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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 2 minutes ago, littleover ram said:

    Warne got lucky that we had an ex-player turn up for a testimonial and happen to have some fitness. Doubt he would have signed him from the ‘open market’ 

    Oh give over will u 

    Dont remember waghorn scoring too many hatricks before for us.

    maybe we haveva gaffer who knows how to get goals from his centre forwards 


  2. 14 minutes ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

    This is much more enjoyable than modern versions.  Much simpler, quicker and a lot less faffing about.

    Isnt it just

    U can just blast through seasons

    u managed to get it up and running with the new rosters all ok? 

  3. 31 minutes ago, alram said:

    4 year deals are how you build teams and plan long term. I know it’s a Novel concept based on our business in recent years


    if he performs well this season he has a year left on his deal and we have to sell or lose for nothing, it’s not long enough

    Have u been living under a rock for the last 5-6 years ??

    Lucrative over the top 4 year deal are the reason we nearly didnt have a club 

  4. 18 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    Osula was raw, still is, but he had pace and an eye for a shot and would/should have been someone to introduce regularly at about 60/65 minutes to scare a few tiring defenders. We could have done with him second half of the season, indeed anyone with even half an eye for goal, but we ended up with Springett, White and a bench keeper.

    Agree, imo he would have been a very good option to have … this season too 


  5. 8 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

    Osula was a Rosenior loan. Osula could have been very useful, but he was sparingly used by Warne, and Sheff Utd took him back. Now he's getting some run-outs in the Prem. 

    and hes yet to score a goal lol

    joking aside i know what ur saying

    But just cos hes getting played doesnt mean we made a bad call not playing him… more of a indikement as to how ill prepared sheff united are.

    really hopeful that them or luton could break our record… shame theyre both uo there as it gives them both the chance at some points and that one win 

  6. 8 minutes ago, Yoxoram said:

    There are a lot of managers who sign players they have worked with before. Warnock is one example. If any of these ex-Rotherham players were part of their promotion teams what is wrong with signing them. Are we not looking for promotion from the same division. Makes perfect sense to me.

    But, of course, some are looking for any old excuse for a stick to beat Warne with.

    Some guy called brian clough did it quite successfully apparently as well.

    they all do it, bring in a couple of reliable players theyve worked with before, know how they work and they trust.

    in the wider world its called head hunting.. but is the same thing 


  7. 8 minutes ago, deanoakaram4life said:

    Rotherham again!! Is there no other scouting at this club! Rather chuck Brown in than another one of the boys! 

    Because some random “idk” has guessed we might be in for a player cos he was once at rotherham..

    i wouldnt get my knickers in a twist until someone with significantly more clout makes the claim 

  8. 35 minutes ago, Srg said:

    I get that, but still need to sprinkle in a few more young'uns because at the moment, it's at the detriment of our actual performances on the pitch.

    Oh i agree entirely 


  9. Just now, Srg said:

    Most free transfers include sign on fees, agent fees and bonuses. They're still not completely free, even though I accept your point.

    Bigger problem is it just kicks the can further down the road, and you end up perpetually doing the same thing with no continuity.

    Maybe thats part of the plan .. as weird as it sounds

    if it buys the club time, time to get away from the EFL business plan, time to reingnite the accademy , time for the accademy kids to come of age etc 

    i agree i am a little concerned that all these senior players we’re brining in only kicks the can down the road … unless theres a genuine game plan behind it all 

  10. On 12/08/2023 at 18:09, RoyMac5 said:

    Just had my old (5 yrs ish) Windows 10 laptop crash a couple of times because of overheating. Not sure why, there’s no heavy load when I check in task manager.

    Anyway I guess it’s time for a new laptop. I have never used Windows 11 so am unsure as to the spec needed. No gaming will be done 😄 so will 8gb be enough memory and will I need video memory?

    Was also going to say if its a blue screen crash aka a memory dump it might be a program or hardware fault causing it

    if u save anything u need/ thats important and do a reboot to an earlier save point (pre installation of any mew software it might be that causing it

    i had that with my windows 10 laptop, turns out the new mempry i put in it was conflicting with the mother board 

  11. On 12/08/2023 at 18:09, RoyMac5 said:

    Just had my old (5 yrs ish) Windows 10 laptop crash a couple of times because of overheating. Not sure why, there’s no heavy load when I check in task manager.

    Anyway I guess it’s time for a new laptop. I have never used Windows 11 so am unsure as to the spec needed. No gaming will be done 😄 so will 8gb be enough memory and will I need video memory?

    Should be absolutely fine mate, gaming is the main drain on processor and memory 


  12. Thought they got away with one last night

    after the first 20 mins where they looked like they would bury sheff .. and lowes air kick attempt to clear the ball 

    sheff pressed better, passed it better and deservedly equalised. Should have gone ahead when worral did a worral but after that both sides had periods of good possession

    they were fortunate to win that, sheff can feel a bit pieved they came away with nothing 

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