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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 59 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

    In danger of crossing the streams here but have you seen the carbon footprint of crypto?

    A 2022 report, titled Revisiting Bitcoin’s Carbon Footprint, conducted by climate and economics researchers across Europe estimates that “Bitcoin mining may be responsible for 65.4 megatonnes of CO2 per year … which is comparable to country-level emissions in Greece (56.6 megatonnes in 2019).”


    Very Happy to discuss this in the crypto topic

    The btc community is v aware of this and actually technology is being used to turn that totally on its head for the good of the planet by harnessing released methane ( a major greenhouse gas) into energy(money)


    theres a better bloomberg article about this but its behind a paywall sadly 


  2. 2 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

    In Jan we lost Osula and didnt bring in another striker leaving us with just 2 (which we have now), seems like some fans would prefer that situation again than bring Sharp in which is madness.

    Yes there have been issues between Derby 'fans' & Sharp but that is mainly down to a group of our idiotic 'fans'. I dont care whether Sharp is a footballer, role model etc he is still a human being & has every right to react to disgusting comments & chants. I know for damn sure if it was me id have reacted much worse than he did.

    Is he the ideal player to bring in, no of course not, we all would like a young, fast, strong, tall, athletic, 23 year old striker through the door who scores for fun but I am sure Warne would also like that too. But in our budget that simply isnt going to happen unless we hit the lottery on a loan.

    However, if Warne is wanting a poacher type player to add to his forward options then there wont be many better than Sharp at this level even at 37. He will score 10+ goals easy at this level.

    Totally agree 

    just a little surprised thats all… especially after warne comments about age balance

    not a criticism 

  3. 1 hour ago, Millenniumram said:

    I mean I’d expect us to be signing some good young players? Rather than 37 year old Billy Sharp?

    I wont lie, while im sure we’re still operating within a tight business model (being a league 1 club n all) 

    i did think we would be investing a little more in players who perhaps one day had some re sell value.

    i realise we have to get what we can and at best bang for our buck but signing 37… 33 yos wasnt what i expected truth be told

    not a critisism of the club or manager.. just surprised thats all 

  4. 49 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    Pre conceived opinions I would suggest - he has proved his own opinions wrong several times so far in the past year EG didn’t rate Forsyth when he arrived, pre judged Waghorn apparently and there must be more and interestingly his hunt for the right characters has proved sometimes self defeating when they have given him their word! - anyway - look what they do on a football pitch and see if it’s what you need. You are right Chris Martin in the third division is a better player than Collins and Collins is a better player with a Chris Martin.

    Every player is a better player with a chris martin… that was one of his biggest strengths. He brought players into the game high up the pitch 

  5. 19 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    If there is any truth in this it's unfathomable. Why on earth would they loan him to us? There is zero benefit to Wednesday doing that. When you're in a negotiation, you have to offer a sensible route through or there's not the slightest point talking. So, I hope the report is wrong. But even though it sounds impossible, really I just hope we bring an exciting striker in from left field and blow the league out of the water.

    Agree with all of that, seems a bit like a waste of time for all parties concerned

    assuming the report is true 

  6. 4 minutes ago, derbydaz22 said:

    I think for 5 at the back to work especially at home you need at least 1 quick CB out of the 3 and none of them can run. You also need very attacking WB’s and you can’t have 3 CM players who are to similar I just don’t think it’s going to work but hope I’m wrong.

    I agree, i dont think the balance is quite there atm especially midfield.

    unlike many im happy to give warne this season at least to continue to shape and mould.

    weve brought 8 players in and we still have a tiny squad, imo the club still needs re couperation time from being on deaths door 

  7. 11 hours ago, chadlad said:

    …doesn’t work in my humble opinion. Has anyone won anything playing 3 at the back.

    A number of times today there appeared to be a huge space in the middle of our defence. Sonny Bradley is undoubtedly a good player but is not the quickest and seems to have a habit of going awol.

    Two CD’s make the defence more secure while still allowing full backs to overlap and wingers to cut inside.

    Happy to be shot down - discuss. 🙂


    We got promted from the champ to the prem with rowett, yates and stimac as a back 3.

    what i will say is they were screened brilliantly by robin VDL and daryl powell.

    we have nothing like that infron of our back 3 atm.

  8. 1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

    All valid points but, as I said, what is to stop someone launching an alternative to Bitcoin in 5, 10, 15 years time? I’m still to be convinced that Bitcoin is quite the safe AND inflation proof investment you’re suggesting.

    In the early part of the 21st century you might give people Spotify and Bitcoin but in the latter part you might give them XYZCoin (or whatever the next generation is called) and whatever replaces Spotify.

    I think it’s a very, very long way off being the future of money (if it ever is).  Are the general public (rather than just the big shot investors) in all the countries much worse hit by inflation likely to be able to understand the transparency and access the viewable Bitcoin ledgers any time soon? Will Bitcoin ever be the future of currency when the countries with relatively resilient economies and stable political systems don’t really need it? Sad, but a fact, if such a monetary system isn’t widely embraced by the powerful economies it’s going to struggle to replace the existing systems.

