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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 11 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    You could have done the poll, it doesn't have to be started by me.

    FWIW I hated all the backwards/sideways passing. But I couldn't understand how in the earliest games we didn't score 10 goals a game! We played football to a pattern, passed the ball and looked to control games. 

    Agree… and yes.. i remember u being quite vocal about the style of play .. i was too

    mad world isnt it when part of me would have it back in a heartbeat lol

    i think 🙈😂

  2. 37 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

    A cheque is fine...but...you need intelligent players, A system that suits the players, Understanding what a player can do or can not do, A good coaching team behind you.

    Is it right that PW once we went 1-0 up he moved to a 5 backline? if so he looks to have surrendered space, If so he gave Pompey a get out of jail free card altho our attempts at clearing the ball was stuff of nightmares.


    Intelligent players come via a chequebook 

    but yes agree with what u say 

  3. 4 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Not for this one . He's useless.

    They're professionals of many years on the whole who'll be plenty fit enough or too old, won't get any fitter and they shouldn't have been brought here in that case.

    You don't need to be fit enough to run a marathon in 2 hrs if you let the ball do some of the work and retain possession.

    His fitness obsession just hides his own shortcomings.

    Maybe it was them or nothing .. being as where we were at the start of last season

    remember 3 weeks before a ball was due to be kicked we were marching for our clubs future… nevermind thinking about who we Were going to bring in 

    agree re ball doing the work

    it doesnt seem to much to ask for a balanced philosophy in a manager 

    rosenior was too much possession with little substance.. warne is bugger all posession with little substance 

    Wheres daz waz when u want him lol

  4. On 08/09/2023 at 22:38, RoyMac5 said:

    That's it really, who enjoys it? Just curious about it, not how it all ends up.

    Wish u had done a similar poll for rosenior 

    people were moaning in exactly the same way then

    “boring keepball football” i seem to remember was the phrase

    89% posession , zero shots on goal

    And a monstering against little old lincoln think was the pinnacle 

    same outcome just a different ideology


  5. 2 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    With 3 yrs on their contracts it's probably a million quid pay off.  We'll have to wait till next year unless we stick them on gardening leave and force the issue by continuing to pay them on a monthly basis and bring in someone else. 

    The most turgid, insipid dross I've watched in 40 years bar the last 10 games of 07/08 where they clearly couldn't give a s***.

    The amount of injuries we're now getting is insane as well.  What the hell are they doing in training, assault courses

    And yet we’re the first ones to moan like little bitches when we watch a team that are perceived to be not working hard enough or arnt fit enough 

    Theres literally no winning for a football manager is there lol

  6. 1 hour ago, Blondest Goat said:

    You said you couldn't think of a time he had any impact so I gave you one.  You didn't ask for multiple examples.  

    The whole team was struggling in his last 10 or 12 games and he had barely more than cameo appearances in most of them so hardly surprising he didn't have a major impact.   Aside from Didzy who did?   Certainly not Bird or Knight who were starters whenever fit.  Until Sibley is given a major chance how can he be judged fairly.  He certainly makes a decent impact considering the limit time he has on the pitch.

    Fair play … u did lol 

    Impact .. totally on board with that at this stage of his career.. i just dont see why theres a clamour for him to start 


    thats all, like i said just my opinion

  7. 26 minutes ago, DavesaRam said:

    However Tom Lawrence was played in his best position, Sibley has hardly ever been played where he is at his best, which is why he often hasn't produced his best. In addition, the majority of players need a few matches to get up to speed, but all Sibley has had is 10 or 20 minutes here or there for the majority of his matches. His stand out features are the ability to run with the ball at defenders and the ability to pull a shot out of nowhere. Remember for the latter strength, for much of his career at Derby the team has been sadly lacking in players who can actually get a shot on target, let alone find the net. You suggest that he is not pulling up tree stumps in training, so maybe Tom Lawrence or Connor Hourihane are outstanding in training, but they are not employed to be outstanding in training, they are employed to produce the goods during the match. And whereas Tom and Connor keep on going missing, they still get long runs in their best position. I have often stated that once Sibbers gets a good run at Number 10, if he hasn't come up with the goods consistently, then treat him accordingly by chucking him back on the bench. But give the lad a fair chance.

    For the record i was never a tom lawrence fan… premiership quality , league 2 brain and decision making. 

