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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 32 minutes ago, Anon said:

    What absolutely baffles me is how they didn't see this coming. I could understand wanting to sign the player and ignoring the outcry. I could understand not wanting your club to be associated with someone like Goodwillie at all. What I can't understand is how you could be so oblivious as to sign a player under these circumstances and so weak willed as to fold within a week. I'm sure the Raith fans are delighted as their club will now pay Goodwillie to sit on his backside for the duration of his contract.

    What baffles me is that he hasn't been the subject of a petition to get his name changed.

  2. Censor

    British horror film, set in 1985 against the backdrop of the "video nasties" controversy. A film sensor becomes obsessed with the work of a horror film producer, after one of his films reminds her of the events around her sister's disappearance many years before.

    Different; Interesting & disturbing. I liked it.


  3. 1 hour ago, Grumpy Git said:

    So Gove has stated that 97% of the PPE purchased was "fit for purpose".

    If £8.7 billion has been written-off on crap that was unsuitable, I make the total spend on PPE £290 billion, (that's approx. £4,500 for every man woman and child in the UK, just on PPE).

    More porkies.

    No, the unsuitable PPE (can't find the number) is only a small part of the £8.7bn total.

  4. 11 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Because MSM do not give a platform to people with alternative views.

    Do you not think the 'official narrative has been good for many people's bank balances'

    You're kidding. The Beeb is criticised all the time for having to provide balance to everything.

    There are plenty of routes to get information out there for free. But then celebrity lifestyles don't pay for themselves.

  5. 31 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    It's not about him debating, its about him raising points, that he knows some will find controversial, and other people debating him.

    We've reached a stage where people will dismiss anything someone says without even considering what has been said.

    But the "why it's being said" is just as important IMO.....

    31 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    You're definitely right on your second point though, it really shows how the big corporations pander to the noisy minority, and threaten people's livelihoods rather than let sensible debate take place.


    Bit of a contradiction there. How can sensible debate thrive with people whose livelihoods depend on being controversial to generate paid click / advertsing revenues. Descent into dumbed down circular shouting contests is inevitable. It's good for the bank balance.

    You'd think if they felt their opinions were so important and strongly held, they'd want to get the information out there for free. I wonder why that doesn't happen?

  6. Because a couple of these claims below get brought up on here....


    "Joe Rogan has been criticised for helping spread misinformation on his podcast.

    Spotify reportedly paid $100m (£75m) in 2020 for rights to The Joe Rogan Experience, which is the streaming service's top podcast. It is reportedly downloaded almost 200 million times a month.

    On the show, the US broadcaster hosts a wide variety of guests who discuss their views on a range of topics - but some episodes have featured false and misleading claims.

    Here are four of them fact-checked"


  7. A good BBC article:


    Time to let it go. Just look at the case numbers in France & Netheralnds, who have had much more stringent restrictions than we have recently.

    Daily death figures are now (even more?) meaningless with 40% of people in hospital, there for something else.


    And this combination of the virus becoming almost unstoppable but also less severe means even those who once advocated a Zero-Covid approach, such as Edinburgh University's Prof Devi Sridhar, accept it is time to change tactics.

    It was reasonable to move away from restrictions, she said in a recent article in the Guardian newspaper, as they were at risk of becoming more disruptive than the now "defanged" virus itself.


    ...and I'm definitely going to try and use "defanged" more in conversation ?

  8. 5 minutes ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    All restrictions gone by the end of March, even the requirement to stay at home if you have the virus! 

    Let's bloody hope so.

    I was trying to remember last night what it was like when we first locked down - crossing the road to avoid walking past people; only going out once a day for a walk with my daughter; everything closed & even park benches taped off. Made me shudder to reminisce about it.

  9. On 15/12/2021 at 10:13, Jubbs said:

    Watched Don't Look Up yesterday at the cinema. 5/10

    The IMDB ratings are pretty good on this but I thought it was incredibly slow and boring. There were a couple of funny moments in but for saying it's got quite an all star cast (Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Jonah Hill, Leo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett), I thought it was quite poor.

    It's coming out on Netflix soon anyway, save yourself the money and watch it on there instead. 


    On 26/12/2021 at 22:28, mozza said:

    Watched it tonight on Netflix , enjoyed it, 8/10..

    8/10 from me as well. Really enjoyed it.

    Played with the usual disaster movie cliches and with a decent satrirical edge to it.

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