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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 1 hour ago, TomTom92 said:

    I’m not sure the likes of Cheltenham are saying that…could be wrong. 
    Plus not sure Warne would be here if midtable was an acceptable outcome. He knows outside top 6 and half the fans will be on his back.

    Ok … vast majority of players and managers 

    u know what im getting at 

  2. 8 hours ago, TomTom92 said:

    Pretty sure DC, PW and numerous players have said promotion is the aim this season so not unexpected for fans to have this as the base line.  
    Agree 2 matches is too early to get the knives out. However, a poor end to last season, poor recruitment in the final third and up to now a poor start to the season isn’t looking good. 
    A win tomorrow will definitely ease any tension but likewise another defeat will see the heat turned up again.

    DC might give PW the season regardless but if it looks like we’re midtable at best then attendences will drop as well as general interest.

    Theyre hardly going to say were aiming for midtable though are they lol

    every clubs aim start of the season is that goal thats spouted froM players and management alike 

  3. 8 hours ago, Dave Mackay Ate My Hamster said:

    I'm quite concerned at some fans over-reaction to our first two results of the season.

    "Yes, we nearly went out of business, blah, blah, blah" some say "but that doesn't excuse everything", but I do see the same old sense of entitlement many of our fans exhibit, thinking we're too big for this league.

    We're NOT as this precise moment in our history. The rebuild won't be as quick as the Harry Enfield character shouting "28,000 crowds" in a "loadsamoney" fashion. 

    We're under financial restrictions which non of us are privy to.

    Just rein it in for now. Allow the manager and team to develop and work out the myriad challenges that we need to wade through this season to get us where we need to be.

    Remember Cloughie's first games and our renaissance post Igor. Success doesn't come quickly or easily.

    It's a graft. We've not started as we wanted. But it's just ONE league game. There's 20 odd pages discussing whether Warne is on borrowed time!

    Reality check. Please!

    This .. exactly this

    I said in another thread before a ball had been kicked it wouldnt take long for the derby county entitlement brigade to start their moaning 

    U would have thought give what weve been through and where were at there would be a bit more level of understanding

    apparently not 

  4. you do know hes been promoted from this league 3 times, so for all his ramblings , all his waffle, all his crappy jokes quirks and bobble hats there is a manager who knows what hes doing in this league in there.

    he wouldnt be the first manager to struggle to turn hms derby county in the right direction and to their destination of choice.

    Im totally on the fence with him but for the short to mid term im prepared to suck it up and see where we end up cos weve done the manager marry go round approach and it nearly killed the club

    we appear to still be slightly restricted with this 2 year business plan, the details of which none of us know

    tbh, im just happy we have a club and a manager who history suggests knows how to get us out of this leaugue.. clowes gave him a 4 year deal so im happy to let him see at least half of that out before passing judgement 

    but thats just me

  5. 7 hours ago, sage said:

    How many on this forum said they wanted him sacked...come back when you can give examples of 'plenty'

    I'll be kind and suggest plenty means 5

    I won't hold my breath 

    Right u do know i have a life out side this forum dont u, so i aint scollong back just cos u cant be arsed

    ill give u a clue and make it ill make it easy for u

    against burton if we’re 1-0 down by half time pop ur head in the matchday thread for 5 mins u wont struggle to find em

    good day sir


  6. 7 hours ago, sage said:

    They are such a minority they are invisible. I searched the matchday thread and couldn't find any.

    If you can find any, please quote them. I've now asked 3 posters this. No response so far.

    Just search milleniumram posts 

    hard to miss lol


  7. 27 minutes ago, angieram said:

    Brilliant! I don't even know what SS is. Superstriker? Supersub? 

    U need to play more champo lol

    Makes u a genius on here apparently 

    having not played it since the good old days (pre kids) … (and pre mrs truth be told😳)

    my educated guess is support striker 


  8. 11 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    I have just read the Hull City forum. There are several on their calling for Liam Rosenior to go with some suggesting he is unlikely to survive the month and even that defeat at home to Sheffield Wednesday on Saturday will be the end for him. If that happens, I assume the club's interest in Max Bird will come to an end.

    Its reassuring to know all clubs have them 

  9. 1 hour ago, Kokosnuss said:


    He will own it, but that still doesn't mean that Warne's way of playing didn't contribute to it happening, or limit our ability to recover the situation - which you've just confirmed, because as you rightly point out, you're not a retard.

     That other bloke though... pulling out the "well I've actually played football" line 🤣

    I know what ur saying and i get it 

    but theres no way that c*** up by bradley is anything other than a mistake by him

    the situation demanded a pretty basic pass back to the keeper which as i also said he will have done a 1000 times in his career and probably as many in his sleep

    It was a pretty straightforward ball back.. it wasnt bounncing about, it was on the floor infront of him he had controlled it once and the next phase was routine .. weather he slipped , brain fart , legs got tied up i dont know but it was a simple pass that if i had failed to make on a tuesday kick around id be beating myself up about it for the next week

    what i do share with u to a degree is that yes warnes tactics meant there was no cover.. but then u dont expect such a howler of a mistake because there was no imminent danger until bradley f***** up.. so rightly we had players committed looking to attack… being as we were in possession n all.


  10. 2 hours ago, Kokosnuss said:


    Bradley didn't have all the time in the world. He was under pressure with a striker bearing down on him. He was hurried into making a decision. The more hurried a player is the more likely they are to make a mistake, I'm not sure what that concept seems so difficult to understand.

    If you seriously want to pretend that the way a manager sets up his team doesn't have any influence on the positons a player finds himself in, the number of passing options available to them and the amount of pressure placed on them, then that's up to you.

