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Posts posted by TuffLuff

  1. Tiny update but popped into the fan park for the first time in a long while and the Bavaria in there was pretty good for the standards of alcohol purchased at Pride Park.

    What real ale do they serve in the corner? Just Marstons?

  2. On 17/03/2019 at 16:05, sage said:

    Bath Hotel Sheffield yesterday 



    Catching up on this forum after a couple of weeks ago, but The Bath Hotel is a brill pub (even if it’s owned by Thornbridge). Had many Saturday nights escaping from West Street in there

  3. 1 hour ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    @TuffLuff if you like Belgium beer and plenty of choice then https://www.sixdnorth.co.uk/glasgow/ is a must.

    We have one in Aberdeen and the beer is great. I've been in all of the pubs I sent links too and all are enjoyable and different.

    Don’t think we will head up as far as Patrick but thanks for the tip. Really wanna head to Aberdeen in the next year so hopefully check it then and I might be in touch for more recommendations haha. Thanks again!

  4. 27 minutes ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    And make sure you have a photo on Derby Street.



    Ha, will do! And thanks to you and @CWC1983 for all those recommendations that’s a huge help! Going down Kelvingrove area tomorrow as I want to go to The Stand comedy club down there and a few other bits and bobs. I may have been to the Bon Accord before but I’ll see when I get there tomorrow. Defo been to a pub near Charing Cross tube stop before. Hanging round most of Monday too so I’ll try and pop my head in a few of these places in the centre then too.

    Been down Merchant City area tonight for Mono/13th Note and a general wonder back through the centre. When I first got in, I was bit worried as it felt everywhere I went was a bit lairy but I think once the afternoon drinkers started heading home it felt a lot more relaxed and a bit more of a feel good atmosphere in places. I’ve only even been to Glasgow before as a musician so never ventured around the city too much before so it’s nice to see it and get my bearings a bit more.

    Also any food recommendations are much appreciated too, meant to be going to Mother India tomorrow but I’m open to changing my mind/finding places for Monday!

    Cheers to ya both ?, or maybe ?is more appropriate!

  5. 21 hours ago, CWC1983 said:

    Its a fair drive..........

    Westhill service station, Aberdeenshire.  They've extended the normal grocery shop and got 4 big chiller cabinets of different beer from around the world. They do deliveries etc and have 2 kegs, 'beers of the week' on the go where you can bring you own bottles and fill them up. 

    When he told me his plans 3 years ago I laughed at him, but to be fair he's got a good customer base. 


    Flippen eck!

    Glad it’s doing well, love those little beer shops!

  6. 1 hour ago, CWC1983 said:

    When in Rome etc. 

    My brother runs a craft beer shop and thought I'd try some. 4 local ones and a nod to Derbyshire. 

    Buxton Brewery arnt scared to charge. £4.99 for their tin, and the Fierce ones were £3.49. 


    Plug his shop!


  7. I’m not particularly a Thornbridge fan (politics etc) but they have quite a few decent pubs around me which means im not on a full boycott. They also let you take beers out the fridges home (sold for the same price as a shop), keep picking Green Mountain up after they had it on the pumps and got to say it’s my favourite beer at the moment 


  8. 1 hour ago, ThePrisoner said:

    Each month has a theme, so it’s not usually leftovers. I however cancelled mine and preferred the Mikeller beer club which is 9 beers a month and some freebies. It’s a little more pricey at £39ish including free UPS delivery from Denmark but the quality is so much better. 

    The beers are usually one offs. I’ve got a code for half price, drop me a PM if interested!

    Aye, when it got delivered it advertised next month as Oktoberfest which has given me the temptation to stick with it for another month. It’s certainly a lot better than I expected.

    And yes please on that code for miekeller. Will send you a PM in a bit, much appreciated 

  9. Got one of them beer52 codes off a podcast I listen to. 8 craft beers for £2.95 for the first month (£24 after do make sure to unsubscribe). Ordered at 2pm yesterday and should be here today! Always wary of these types of deals (ie you are probably getting the stock that doesn’t sell) but I’ll let you know how it is!

  10. 21 hours ago, David said:

    For what it's worth I don't like the transfer board either, I'm just not sure how to make it better.

    I did once try to push through a new topic per article, that way you could see what was new in the opening post. The forum did not like, in fact they ignored it and just went back to the players name and chucking everything in.

    I do like the idea of a Player Performance board, one topic per player, but it won't stop the transfer board spiralling off into pages and pages of puns and discussions on the player.

    I have looked how other forums handle it and to be honest they are all the same, some don't have a transfer board at all as the rumours are in the main board. 

    That’s fair enough, hopefully it’ll calm down a bit after Thursday anyway. Thanks for getting back, appreciate the work you all put in!

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