    I agree with what he brings to the table, ability to get a shot off

    I just question why so many have passed him up starting

    Hes not fast, hes not strong on the ball, hes physcially lacking … so athletically he offers us little

    His touch is good sometimes and poor on others… ditto his passing.

    he doesnt possess the technical grace of a ronnie willems, hes direct , eager and as u say will try and get a shot off

    i dont think thats enough personally… which kinda goes along with previous managers opinions too

    i just dont see it, but hey its only my opinion, iv been wrong 1000 times

  8. 57 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    Sentences like that just make a mockery of the whole system though. What’s the point of saying 11,000 years? Before long, someone in the US will probably be sentenced for a million years.

    If you want someone to remain in prison for the rest of their lives just give them a whole life sentence which, we do of course, have in this country.


    Is it something to do with legal terms

    i dont know im no expert … but can life sentences still be challenged .. or don't actually mean life .. mean like 40 years and can still be out with good behaviour so a 1123 year sentence will literally mean life… or is it just for meida sensationalism?

    i dont know 

    for certain crimes and cases i still think there should be the death penalty where theres zero element of doubt

    but i know this is controversial etc etc

  9. On 08/09/2023 at 16:22, The Last Post said:

    He'll be dead before his sentence is complete 😁


    Jesus,  that brings a whole new meaning to doing time 

    oh for punishments like this over here

    quite funny in a way .. he stole millions from people, ran away and got caught and banged up

    yet our banks and politicians are stealing millions from the public coffers daily right infront of us and get away with it scot free lol

    this country 😭

  10. On 08/09/2023 at 20:55, DavesaRam said:

    Not this one again! Sibley's problem is that he simply isn't being given a fair crack of the whip. Ever since Rooney arrived, all he has had is being left on the bench, remember this is in a succession of teams that found it difficult to get the ball forwards, to break into the area, or actually find the net - all things which Sibley can do. When he gets onto the pitch it is often for just a few minutes, and over time it is often when the game has already been lost. Add in that when he gets on the pitch, it is also nearly always out of position. Yes his best run was at left back, out of necessity. Even when we were crying out for someone to play the Number 10 role, which his best position, it would go to someone else. And often when he has made an impact and really affected the game, he has ended up back o the bench next match, or even not in the squad!

    Think back to the number of matches Tom Lawrence just drifted around achieving nothing, except picking up useless cards, but kept getting picked match after match. Hourihane went through a spell just like that. Why has Sibley never been given that luxury?

    I actually expect him to pack his bags and move on, because we have signed two player who will almost certainly get picked ahead of him. Hopefully he will move to a club who will choose to use his talents, instead of squandering them.

    U need to ask yourself why he hasnt been given a percieved fair crack of the whip… how many managers is it now that Haven’t given him a fair crack ?

    these managers see him every single day in training … they know every detail about him and they only trust him for fleeting stints.

    when they have started him 9/10 he flatters to decieve.

    very fair point about getting the ball forward quicker and maybe suiting him more 🤞

    hes a good young player , but he doesnt have a single stand out attribute that makes him an essential “he must play” option

    Lawrence always carries a threat, he was one of the most frustrating players iv seen at derby but he was quick and would always try to make something happen. He was diiked more than sibley cos of his price tag and came over as a bit of a c*** at times. 

    not writing sibley or his career off but i just dont see how so many think he warrants a starting birth thats all 

    only my opinion

    love the the lad to be star for us, and who knows hopefully he will be 



  11. 31 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Out of interest, what exchange do you use and what type of wallet?

    I have a Bitstamp account but never used it

    I buy off nexo and sometimes revolute.

    i sometimes store a little on nexo cos they pay interest for u just holding it on their platform…  they make their money by providing liquidity to trading platforms.

    i do stress though i store the vast majority of my btc in cold storage aka a ledger.

