferrari (Le Mans 66) - 8/10

    The Invisible Man - 8/10

    The Way Back - 8/10

    Onward - 7/10

    Good Boys 7.5/10

    The Gentlemen - 7.5/10

    Bumblebee - 8/10

    1917 - 9/10

  5. 1 hour ago, ThePrisoner said:

    Sunderland til I Die season 2 came out today! 

    Watched 20 minutes on my lunch, this Charlie Methven is already set himself up as an uber rick!!!  Wanting the team to come out to the theme to The Apprentice ? You can practically see those young lads in the office dying to tell him it's a crap idea...  


  6. On 28/03/2020 at 18:59, Chester40 said:

    Tiger King... 

    Only in the US... but definitely worth a watch. Nutters the lot of them. 


    On 30/03/2020 at 01:21, Andicis said:

    Just finished Tiger King, an absolute must watch. It's the most ducking insane documentary I've watched, it's the most crazy thing ever.

    One of the first things I'm gonna do when all this is over is throw a fancy dress party round my gaff, and I'm already sourcing stuff to dress as Joe Exotic.  What a legend ?  The Mrs will have to be Carole, who's the real nutter in the whole story...

  7. I've been up & down.  But on the whole I'm handling it a little better now.  I think I've come to accept the situation and the fact that it's gonna be a long haul.  Hopefully not the 6 months the father-in-law ranted about earlier, but with news that this is having a positive affect on the spread, I think it's gonna be another month at least.  One of the biggest things to worry me was being able to feed the family, but shopping on Sunday was quiet and orderly, so the message about not stockpiling appears to be getting through to folk.  So I've felt relieved.

    Most important thing I can say is, try not to watch the news frequently, and choose your sources carefully.  And make sure you get out for the walk/jog/run your allowed each day, even if it's for 20 minutes or so.

  8. Finally got round to The Morning Show on App TV, really good show, with some top notch acting.  Jennifer Aniston has never been better.

    After that, The English Game will get a coat of looking at, as well as a couple of episodes of Picard I've got to catch up on, then about 5 episodes of The Mandalorian, and then.......

  9. 13 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

    Much the same here on the sleep front. And I know I'm being short-tempered with the family as a result. Not really sure what the solution is though. Doesn't feel like the situation is going to get better any time soon ?


    I snapped at my lad as he wasn't taking his asthma inhaler properly earlier.  I had to leave the room as I was ready to burst into tears.  Told him I was only trying to keep him healthy...

    I keep telling myself it's only gonna get worse before it gets better, and I'm prepared to handle it in a calm and sensible manner.  Carry on turning up for work until I'm told not to, either my manager or 111, and not over shop.  It's the rest of the population I'm more worried about...

  10. 6 hours ago, Stagtime said:

    Next season of Westworld about to start, hope it’s as good as season 2.


    5 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    only finished S2 yesterday. It's a total brainfcuk!

    I  think S2 got a little bit cerebral for my liking.  I'm all for thought provoking shows that engage the grey matter, but they really tipped the scales last time.  Saying that Kiksuya and Vanishing Point were two of the best episodes of television in many a year.

    The reviews I've read for those episodes critics have seen are very positive and they've commented that the story is simpler this time, so fingers crossed

  11. 5 hours ago, CWC1983 said:

    I see its being reported Wilder has triggered the rematch clause. 

    I understand why he's done it, but how depressing for the majority of fans.

    Been there, done that. At the moment I cant think of anything less inspiring than another round of pre fight hype, the same pre fight analysis and invariably the same result. It was beginning to get a bit overkill in the run up to last Saturday. 

    There's also a risk Fury might be a bit bored for fight 3 as well. 

    Indeed, if by chance he manages to catch Fury with his best shot, we'll have 3 more years of him ducking AJ for the unification.  All this time most folk assumed it was Hearn asking for too greater split in AJ's favour as to why it never happened, whereas now it's more likely Wilder's people were steering clear of a better fighter...

  12. On 18/02/2020 at 13:11, Squid said:

    I used to dislike Tyson, over the past year or so I've grown to love him, his book is really interesting too.

    I wouldn't go as far as that, but I begrudgingly respect him for the difficulties he's overcome the past few years.  And I hope he puts Wilder on his arse, as I think Wilder could do with taking down a peg or two...


    Too soon???

