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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. The more I think about this, the more I conclude that China will be the key to what happens. They haven't been supportive of Putin so far - and have been pushing today for negotiations to start.

    They obviously have their own aspirations as far as Taiwan is concerned - and wouldn't want to risk suffering the isolation and economic damage that Russia are experiencing now. I can see a scenario where China looks to broker a peace deal (a bit of good PR for them) and then use that as a template for moving into Taiwan.


  2. Copied from Beeb live feed:

    President Putin has warned those opposing Russia's actions in Ukraine "not to exacerbate the situation" by imposing more restrictions on his country.

    The Russian president was speaking at a government meeting broadcast on the state-controlled Rossiya 24 news channel.

    "We have no ill intentions against our neighbours," Putin claims.

    And he says his government sees "no need" for its neighbours to take further action that will "make our relations worse".

    "I think everyone must think about how to normalise relations, co-operate normally and develop relations normally," he adds.

    It comes as foreign ministers from across the West gather in Brussels to consider how to maintain pressure on Russia.

    Putin also repeats his previous claim that all action taken by the Russian military so far has been made "exclusively in response to some unfriendly actions against the Russian Federation".


    Maybe it's me being overly optimistic, or because this topic has been giving my mental health a battering this week but that does come across as a lot less inflamatory than previous statements. Even if you can't trust a word he says. Hearing him saying he wants to get back to normal relations is slightly more re-assuring than talking about nukes on high alert.


    *goes away to find some more straws to clutch at*

  3. 4 hours ago, rammieib said:

    Just some advice really - I've used one in the past but cannot remember what it was.

    I have some broken fence panels which I need to get some quotes on replacing. What was the website where I can post my question and people can respond with their quotes.



    ...is one I used a few years ago. I'm sure there will be others as well.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    Chap on BBC R2 defending Truss saying she'd support British people going to fight in Ukraine. 

    He's set up a site for you to join

    How very responsible of Truss. 

    Go guys, go collect your AK47 and join a foreign speaking force in a foreign land with zero guarantee of support or protection. 

    Might fall in with the Azov Battalion. That'll be nice. 

    Ridiculous. The best way for people to help Ukraine is not to go and take a physical fight to Russian forces

    From Beeb:

    Russia blames Liz Truss for nuclear 'special alert'

    Earlier, UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace downplayed the nuclear "special alert" announced by Vladimir Putin, suggesting that the Russian president wanted to distract people from his forces' slower-than-expected progress in the invasion.

    Wallace told the BBC: "We will not do anything to escalate in that area, we will not do anything to feed any miscalculation - we take it very, very seriously. But at the moment this is a battle of rhetoric that President Putin is deploying."

    Now, the Kremlin has suggested comments from Foreign Secretary Liz Truss were the reason that Russia put its nuclear forces on heightened alert, according to the Russian news agency Interfax.

    "There had been statements by various representatives at various levels about possible conflict situations and even collisions and clashes between Nato and the Russian Federation," said Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Vladimir Putin.

    "We consider such statements absolutely unacceptable. I will not name the authors of these statements, although it was the British foreign secretary."

    It's not clear which comments by Truss the Russian government objects to, although on Sunday she said she said she would support individuals from the UK joining an international force to fight for Ukraine.


    The woman is so far out of her depth it's ridiculous (and scary)


  5. 21 minutes ago, I am Ram said:

    Where's the EU in all this, the response from them is all self interest. Germany - gas, Italy- fashion etc, EU do nothing on the world stage, it's just a vip club.   

    I can see why some in the EU want deeper integration and yes, even a United States of Europe. 
    The EU has shown in all the recent crises since the 2008 crash, that trying to take quick decisive action when you have 27 countries of equal voting power just doesn’t work when the brown stuff hits the spinny thing. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, I am Ram said:

    Russia appear to be struggling a little, i thought a superpower would have advanced more than this. Could be western propaganda though, maybe Vlad is buying some time. 

    I think Putin seriously underestimated the Ukrainian sitcom actor-turned President. 
    He probably thought Zelensky would be on the first train out of there and it would have been done and dusted within a couple of days. 

    Russia’s failure so far means that the longer it takes, the weaker Putin will be amongst his own side. 

    All IMO, obviously. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Bob The Badger said:

    I have to say I'm dubious of the courtroom scenes without actually knowing if it could or couldn't happen like this, BUT overall and 4 episodes in, this is pretty damn good.

    Solid acting, plausible storyline (other than potentially the aforementioned courtroom scenes) and believable characters.

    Not quite sure why it didn't get more publicity other than potentially because it's largely an all-black cast.



     I seem to remember it had plenty of promotion on the BBC at the time.

    Thanks for the reminder though. One I meant to watch & then Christmas got in the way.

  8. 1 hour ago, JoetheRam said:

    Thought I'd resurrect this thread.

    Currently have a 69 plate (hehe) VW Polo GTI, which is coming to the end of it's PCP. Only got 14,000 miles on the clock thanks to WFH and lockdown.

    Been an enjoyable car to own, putting shame on better badged boxes off the mark on many occasions. More practical and less boy racer looking than the RS Fiesta. The DSG is flawless but I've missed not having a manual a bit. Hoping to have a dealer buy me out of the PCP plus cash, given current used car prices but may have to buy myself out and sell privately if they're bring stingy.

    Given the waiting lists for many new motors and my need for a bit more space to transport various animals I'm now on the hunt for a decent estate that drives nicely. 

    Late period Alfa Romeo 159 Sportwagon is what the heart and eyes want, but a good one is hard to find (currently only 4 for sale on autotrader), head says pay more upfront and get a newer 3 Series Touring. Anyone have any experience with either of those or better suggestions?

    Second hand Alfa's will always be risky for reliability. I also loved the looks of the 159, though.

    My favourite car I've ever owned was my black 3 Series Touring (320D MSport). Great to drive - unless icy, when it became a bit too "entertaining" - though mine wasn't an X-Drive model.  Plenty of boot space for camping trips. It used to get through tyres fairly quickly but I was sorry to see it go, when I had to swap it for an X1 due to Mrs Wolfie starting with mobility issues and the beemer being quite low down.

    Always quite liked the Volvo V60 Estate. In sporty trim, it looks lovely. Never driven one though.

  9. Death on the Nile

    I've always been a big fan of Agatha Christie adaptations and the old Peter Ustinov ones in particular.

    This new Kenneth Brannah one is virtually identical to the 1978 version in story and characters. Maybe it's because I know the old version so well but I felt this new one lacked something. Maybe it needed more/some proper A-listers in the cast.

    What it didn't lack (unfortunately) was some dodgy CGI backdrops and unnecessary back-story to poirot's moustache.

     A disappointing 5.5/10

  10. 21 hours ago, Archied said:

    just an answer to the original how much does being vaccinated cut down spread would have done but so many twists and turns from there should cover tracks?

    It doesn't matter though, does it?!. You and a few others on here only deal in absolutes. It could reduce the spread by 99% and you would still be against it because it doesn't stop it.

    Even if it's 50%, it's stopping half the people from catching it.

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