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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. On 01/01/2022 at 11:04, Bob The Badger said:

    Don't Look Up

    Brilliant acting from a truly stellar cast. Clever script, some very funny parts and an interesting pisstake on Trump and fake news.

    I just felt it was a tad too long and it wasn't quite as good as it could have been.

    Still pretty good though and I enjoyed it as did Mrs Badger.

    Steve Buckley/10 


    13 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

    The lost daughter.

    Won’t be everyone’s cup of tea and it’s definitely not an action film, but if you like films about real human emotion and relationships, in particular the roles of women and mothers, this is exceptional.

    These two are the reason I’ve just signed up to Netflix. Looking forward to seeing them both & will report back?

    Last night only wanted a light and shortish film, so watched Murder Mystery, with Adam Sandler & Jennifer Anniston. Funny in places but couldn’t get past them just not coming across as a couple who’d been married for 15 years. Passed the time with a chuckle, which is what I wanted, so 6/10. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Archied said:

    You’ve lost me , you implied what was written was of no value as the person saying it got other stuff wrong in your view , I pointed out it wasn’t a standard you held others to ??‍♂️

    Haha of course I do. It doesn’t matter what side of whatever debate someone is from, if they’ve demonstrated that they’re a serious nut job then I’ll choose not to take what they present as fact. 
    You asked for a factual inaccuracy and I gave you one. 

  3. 51 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

    So an article written in June, in line with the narrative. Read it properly! They CHANGED the definition of vaccine to include this type after the fact. 

    They cannot accelerate long term (real term) effects! They cannot know what might (or might not, for purposes of balance) happen to the organs. 

    That’s why I wasn’t talking about long term effects. He was claiming limited short term data. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Archied said:

    Out of interest what’s not fact in the piece written?

    I’m not qualified to critique his scientific claims in this particular extract but I’d say that hundreds of millions if not billions of doses in over a year (plus the accelerated trials prior to approval) would qualify as more than “limited short term safety data”

    2 minutes googling tells you what ridiculous claims this guy has come up with. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    Fair points Bris, so why do you think cases are still going through the roof when mask wearing is being adhered to as it is? 

    Probably just because of how much more infectious Omicron is.

    I read yesterday that it infects the nose passages much easier than Delta but isn’t as good at infecting the lung cells - which is why a hell of a lot more people are getting bad cold symptoms but thankfully only a few get the lung damage and breathing difficulties. 

    So on balance it’s still good news. Future mutations are likely to be milder still. 

  6. 35 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    As I am sure you are aware, I'm far from an expert in this field...but someone who works for the NHS said 3 is the magic number and it is the 3rd jab that will give you maximum protection from viruses.

    You've quoted me but somehow managed to ignore my post.

    The third jab gives maximum protection right now and agianst the new variant. That protection reduces over time and viruses mutate.

    Do you think those who take the flu jab every year are being tricked into it?

  7. 12 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    So at what point do you become fully vaccinated?

    Will the NHS sack its workers if they dont have a jab every year?

    When are people fully vaccinated against flu?.

    Viruses mutate and protection wanes over time.


    1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Israel moving on to 4th jab aren't they, soon even the boosted won't be 'fully vaccinated'.

    I think their issue is that they did booster jabs first, so their protection is waning earlier than everyone else and might not see them through the winter - though not sure what effect the winter has in Israel!


  8. 9 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    If its less severe and quicker recovery time then we should not even be talking about it.

    I'm tending to agree with you on this one.

    I'll be so furious if I have to miss Christmas with our folks because I catch a "cold" in the next couple of days - planning for 10 people round at ours, 9 of whom are triple jabbed and the other is 9 years old.

  9. 29 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    On today's Covid bingo its the number 7.

    That's right folks, we are cutting the self isolation period from 10 to 7 days...but only if you're double jabbed of course.

    Join us again tomorrow for the next instalment of Covid bingo.

    Not true.

    "The new guidance can be used by people who are isolating after testing positive for Covid, regardless of their vaccination status"


    Doesn't it make sense?.

    If Omicron is generally less severe and a quicker recovery time?. Surely saying 7 days if testing negative is a bit more scientific than an arbitrary 10 days

  10. Jim Reeves Christmas album whilst decorating the house
    National Lampoon’s Christmas vacation 

    It’s a wonderful life on Christmas eve

    Traditions of certain food for certain meals

    Christmas day afternoon walk round the village

    i must have more…..


  11. 53 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    That's what hospitals are there for?

    Where is the data that says it is unvaccinated people filling up hospitals?

    What are the numbers of people actually catching Covid once in hospital and are these being included in the figures of people being admitted to hospital with Covid?

    Are hospitals more full now than at this time in a normal year?

    I would have thought with flu and pneumonia almost non existent these days they would just be replacing the people that are normally in ICU during winter.

    I don’t know the data. Maybe you could look it up….

    That’s why I said “if” and “possibility” We’re told it’s too early to be sure but anecdotally the unvaccinated seem to be the ones worst hit: talking today to a paramedic friend & he said that he’s taking covid patients into hospital who are in a bad way but it’s rare for him to have to pick someone up who’s had the vaccinations. 

  12. Started catching up with This is Us (Prime) last night. Watched and loved season 1 a few years ago but for some reason didn't go back until my father in law reminded me about it a couple of weeks ago.

    We now have 4 more seasons to watch - and after the first couple of S2 episodes we saw last night, it's going to be fun.

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