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Posts posted by Wolfie

  1. Blackadder was my absolute favourite, in order: Series 3, followed by 2,4 and 1


    I'm Alan Partridge

    The Good Life

    One foot in the grave

    Ab Fab (though I admit that bits of it were either hilarious or crap)

    Modern Family (first 7-8 seasons, anyway)


    Peep Show

    Friday night dinner


    Cougar Town


  2. 7 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    So I turn up to an event with a Covid passport and because the vaccine has reduced my chance of catching it, that will stop me from spreading it?

    Good grief. You can't spread something you haven't got. If your chance of catching it is reduced, then your risk of spreading it it also reduced.

    7 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Reducing the spread of it is good, but we know it can be asymptomatic so a vaccine passport WILL NOT stop you from spreading it and is therefore completely pointless.

    Why is reducing the spread completely pointless?


  3. 7 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    So I turn up at an event with a vaccine passport, yet I still have the virus and can still pass it on, not sure how you think that stops the virus from spreading?

    If the vaccine does not stop you from catching the virus, nor from passing it on, then vaccine passports simply cannot do anything to stop the spread, to be honest I would have thought that was obvious, but it seems not to everybody

    By reducing the chance of catching it & spreading it. Nobody is claiming it stops it spreading completely but reducing the spread is good, no?

    to be honest I would have thought that was obvious, but it seems not to everybody ?

  4. 2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    I also know of 2 people that died after having the vaccine, although admittedly friends of colleagues so cannot verify this.

    Both under 40. One died from a blood clot, the other from a heart attack.

    I'm not sure people not wanting the vaccine is anything to do with 'growing up'.

    No but it might have something to do with reading and absorbing things like your first sentence. Taking hearsay as fact based on causality rather than correlation.

    This from someone who likes to insist on evidence from everyone else.

  5. 1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    I remember in the 1st couple of weeks of the Sage broadcasts that Sir Patrick Vallance predicted Covid-19 will have an impact of a maximum 20,000 deaths, This was when we were at the very low end of the 1000s, This made my eyebrows raise, Now were at circa 150,000, Scientists aye...don't know Didly Squat!

    No. He said that 20,000 deaths would be a "good" outcome, so the best case scenario. It was never a realistic prediction.

  6. 40 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Yeah but real world evidence doeant mean anything, you've got to follow 'the science' remember. 

    I think that throughlout the pandemic, the problem the scientists have had is that it's been such a quickly changing situation and with so many variables, they haven't had the time to do proper controlled experiments and simulations. Correlation sometimes is confused with causation. Anecdotal evidence becomes scientific fact because there isn't time to properly test the hypothesis before the next claim comes along.

  7. 2 hours ago, Archied said:

    Countries that kept mask mandates and other measures not only havnt done better than England they have done WORSE,this isn’t an opinion it’s a real world fact , there in undeniable black and white

    That is a difficult thing to ignore. England now has the same mask mandate as the rest of the UK. Scotland has had generally lower Covid rates than England but NI and especially Wales have had similar or higher rates in recent weeks.

    Purely from my own experience, I wonder if it's because masked people don't seem to keep their distance as much - possibly negating the positive effect of the mask?

  8. 21 minutes ago, Anon said:

    Groundhog Day - 8/10

    I really like this film. Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell are excellent and the premise is delightfully odd. Someone made a very interesting point to me about this film though, that I hadn't previously considered. We view the events from the perspective of Bill Murray's character, so the love story that unfolds makes perfect sense to us. Consider the final "perfect" day from Andie MacDowell's perspective. She has no knowledge of the interactions between her and Murray that caused them to fall for one another. To her Murray should seem like a weird stalker who inexplicably knows all kinds of private information about her.

    Anyone who likes this (and most people do), I'd highly recommend "Palm Springs" (currently free on Prime). Funny and clever.


  9. 1 minute ago, TexasRam said:

    The data they showed in the presentation yesterday with hospitalisation and deaths decreasing. The data reported everywhere else that says the new variant is mild, the data WHO is reporting that there have been zero deaths associated to this variant. The data from the scientists that say the vaccine works pretty well against the effects of this variant. Just that data, but your right let’s wait another two weeks, then maybe another two just to make sure, actually no let’s give it until may time when the weather warms up just to be double sure. It doesn’t matter about anything else that will be effected because Covid is our number 1 priority over absolutely everything. 

    So far, yes. but the variant hasn't been around long enough to have had an effect on deaths - which are generally at least 4 weeks after infection.

    If the data says in a week or two that it's mild and doesn't kill people then that's great and all restrictions should go. Let us all catch it and get on with our lives.


  10. 59 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    I think the public will begrudgingly accept these new restrictions even though the data suggests there is no need for them, but what can you do when a few scientists backed up by the MSM want to scare it into folk. However if any more restrictions come into place such as families not seeing each other a Christmas again, pubs, restaurants and entertainment venues shutting, curfews and god forbid lockdowns, then I think that’s when (and at last) these will be totally ignored and the revolt to all this nonsense will start. 

    What data is that?.

    The data I've seen is that we have a new variant which is doubling every 2-3 days and we don't know yet how serious infections are and the likelihood of hospitalisation and death. Isn't that grounds for being cautious, at least until that information is available?

  11. 5 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall in government this morning.

    I'd be surprised if Boris did any more than move from saying there was no party, to saying he was unaware of the party & maybe sack someone as a fall-guy. It's just not in his nature to tell the truth.

    Angela Stratton (the woman in the video) has just resigned - presumably rather than being sacked.

    Anyone want the lottery numbers?.

    I'm holding off paying the deposit on ouor works pub lunch for a couple of days in case things change tonight.

  12. From BBC Live feed:

    A meeting of the government's Covid Operations Committee is scheduled for early this afternoon, followed by a cabinet meeting to discuss potentially moving to "Plan B" measures, a government source has told the BBC.

    Depending on the outcome, this would be followed by a press conference by the prime minister and House of Commons statement by the health secretary.

    The measures under discussion include advice on working from home, further rules on masks and some form of Covid certification.


    Good luck with that!

  13. 5 hours ago, TexasRam said:

    The World Health Organisation has stated there have been ZERO reported deaths from Omicron. The scientists who found the variant claim it’s only shows mild symptoms. Why all mass hysteria and scaremongering? I can only think it’s because Covid is now a national obsession mainly driven by the MSM and those who believe them. 

    Isn’t it right to be cautious until we know that the above is true? It’s still early days but the data looks really encouraging and if it’s a new dominant strain but with only mild infection then that’s bloody great and we can all properly get on with our lives. 

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