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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. On 05/06/2021 at 12:13, Eddie said:

    Why do you hate the planet?

    I don’t use plastic bags and my energy company regularly inform me 100% of my electricity comes from renewable sources … ie they get it for free .. at no cost to the environment 

    which kinda takes the piss when they keep putting it up every year lol 

  2. 5 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    Yes really,  QE isn't necessarily going to cause hyperinflation in the way you're suggesting because it's not as simple as just continually devaluing currency until it goes into a death spiral. That's why you can support QE but see MMT as complete and utter nonsense because fundamentally they operate differently. That's just a fundamental misunderstanding of what QE entails and how it's supposed to ensure a robust response to capital crises that emerge such as 08 financial crash. 

    You can totally think bitcoin has a future (i think the sheer energy requirements are what's going to kill it in the long run) but to believe in it because you think QE is going to cause mass hyperinflation so best to buy gold, land or bitcoin is a pretty mistaken analysis. 

    I believe mainly that is an asset of value now and more so in the future … a more and more likely a digital future 

    the quantive easing is merely a point in time that we’re at that IMO will give some further value to hard assets of value but won’t sculpt their future and is merely in isolation … but it is relevant .. totally relevant. 

    Bitcoin vs gold could be argued that gold is still being mined of which there is an unknown reserve still to be mined.

    The last Bitcoin is due to to be mined in 2045 .. that’s it .. end of.

    And within each halving cycle the amount that can mine be mined per day is halved and so creating a natural supply to demand imbalance… hence the cycles of rising prices 

    do I think it’ll replace gold .. duck no

    bit do I think it has a place in our futures… yes 

    it is what it is … I totally agree re the climate side of things 

    but then we the human race have done many a thing to the detriment of the environment knowing full well the consequences and we continue to do so to this day

    jeez if it takes our government or any other as long as we have down to stop relying on plastic bags then bitcoin will be long mined out before anything is done to tackle its environmental impact 


  3. 41 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    It's a ponzi scheme - mugs give them their money and they use that to buy crypto. The scheme only works while crypto is rising at silly rates and can generate the promised interest. So it relies on more and more people "investing" with them 

    Don't go near it. "No brainer" is about right

    Not regulated, and a total lack of transparency about who they are




    people pay fees and commission to borrow money to leverage trades 

    in order to do this they use decentralised platforms that allow a form of peer to peer lending 

    the fees distributed between the platform and the customers that stake the money 

    there is risk involved as this is all done on smart contracts 

    the platforms … or more reputable ones are insured for millions … they are not regulated and IMO I consider it money I might probably won’t  see if it went bad .. so limit my exposure 

    Risk to reward etc 

  4. 1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Should we talk about the ecological impact of the way crypto mining works? The huge carbon footprint - bitcoin mining consumes more energy than a medium sized European country. And it's getting higher all the time

    Only the human race could be stupid enough, in a era of dwindling resources, to design a new currency system that eats through the remaining resources at an exponential rate


    My electricity company seem v proud in telling me every invoice I get that 100% of my electricity needs come from renewable sources 

    to add … allegedly 70% of mined Bitcoin comes from renewable sources 

    but your point is totally valid 

  5. 33 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

    Quantitative easing isn't printing money in the traditional way to the point it loses its intrinsic value or worth though. 

    Really ?

    Give u an example 

    my house gone up 25-30k in 2 years just had it revalued 

    that means that means the hand in your pocket has to find another 25-30k to buy the same average 3 bed semi as I bought 2 years ago … that’s a 10% increase .. in two years 

    what’s caused that ? 
    demand ? 
    inflation ?

    taking that second point what causes inflation? 

    And in turn what does that say about fixed assets of value ? 

    your house ? Gold? Bitcoin ? 

    im not for one second saying this is the way people should put their life savings into I’m certainly not 

    but for me I can see a future where Bitcoin is used as a genuine asset of wealth 

    more and more hedgfunds and institutions are taking notice 

    Jp Morgan and Morgan Stanley seem to think so 

    but whatever anyone does now is possibly the end of the bull run and if it isn’t we could be close so the last thing I’d do now is buy unless u were planning to hold for the Forseable which I plan to do 

    as others have said I’m not throwing stupid money into it just money that I may have chucked into a crap saver or something .. £50 here and there 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Maestro said:

    Not sure how true it is, it's something I read on Reddit, but if everyone in the world had access to Dogecoin, in it's current state, a person would have to wait 6 years in order to process a single transaction due to how slow the underpinning technology and network is for Dogecoin. It was conceived as a memecoin and for some reason, people are bowing to the self proclaimed Crypto memelord Elon Musk in thinking it is the future. Idiots.

    I wouldn’t touch it personally 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Maestro said:

    You can use whattomine.com which will give you approximate MH/s for your graphics card. I have a 5700xt and the website was very accurate in calculating that I would get ~50MH/s which is what I ended up getting. From what I've seen, there are different mining programs that are graphics card dependent. Due to me having a 5700xt, I use a program called teamredminer which was surprisingly easy to set up. With Ethereum, your returns are dependent on how high gas fees are. For a couple of days I went from getting $5-6 per day to $15. Now that it is summer, I've calmed down on my mining seeing as my GPU was hitting +90c.