  13. 10 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

    I know it probably shouldn't but it still irks me the way he and Chelski handled things. I was convinced he'd stay another year especially after he gave assurances to that effect. As it was it completely derailed our pre-season and left Cocu and his team with a mountain to climb. I understand the lure but still feel it was pretty disrespectful though I appreciate many feel otherwise. That said, I'm not hoping he fails, I'm just not that fussed about seeing him succeed.

    If they miss out on the Champions League, and make a bad start to next season, he'll be out on his arse by October.  He'll end up another Roy Keane, could get another job, but the BBC/Sky money will be too cushy...  Anyway, swollocks to him...

  14. On 16/02/2020 at 14:28, Mostyn6 said:

    Just finished this, six seasons on Prime Video, I’ve got to say it was thoroughly enjoyable. Boyd Crowder is possibly my favourite character in TV! 


    YES!!!  Another convert...  Justified doesn't get anywhere near enough love from people.  Brilliant show

    On 15/02/2020 at 13:19, Chester40 said:

    Several people strongly recommended it, plus positive reviews on here... 

    Watched 45mins and turned it off. Thought the whole thing was very hammy and naff. Lots of conversations that were played as 'natural' dialogue but just didn't feel real to me.

    Could almost hear the ideas and how they looked written on paper...all felt very heavy handed and clunky to me. 

    'To show contrast he then calls his wife who is relaxing in a hotel with a glass of wine... Cut to her lying on a bed. "oh yeh baby, are you OK cos its sooo hard being me, just f-ing relaxing here on a bed' (swearing makes it much more edgy).  Etc

    Not for one second did I forget it was all acting. 

    Weird how much I disliked it. 


    It certainly isn't high art.  You could tell from the trailer it was gonna be a bit campy.  You can certainly notice it's airport novel origins...

    On 17/02/2020 at 10:04, Mostyn6 said:

    really struggled to like this. Watched S1 and S2, but instantly forgettable for me

    Loved season 1, but I could only manage 3 episodes of season 2 before I quit through boredom

    21 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

    Anyone else watching The Outsider? Wishing I hadn't started it as I'm so immature that I can't wait a week between episodes. Watched 1st three and am hooked so debating whether to drop it for now then binge watch it when all episodes are available ?

    Even though the quality dropped off after the first couple of episodes it's still very good.  Plus as a bonus it features Staffordshire's Finest Paddy Consindine...

  15. 42 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Loved how no one spotted her on top of the clubhouse. And how sad are the detective and her husband going to watch a rubbish kids footy match?

    But presume you mean before that which I won't give away!

    Just annoyed me when A & B decided to do X to C, yet didn't explain it at all.  It's like the writers realised that it made zero sense so didn't even attempt to make it plausible.  Pretty much ruined a good show for me...

  16. 14 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Watched The Stranger on Netflix and thought it was pretty good, but I couldn't quite put my finger on why I didn't think it was better. Maybe slightly unusual mix of a bbc/itv style British drama trying to be edgy too. Almost worked.

    Just watched first episode of 7 Seconds and looks good but no sign of Neneh Cherry yet unfortunately. 

    Enjoyed The Stranger up until the last episode, then it seriously stretched believability, and ended up annoying me...

  17. On 08/02/2020 at 00:38, Coconut said:

    Black Mirror is the perfect show for people who think they're more clever and interesting than they actually are. I like Charlie Brooker a lot for his comedy and  social commentary but when it comes to creating something more substantive he's found lacking in variety.

    There are 22 episodes, maybe 6 of them are excellent, 4 very good, 6 'sort of OK' and the other 6 piss poor, overlong, unimaginative, boring and stretched out 25 minutes longer than any of their basic, repetetive thematic ideas ever warranted.

    I mean... yeah we get it, in the future everything is recorded/accessible/watched via an implant. You've based more than half of your episodes on this idea, it's boring now.

    The bandersnatch episode was ruined by poo casting of unbelievable characters played by unsympathetic actors who didn't suit the characters.

    Inside No.9 lost its way a couple of years ago but I've enjoyed nearly all of the episodes in the past 2 seasons despite a serious lull before that.


    On 09/02/2020 at 08:15, Tamworthram said:

    They're also pretty good (on the whole as there are a few which aren't that good) for less pretentious people than those you are describing, who enjoy them for their entertainment value. 

    The Waldo Moment has to be one of the worst episodes of TV I've ever seen, so one the nose, and nowhere near as razor sharp satirical as it thinks it is.  Plus the bloke playing comedian is 100% punchable!!!

    However, I think Be Right Back, White Bear, San Junipero & USS Callister are brilliant.

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