    We base our entire attacking strategy on it! Pressing as a team, applying pressure, forcing the opposition into mistakes... why even bother doing that if the way a team is set up has no influence?

    Using that logic, I assume that Warne won't be praised for his tactics when we benefit from a mistake we've forced an opponent into?

    Of course it does im not a retard

    He was under minimal pressure, he wasnt being hounded.. he f***** up

    it was a pass hes probably executed under more pressure 1000 times in his career

    he will be the first to own it i can gurentee u that 

  11. 2 hours ago, The Last Post said:

    It wasn't PW who was caught out it was Bradley, But it was PW with his high pressing game to where our players were a few yards inside our own half when the ball was lost.

    PW has to accept some of the blame, Tactics play a major role if football as you well know, It's how you use those tactics that will define the 90+ mins in the game.

    Yes i totally agree warne owns the tactics, the press, the high line, the overlapping centre halves .. which baffles me a bit

    but we lost that game because of two uncharacteristic and shocking individual errors .. not cos of his tacitcs. 

    i know what ur saying .. and partially agree but without those two stupid v avoidable errors we dont lose that game 

  12. 34 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    No, you're deliberately twisting what I said.

    I believe that Paul Warne's tactics can lead to an increased chance of a player making a mistake, because when you're asking them to play in a manner they're not comfortable with, that happens. Same as Rosenior (and others) telling a team who aren't comfortable on the ball to pass it out under pressure - there are plenty of complains about that.

    I believe that his tactics make it so that when a player does make a mistake it's more likely to be punished by the opposition.

    I'm specifically talking about the Bradley pass against Wigan where he's passing it back from the centre circle, loads of space behind him and thus leaving the attacking player with all the time in the world to do what he needs to do. Closer to the goal and with more cover the striker has to make a decision very quickly, with more chance of the defence recovering the ball from him.

    Are u seriously holding paul warne accountable for bradleys error on saturday???

    good grief..

    It was a f*** up.. simple as .. bradley will be the first to admit that

    he had all the time in the world and as u rightly say all the space behind to pass it back to wildsmith… and he totally underhit it

    its a pass i could make in my protective boot with no achiliies tendon currently…

    bradley cocked up and it had absolutely nothing to do with tactics or warne  

    other things on saturday warne owns … but not that 

  13. Im not anti warne… im not pro warne

    im pro stability and common sense.

    What i am concerned about is the 3 at the back

    it can work.. of course it can. There are countless examples of it doing so and obviously we got it right with the bald eagle.

    however, my concern atm is the balance.

    im not sure theres enough mobility in that back line when the opposition start moving us about… this seems evident by the ease in which teams have managed to get chances and more worryingly 1 on 1s against us with minimal effort.

    the other concern is what is infront of that back line… theres no ratters, no shield , no protection

    the side is crying out for a eustace or a powell or a RVDL….any of those 3 despite being different players would improve that shape infinitely. 

    its a concern atm but im pretty sure having been promoted from this league 3 times warne will be aware of what we need

    its just a question can we obtain it in this window 

    Patience is required 

  14. 8 hours ago, i-Ram said:

    There is a big, big difference to giving players critiques/bollockings behind a closed door of a changing room, and questioning their commitment publicly on a BBC Radio station.

    Agree, but He would have done it from the city centre with a megaphone if we had been good enough for people to care 😂

  15. 1 hour ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

    Piss poor from Warne. 

    I've been hung out to dry by managers at work previously and it ends up with  you looking to move and stick 2 fingers up at them.

    If I were Clowes I would be having words.

    Don't forget that we are a big club in a small pool. Warne hasn't had to deal with tough times before (at a big club). Rotherham were always tin pot.

    Its called taking responsibility 

    hes the first one to blow smoke up their arses and lavish praise on them publicy and he then reserves the right to bring them down a peg or two

    i played for a former forest youth team coach back in the day. 
    he was one of brian cloughs right hand men… end of every game he would sit us in the dressing room and go round the room. He would critique us all infront of our team mates.

    if u got a bollocking u got a bollocking .. hed make u feel like a mouse infront of all ur mates but if u got praised hed make u feel like a god amongst men

    to this day 30 years on .. i would run through brick f****** walls for him every day of the week

    its about character and what u choose to be 


  16. 43 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Warne likes a small squad, he didn't sign another forward. Why did Sheff U take Osula back?

    Because he wasnt getting enough game time. But he was never going to.. he was always going to be an option they wantes him starting

    we needed him as a 20 min fresh legs or something different

    warne has stated this close season ideally he likes to operate with 4 strikers

    so thats pretty clear as to what he would have wanted in an ideal world last season

    but obviously it wasnt possible cos of where we were 

  17. 4 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    Are we just going to forget we were God knows how many points clear within playoffs last season, with many rival fans tipping us for top 2, for us then to throw it away?

    Would you prefer to wait until we are starring down a barrel (like many did)  before admitting something may be wrong?

    How many of our rivals strengthened in the january ? We came out of it worse off due to still being under a heavy embargo

    we lost osula our only other option up front 

    we were unable to add until we got that v raw lad from spurs or wherever he was from

    might have had something to do with it

    selective memory again

  18. 10 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    I'd say so, what are other peoples thoughts?

    Positive thoughts welcome.

    I think ur right

    i think we should get rid of him after brining in 8 players that have now 2 competitive games together and restart the mel morris merry go round of manager a season a see if we cant get even closer to going out of business by stock piling old managers players and brining in a whole brand new shiny bunch we can boo at after only 3-4 games 🤦🤷

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