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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. Just now, Jayram said:

    Genuinely curious mate but how do you explain a team like Wigan who lost 16 players this summer managing to look like a solid cohesive ball playing unit on day one of the season compared to our collection of individuals who seem to have no idea what they are supposed to do? It can only be down to the manager and his coaching staff can’t it? 
    This tonight is a shambles so far and there is no defending it or the coaching staff.

    Pretty simply

    We made two massive defensive individual errors … did u not see them or something

    on another day that game is put to bed and we dont f*** up indivivdually

    warne doesnt carry the can for those sort of silly mistakes… the players own those two

  2. 3 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    Warne isn’t the answer. That’s fact. Darren Moore for example is a much better manager.

    We can show all the patience we want, it ain’t gonna work.

    Hes brought in 8 players, some of whom won’t even start. Blackpool have brought in 6. Doesn’t seem to have done them any harm.

    Time to wake up and smell the coffee mate. 

    8 players and ur moaning that they havent settled and gelled ?????

    think about it 

    thats is exactly derby countys problem

    when was the last time we had a manager for more than a season? More than 18 months???

    and we wonder why we got ourselves into a mess ??!?!

    when was the last time a manager at this club had to time to get it wrong before getting it right? Time to gel players, time to work with players ?

    thank the f****** lord the internet wasnt a thing when jim smith and brian clough were here

    U would have been moaning like a bitch on here early days jim smith 


  3. Just now, TomG said:

    Well you did ask!

    Thought he might have a clue as to being as he seems so convinced warne is not the answer

    i said the fans would have to show patience 

    i said bringing in this number of players would cause teething problems that would take time to iron out

    i also said that some sections of the fanbase are incapable of patience and have a sense of entitlement that we should be winning every game from the word go ad would be moaning after a couple of games 

    f*** im good 

  4. 5 minutes ago, G-Ram said:

    Schteve Mac with three forward player, Russell, Ince & Martin 

    The good old days 🤣

    I meant to centre forwards .. as in the old school two centre forwards playing off each other

    the good old days was

    44 fing 2 lol

  5. 2 minutes ago, Malty said:

    Brilliant. Two forwards at home.  No attacking looking players in midfield.

    Not enough creativity either.

    We will need the full backs getting up a lot and the midfield supporting the strikers.

    Warneball is really winding me up. I hope I’m wrong but it feels like another frustrating evening ahead already.


    2 forwards … when was the last time a derby side started with 2 forwards ? About 20 years.. so not sure how u can moan about that .

    CH and MB are both technically able players .. CH got in team of the season last year because of his goals and assists contribution..

    is his cos we lost saturday .. let me guess.. if wed won saturday ud be calling promotion 🙄

  6. Be interested to see if thats a front two playing off each other with one on the shoulder or one dropping off and playing more in that linkup area

    My guess would be a two together

    one things for sure theyll be a lot lot more movement and energy than when its just collo up there on his todd.

    not a slight on collins.. just a fact 

  7. 42 minutes ago, jono said:

    Hey, we’ve exchanged views on here for an age and in a completely temperate way. Totally understand your stance, no argument at all. I am a bit grumpy/traditional, and, despite being risk averse, have been caught the odd time in life which colours my outlook somewhat. I do think (and declaim) in pretty straight lines. I should be a bit more bendy I suppose 🤣


    its a weird concept and one that not only has take me best part of 2/3 years to get my head around but also some costly mistakes along the way.

    Re points of view. Totally, all good buddy. U know i respect ur opinion, u always support anything u say with good reasoning 👍🐏


  8. https://champman0102.net/viewforum.php?f=76

    thats the page where the link is

    to access it though u have to sign up to the site… which is no biggy at all and well worth doing.

    once uv signed up to the site, go to downloads, scoll down and go to game subcategory 

    then follow prompts 

    then u want to go to rosters and install current roster… its straight forward enough but just meeds a little bit of cutting and pasting but theres well illustrated instructions that make it simple


    happy to answer any questions 

    me and my bro are doing a cracking network game on it 

    amazing fun and nostalgia 

  9. 5 minutes ago, jono said:

    Yes, another thread I suppose. 🤷‍♂️ But sorry, I hate it and everything it stands for. It’s clever dick money without tangible assets or honest work and risk done and born. The fact the Black rock and others have it in their menu makes me puke but it also cements my opinion that fund managers are at least as interested in Looking after themselves instead of indulging in investing in solid companies with either sound profits or good potential for growth for their clients and investors on the basis of their plans. The financial services industry is a shark pit no matter how many OBE’s they have. I am pretty conservative, business friendly, pro market but crypto currencies stink to high heaven in my book. 

    I agree crypto currencies stink to high heaven .. but bitcoin isnt a crypto currency .. its bitcoin.

    ill happily explain the differences elsewhere and the purpose bitcoin serves ….. respect your opinion totally, i just think like many you just see bitcoin as “that crypto thing” without actually knowing a lot about what it does , can do and will do.

    and i truly hand on heart dont mean that in a condescending or arsey way 👍🤝😊 

  10. 2 hours ago, jono said:

    And all for what is nothing more than a 21st century Ponzi scheme. There is nothing behind crypto except gambling and encouraging others to gamble. Looking at the energy consumption on top of that and scams it generates It is perhaps the worst example of human endeavour. Yuk. It’s why Kirchner existed at all. Oil at least keeps people warm and mobile ! 

    People Gamble on the dollar every day … and every day they print more of them so your losing …

    so its Not even a fair bet 😂😂

    bitcoin protects people from governments around the world debasing their local Currencies. 


    Oil also funds wars …. so 🤷

  11. 2 hours ago, jono said:

    And all for what is nothing more than a 21st century Ponzi scheme. There is nothing behind crypto except gambling and encouraging others to gamble. Looking at the energy consumption on top of that and scams it generates It is perhaps the worst example of human endeavour. Yuk. It’s why Kirchner existed at all. Oil at least keeps people warm and mobile ! 

    Theres nothing behind crypto (altcoins) correct, they are mostly pomzis

    theres everything behind bitcoin though, its digital gold … why else do 2 of the 3 biggest hedgefund management companies on the planet (blackrock and fidelity) have it on their balance sheets .. they wouldnt spend millions on a ponzi

    but thats for a discussion on the world of crypto thread not here 

  12. On 05/08/2023 at 07:37, jono said:

    I don’t think it’s just us and we shouldn’t lambast ourselves. It’s been going on at one level or another since the start of the industrial age. Population and therefore effect  (regardless of our individual contribution) has vastly increased. 
    I don’t buy this “baby boomers” mass consumption blah blah. We are a filthy lot, ALL of us including the kids. Thing is there are 3 times more of us than when I was born and a greater proportion of those have consumption demands . That is inescapable. It’s a numbers game not a generation game. 

    Especially the kids 😂.. well my

    pair anyhow 

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