    I admire your passion for this product but don’t quite get your apparent mission to convert us all.

    In the meantime, I share your desire to find an distraction from today’s result. 😀



    Oh im not trying to convert anyone lol

    each to your own as they say. 

    just think its an interesting subject.. the whole space and the macro factors affecting us all 

  9. 10 hours ago, Tamworthram said:

    Sadly, inflation has been around for ever and yet I believe (I.e. I don’t have any source to quote) for many families the value (in real terms) of inheritances have increased pretty much every generation. Admittedly, the increase is probably largely down to property values so therefore, perhaps there is an argument that the best way to protect your descendants inheritance is to invest in property or help them get on the housing market before you die?

    Bitcoin may well hold its value in real terms but, given we’d never heard of it 20 years ago, what’s to stop an alternative (possibly another cryptocurrency) emerging that overtakes Bitcoin and causes a severe drop in its value by the time our kids get to inherit our wealth?

    Thought id reply to this now to help distract myself from todays football 🙈😭

    your right inflation has been around forever … historically in this country at in and around the BOE 2% target… with some exceptions. ( like now)

    i totally agree re property, imo thats as safe a place as u could possibly put your money. History says that despite a couple of crashes (nothing is immune from macro economic factors) property is a good bet to protect ur moneys value.

    But thats this country… where we are fortunate. We have a pretty resilient economy and a stable political system.

    There are countries all over the world who dont have this and their currencies are losing value by the month against the dollar….. so how do they protect their money? 

    As i said we are lucky comparatively but even we are seeing the effects of high inflation and what that brings. More importantly we are seeing what it does to the pound in our pocket. 

    lets say u cant buy a property to invest in? What cab the average jo do to save for the future? Where or what can they invest in that will offer a safe haven against inflation.

    As for other alternatives.

    no one knows the future and im not going to pretend to know any different.

    All i know is that there are 1000s and 1000s of other cryptos and not one of them have been able to offer anything near what btc is

    The bitcoin network isnt owned by any one person, company, group of people… its permissionless, totally transparent, transferable anywhere in the world in a few seconds. It cant be controlled, manipulated or shut down.

    its the biggest open ledger on the plannet, accessible and viewable by anyone. Its supply is finite, it cant be added to, diluted or hacked.

    its digital gold

    back in 19th century if someone wanted to gift music, knowledge and wealth they would give an instrument, books and a block of gold.

    in the 21st centuary u would now give them Spotify, the internet and bitcoin

    its the future of money 


  10. 3 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    I was.  He was always going to have the best hold up play and ability to hold the ball at feet by a mile in this division.

    Agree totally. I had no doubts about him as a footballer having seen him in the prem. i also have two sheff united sth mates that filled me in about his ability as a footballer 

    what did surprise me was his goalscoring. 

    hes never been prolific … but last season he was priceless for us in that respect.

    who knows maybe the manager can take some credit for getting the best out of him in that respect 😉😜lol

  11. 7 hours ago, ImARam2 said:

    I wish fans would accept that Derby cannot "splurge" the cash anymore. It's only just over 12 months ago that we were on the verge of total oblivion - no ground; no players; no club - nothing whatsoever.

    We've been to the edge of the abyss, looked in and we don't ever want to go there again.

    I do not want to see an owner "splash" the cash and offer us dreams, then run out of money and see it all collapse.

    If we have to buy players who are, by other club or division standards, "cheap" or loans, so be it, until the club is back on firm footing, without any embargos or EFL restricted business plans, when, perhaps one day, we can go back to trading players in the normal way.

    David Clowes has a plan which he set out in his interview a few months ago, in which he hoped that Derby would be back, and competing, in the Championship within 5 years and if Derby have to remain in Division 1 for another season, I will accept that because I love my football watching my home town club Derby County FC.

    Let's not get over excited about who may or may not be transferred, in or out of the club, in the next few weeks, because there is still 27 days to go before the transfer window closes on the 1st September.

    Let the games begin - COYR's

    Can we pin this post somewhere as a reminder to some 

  12. 1 minute ago, Big Trav said:

    I’ll say one thing, if we play like that every game this season. We go down. Midfield way too slow and lethargic, Hourihane was walking 70 mins, should’ve been hauled off. Little to no creativity. Felt like we were scared to make a forward pass at times. Ver very concerning first game. Hopefully Warne walks into clowes office tomorrow and tells him to get his players in

    Reading this and others Its truly amazing how peoples perspective of the game can be so different 

    but i suppose thats the beautiful game

  13. 1 hour ago, Brammie Steve said:

    This is, without doubt, the most farcical episode since Cloughie introduced Ian Moore to us after a game as “Our latest signing” days before the latter turned out for Man U!

    (It just needs Michael to play for us against Wigan later today alongside Waggy!)

    Only by us the fans speculating at every possible corner.

    the club are sensibly being v tight lipped

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