    From what I can tell, when ETH2.0 comes out, mining on a GPU will be pointless, and the same would be for Bitcoin too as the algorithms are getting harder to crack. There is transition now to mining on dedicated ASICs and tbh, if you had a spare $5-10k lying around, you can get an ASIC miner which is capable of between 84 and 110 TH/s.

    Your a star I’ll look into it 

    For that reason … getting harder to mine Eth Iv been doing the two I mentioned as vertcoin is specially aimed at gpu mining … and u can change what they pay u in… but your still mining vertcoin that’s gpu friendly 

    unmineable mines ethereum classic which apparently is easier to mine too… can even do it on your cpu although you’d be there a long long time 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Maestro said:

    That's pretty much what I have been doing. £50 each month if I know I am going to be able to afford and if it is looking bearish.

    I've got friends who will chuck a grand at Dogecoin when it was at a crazy low price and cashed out when it got to 60c per coin. Obviously I'm slightly envious of their ability to do that but I'm safe in knowing I am being responsible with my limits and know that I am getting more in my Crypto wallet than I would if it was in my savings account getting 0.01% gross interest per annum.

    Now dodgcoin is something I wouldn’t touch with a 10ft barge pole 

    total ponzi with no fundamental use case 

  9. 7 minutes ago, Maestro said:

    That's pretty much what I have been doing. £50 each month if I know I am going to be able to afford and if it is looking bearish.

    I've got friends who will chuck a grand at Dogecoin when it was at a crazy low price and cashed out when it got to 60c per coin. Obviously I'm slightly envious of their ability to do that but I'm safe in knowing I am being responsible with my limits and know that I am getting more in my Crypto wallet than I would if it was in my savings account getting 0.01% gross interest per annum.


  10. 41 minutes ago, Maestro said:

    Got into Crypto at the start of this year by buying some Ripple just before the dump. I've since grown my portfolio to Cardano, Ethereum, Binance coin, Bitcoin, Zilliqa and Ripple. It is pretty much my savings account this moment in time and was going amazingly during the bull run. Now we are in a bit of a bear market so things aren't going the way they were. I've also mined about $250 worth of Ethereum in a month which was a nice little pump for my holdings as well.

    Edit: missing a word.

    We need to talk re the mining 

    desperately trying to get into this 

    Messed about with a program called unmineable and another called vertcoin miner 

    with some effect ish … although still waiting to hit the payment threshold 

    I’m guessing it’s cos I’m running On just a rx 570 4gb 

    unmineabke seems to keep dropping out for some reason

    Have seen things like meta mask etc etc 

    but any help or pointers for a fellow ram would be insanely appreciated 

    Desperate for some free (less electricity) crypto 

  11. Two words why I believe in Bitcoin 

    not all crypto but Bitcoin I do

    quantitive easing 

    It’s a store of value that intrinsically tied to the way the world is right now and like other physical assets is a solid store of value on a world where we will see more money be printed and the values of sad money decreased quicker than seen for a long time … due to COVID and the fall out 


  12. 17 minutes ago, Spanish said:

    there really is a whiff of ponsi about this stuff

    There is an element to it 

    but then it is even at a trillion dollars a very thin market that can be easily manipulated by various institutions that feel there can be money to be made in from the casual retail investor 

    The alt coins I’m v v sceptical over many if not all bar ethereum 

    Bitcoin does have a genuine use case as a store of value in a digital world 

    but hey who knows 

    My view is got to be in it to win it 

    if I’d taken my mates advice in 2012 and bought a load when it was like £200 a Bitcoin I’d be the proud new owner of an East Midlands football club ? 

    so maybe I should be grateful for small mercies 

  13. 15 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

    It's not just the short term issues that are the problem, it's the same as betting on the stock market which I also wouldn't advise people to do unless they know exactly what they're doing as otherwise it's little more than spending your money at a casino.

    I personally wouldn't touch bitcoin with a 10ft pole simply because of the energy consumption it requires to create which makes it the opposite of sustainable or long term from what I can see. 

    I don’t bet on anything 




  14. 18 hours ago, GenBr said:

    I don't know how rich Walt Disneys descendants are, but none of them are involved with the Disney company or with Portsmouth.

    The guy who owns Portsmouth used to be the CEO of disney, but thats as far as the link goes with the disney family.

    Be about right for us to be owned by someone with an affiliation to Micky mouse lol

  15. 14 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    don't do it unless you really know what you're doing would be my advice. 