    (not ur keys not ur crypto is a common saying.. and its true)

    while nexo have insurance and ur assets are covered up to 85k or something like that and revolute are effectively a bank i still like to be sure i hold the majorit of my crypto.

    i use revolute as a go between from my main bank and the crypto world.

    some banks dont like u sending money to exchanges and so i use revolute as a middle man. Theres no fees on fiat so its just another level of being careful from my point of view

    that being said, both my main banks hsbc and starling have recently issued statements saying they allow crypto purchases butu can only buy so much.. so thats their way of saying we cant do anything about it… cos before they were dead set against it

    I could probably just go from hsbc to nexo but im in the habit and it works for me.

    one reason i like nexo over any other is that u get 1 free withdrawl of btc / month so it costs me nothing to move to my ledger .. i leave it in for a bit to get interest to cover the purchasing fee .. then i feel like iv won lol

    but thats just me lol

  12. 11 hours ago, GboroRam said:

    Hypothetically, if it lost all its value, are you in trouble? 

    No… cos i havent put my life savings in there.

    id be pissed off and would cop some flack from the mrs for sure though lol

    i genuinely believe it isnt going to zero though.. and tbh if it did… id probably buy more 😂😂


  13. 5 hours ago, Wolfie said:

    It's the volatility that scares people though - me probably more than most, admittedly.

    I've just picked one year - 2021 - which looks good overall on your post but when you see that during that year, the price doubled and then halved again, TWICE, I'm not sure I'd have got any sleep if I'd got a big investment in it.


    Totally … aint lying its a rollercoaster lol

    but to be brutally honest iv bought all i intend to…. Im invested but not by any stretch over committed, and always advise anyone to do research before aping in.

    iv set my timeframe when i will look to start to consider taking profits (18 months ish imo) unless i decide to hang it and hold it through to the following halving.

    what it does inbetween, up , down , left right im not bothered about

    im not selling it now so what it does is til that point is totally irrelevant

  14. 2 hours ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Portsmouth have had an even bigger overhaul and they seem pretty stable already. Our overhaul last season was bigger than this season and again for the most part we looked pretty stable if not exciting.

    Portsmouth are the only undefeated team in the league after 6 games (9 unbeaten in all comps) having only conceded 2 goals - 3 of their back 4 are new signings - , they're also the only team to beat current league leaders Exeter.

    While I agree we do still need time for our team to gel, the way we play doesn't actually promote our own players becoming familiar with each other's games so it's going to be a long slog.

    Perhaps we should have tried to bed players into a less chaotic system and tried to keep things tight for the first few games instead of playing Kamikaze football?

    And Well done portsmouth .👏🏻

    Doesnt mean their the norm though does it… more like the anomaly

    Do agree to an extent… but its football .. s*** happens .. sometimes it just takes time

  15. 6 hours ago, Chris_Martin said:

    Yeah but we were better when we had even more of a restrictive embargo last season than we are now which is very worrying. 

    U know its early days of the season right… weve brought in 8/9 /10 ?players

    Thats a massive overhaul by any stretch, theyre not going to gel within 5 minutes.

    wait til xmas lets see what signs we can see of progression 

  16. 4 hours ago, IslandExile said:

    Last year was a nightmare. The almost unthinkable nearly happened - we were so close to losing our beloved football club, founder members of the football league, champions under Clough and Mackay, FA cup winners after the war and European Cup semi-finalists.

    David Clowes, a genuine fan with the means to do so, rescued the club at the last minute. He himself says it "was close".

    Thanks to him, we have a club, our club.

    We must learn the lessons of the past. We must not get into the same precarious mess ever again.

    But....we can move on. We must move on. We should now look forward. We do not have to merely be content that the club is still in existence.

    It's ok to demand more from the manager, the teams on the pitch (not just the first team but especially them).

    We should demand exciting, entertaining football that gets results. It does not mean that we won't forever be grateful to David Clowes for saving the club.

    It means we want Derby County to once again be a beacon for good football. Attacking football. Positive football. Entertaining football.

    That means passing football, intricate moves, running with the ball, creating chances. It doesn't mean sitting back and hoping to score from a corner or a free kick.

    I like Paul Warne, the man. But I don't like his tactics. I don't like his desire to play 3-5-2 with the players he has available, I don't like his use of players out of position or not giving the academy players a chance. I don't like the emphasis on set pieces rather than attacking play.

    Yes, at least we still have a club.

    But we are Derby County. The football should be, must be, ought to be better 🐏

    We are derby county, but we have no divine right to anything,

    We’re taking our medicine, serving our time for what happened /nearly happened previous.

    We will get better , we will flourish again but like any kind of rehabilitation it takes time and wont happen over night 

    some fans need to realise this 


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