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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. 1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

    An apology at last, quickly ruined by a pitiful attempt at an excuse.

    Indeed. It did come across as "I'm sorry you think I broke the rules" rather than "I'm sorry I broke the rules".

    I especially didn't like the bit where he said it could "technically" be within the guidance at the time. My money is on that turning out to be the inquiry conclusion.

    He did look battered, though, at PMQ's. And not in a good way.

  2. 4 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    If it’s worth an extra point, I assume we can afford to finish a point behind Reading then.

    We might as well if the alternative is to finish on the same points but with a worse goal difference.

  3. Views on Lost in Space (Netflix)?.

    Watched the first episode last night & thought it was OK, apart from I can see certain characters being annoying - but then they were in the previous versions as well.

    Just checking it's worth watching.

  4. I tried to watch 2001: a space odyssey again the other night.

    I get that it was groundbreaking at the time (1968) and the effects and sets are great but I've only managed to sit through it all once (managed the first hour this time).

    It's just so slow and feels way too "arty" and really self-indulgent. Looooong scenes of bugger all happening and hardly any dialogue. I felt like I was evolving faster than the storytelling of human evolution on screen.

    9/10 for the influence on later films. 3/10 as a viewing experience.

    For me, 2010 was a far more rewarding watch.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Just like when Rooney joined Everton, Man Utd made up the difference...

    But if he's signed a new contract, wouldn't any wage contribution from us be treated as a new contract also and have to be limited by the EFL rules?. Sounds unlikely we'd be paying anything to me, but then you know more about this stuff....

  6. 5 hours ago, sunnyhill60 said:

    Total fiction. You have swallowed hook line and sinker the LIES that being in the EU would have stopped the UK from carrying out its vaccine policy. We carried out the vaccine strategy whilst under EU rules FFS. How sad that you prefer a "personality" as opposed to someone with honesty and integrity, and choose instead a serial liar and adulterer.  Bringing DCFC survival into this discussion is total gonads.


    We approved the vaccines under our rules and were getting on with it for weeks before the EU authorities authorised them.

  7. 1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Let's stop going over old ground.

    In latest news, a Number 10 lockdown party for 100 people whilst the rest of us could meet no one, go to funerals etc etc.

    I just can't believe that this administration have turned out this way. I'm shocked.

    Obviously, I'm been sarcastic, but I'm actually a little shocked that they can be quite as stupid as sending a bring your own booze lockdown party invite out on email. Incredible. There have been a lot of potential final straws, but this one looks like the one.

    Agreed. I quite like this quote from the BBC live feed, from Ruth Davidson...

    Ruth Davidson, the former leader of the Scottish Conservatives, says members of the public who "sacrificed so much" during the pandemic are "(rightly) furious" about the Downing Street garden drinks.

    In a tweet responding to health minister Edward Argar's comment that he could "understand" why people were "angry and upset" but that we needed to wait for the outcome of the inquiry, the Davidson says: "This line won't survive 48 hrs. Nobody needs an official to tell them if they were at a boozy shindig in their own garden.

    "People are (rightly) furious. They sacrificed so much - visiting sick or grieving relatives, funerals."

    She ends by asking what "were any of these people thinking"?


    It's a simple question - you don't need an inquiry to be able to answer it.

    I don't think the government will be looking to impose any new restrictions - or even extend the existing ones - any time soon.


  8. 21 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

    interesting comment from Jurgen Klopp today. A large number of Liverpool people tested positive with lateral flow (from memory 18) but only 1 from subsequent PCR.

    So which of these tests is basically useless?

    If it is the LFT, does that mean the daily numbers the government quote are way too high?

    Aren't the official figures from PCR tests?. I thought that's why you had to do one, to get it confirmed.

  9. 21 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I see now that 40% of patients being recorded as in hospital with Covid are actually primarily being treated for sonething else ? you couldn't make this up!

    Why the drama?. This has always been the case - especially with the milder Omicron variant - though the last number I saw was 33%. There have always been asymptomatic cases identified at hospital goods-in, as it were.

    I understand it's still a complication because they have to be then isolated along with the patients who are being treated for Covid. The covid wards then have a much more complicated cross-section of conditions being treated in them, which is putting further pressure on staffing.

  10. 41 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Boris didn't say it 'stops us from vaccinating others*' he just said it 'stops us from infecting others'.  

    *insert whatever caveat.

    If we just stick to football, in recent days Brentford (100% vaccinated) and Liverpool (99% vaccinated) have called off matches due to covid outbreaks.  The vaccines don't seem to have 'stopped us from infecting others' there.

    How do you know they didn't all catch it from unvaccinated people?. I know that's not likely but....

    (made up numbers for illustration):

    If we accept that the vaccine reduces the risk of infecting others (due to lower viral load; lesser symptoms or whatever - doesn't matter how).......

    Even if an unvaccinated person infects 10 people and a vaccinated person still infects 9, then the vaccine has stopped one person from being infected. So, as I said, the vaccine does stop people being infected. Just not all of them - which nobody has ever claimed, as far as I have seen.

  11. 45 minutes ago, maxjam said:

    Apart from virtually everyone...


    But both statements on the second one can both be true. If you accept that "Vaccines reduce the chance of catching #Covid19 & so reduce chance of infecting others", then they do stop you infecting others. Some of them at least. Just not all of them.

    If you reduce the chance of infecting people, then that is stopping some of them from being infected.

  12. 13 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    They won’t publish the stats and I don’t think they know the longer term risks yet. Someone published some stats in US saying that Pfizer own tests suggested 1 in 34 risk of heart inflammation or death. I don’t believe those thats though. 

    This below suggests the US Pfizer rate is about 1 in 241,000 (as opposed to 1 in 34)


    The link between the Covid jabs and these two conditions, according to data, is strongest in younger men, and the median onset is within three days of vaccination.

    But the risk is incredibly small, according to the data.

    In the US 296 million doses of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine had been given by 11 June with 1,226 reports of myocarditis after vaccination.

    And in the UK, up to July 2021, there were 149 reports of myocarditis and 129 reports of pericarditis following use of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, 82 reports of myocarditis and 140 reports of pericarditis following use of the AstraZeneca vaccine, and 25 reports of myocarditis and 22 reports of pericarditis following use of the Moderna vaccine.

    This means the overall rates after both the first and second doses of Pfizer/BioNTech are 4.3 myocarditis cases per million doses and 3.8 pericarditis cases per million doses, for the rate is 1.7 myocarditis cases per million doses and 3.0 pericarditis cases per million doses, and for Moderna the rate is 14.7 myocarditis cases per million doses and 13.0 pericarditis cases per million doses.

    There is a considerably stronger link between Covid patients and heart problems however.

    According to figures, approximately 18 per cent of hospitalised patients suffering myocardial injury.

    Meanwhile, in a US study of 1,597 athletes with recent SARS-CoV-2 infection, 0.31 per cent were diagnosed with myocarditis using a symptom-based screening strategy and 2.3 per cent were diagnosed with clinical or subclinical myocarditis.

    Source: Public Health England

  13. 16 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Do you not think he might be taken more seriously if he didn't use such ridiculously emotive language? If he's not a conspiracist nutcase, then why is he doing his best to sound like one?

    See also the bit where he claims (presumably with a straight-face) that viruses are only a theory and there is no proof that viruses actually exist. 

    Lol indeed.

    This bit: Contact me if you need a detox protocol to remove the biological poisons we are being bombarded with because there are solutions to protect your health

    I wonder if the detox protocol is avilable for a "small fee"?

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