    I’m not doing it for short term wins 

    IMO I think digital currencies will happen in one form or another … we’re already halfway there with people have their regular bank cards digitally stored on their mobile phones

    I’m cautious with all the alt coins as they tend to come and go but I firmly believe because of the protocol, Finite amount and traceability of Bitcoin it’s a sound investment for the long term 

    look at its long term progress 

    yes it’s gone up and down, down and up but over time as less and less is able to be mined and we get closer to that finite total it’s price IMO will continue to grow 

    That all said I’m only investing what I can afford to lose 

  16. Just wandering if anyone else have had any success in the current bull run( which may or may not be ending soon)

    my best mate has made an absolute killing in it ... like made more money this year than he’s early in the last 10.

    we talk about all things crypto most days (in the absence of Derby) and although personally I think it’s too late / risky to be getting into alt coins atm the whole space just fascinates me 

    there’s a whole world of decentralised finance that we’re both looking to get into where u can stake money be it crypto or regular fiat currency and get very healthy returns 

    my plan is to do this and build a pot ready to take advantage of the next bear run

    just wandered if any other rams were dabbling in this space and fancied exchanging views 


  17. 2 hours ago, QuitYourJibbaJivin said:

    It’s not actually Barry. It’s a middle aged bloke who does the paintings. Not saying it isn’t complete tosh, but everybody gets a chance. The cryptic stuff pees me off though.

    Mighty fine artist that guy 

    got a couple of his creations in my Derby county toilet shrine 

  18. On 24/05/2021 at 16:09, 86 Hair Islands said:

    You mean as opposed to Mansour buying City or Abramovic buying Chelsea. Neither were exactly behemoths prior to their current owners taking over, were they?

    Now the flip-side; Liverpool were priced at >£2 billion when last under offer and at that price, there's no great potential for ROI, least none that I can see. The only way is down. Would Tepper buy a club as a plaything, o do you suppose he might want to build the club and secure a return on investment?

    Let's take emotion out of the equation for a moment; in the good times; we can sell over 30,000 tickets for games. Derby is effectively a one club City; we are a founder member of the football league who have twice topped the pile; we have a large and loyal fan-base and a comparatively rich footballing history.

    Furthermore, I'd venture it is the very fact that we are in such a mess that makes us an attractive proposition. I struggle with the fact that so many fans are unable to grasp the notion that you buy stock when it's cheap, not when it's already peaked. Why one shitty season, when we've been challenging for promotion for nigh on 10 years now, is being taken as the only viable metric.

    We know there are multiple bidders currently and this without the EFL charges being put to bed. Surely there's a clue there for those who choose to see it? I've very little doubt that a consortium that brings the financial wherewithal of Tepper and the commercial skills and experience of a man like Glick, would be able to steady the ship and put us on back on a road we were already treading until 18 months ago without too much bother. 

    There’s also a very nice shiny state of the art training ground in place , if they can get it in the deal.. a nice 33k all seater multi cough cough purpose stadium and we even have our own poem ... what more do they want 

  19. 10 minutes ago, Curtains said:

    Not great but the last bit of the article puts it into perspective .

    Just another case of the media having a go at us  IMO 


    “Meanwhile, Morris has told Sportsmail that the £60m figure quoted is based on a ‘worst case scenario’. He also makes the point that the MSD loan equates roughly to the stadium mortgage he cleared after buying the club.

    And with regards the HMRC debt, Morris says many Championship clubs have had to rely on a deferral of PAYE taxes to cope with the impact of Covid-19 and how it has decimated club revenues.”


    To add to that,

    I was going to say .. wasn’t it well documented a few years ago that we were debt free and only owed the mortgage on the stadium 

  20. 4 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Derby don't have a wage bill in excess of 50 million. They would need to be 2 years, probably a bit more behind with their tax at that rate.  So no - on both counts. 

    Can I ask 

    to my knowledge a hmrc bill would be to do with outstanding VAT ... as far as I know u don’t pay VAT on wages 

    would that if true not be for service so corporate activities 

  21. Wow thread bare springs to mind 

    this is half the issue

    nevermind lack of ability, tactics, game plan and execution 

    when u look who’s here next season who isn’t or probably won’t be ... do they really care .. I mean really care 

    They don’t need to 

  22. 4 minutes ago, BramcoteRam84 said:

    Understand why you say this and I think most agree but, if you watched them today they have all the same problems we do. They were seriously lucky not to lose. That’s the only difference between the two teams at the moment. Luck. We seem to be being punished for every error we make.

    All likelihood is we will only need a draw next week so we absolutely have a chance. It is nowhere near done, despite how it feels right now or whether you have any belief in this squad and staff they are capable of getting another point.

    Mate I hear what your saying but I think it’s more than just bad luck 

    look at the goals we conceded against brum... look at the first goal today 

    Look at the first goal against Blackburn .. that ain’t luck .. that’s a recurring theme

    when balls go into our box we’re left wanting ... that’s why we are where we are 

    I can tell u now next week unless we do a Preston and roll over we will play ok, have a fair share of the ball ... we may even score but u know the moment the ball starts going into out box it’s a flip of a coin as to whever it ends up in our net or not 

  23. 36 minutes ago, Diego said:

    You don’t take a player off if he’s playing well, despite all previous games.

    That scouse meatball head doesn’t even know that much.


    I think it’s horses for courses to be quite honest 

    we have negligible attacking threat or ability within the Squad 

    mid have kept him on personally as like u say he was playing well 

    we can’t defend balls into the box that’s the Problem 

    If we could we’d have at least 2 points more for just the last two games 

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