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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 26 minutes ago, DCFC1976 said:

    It’s the back end of last season as well, think we’ve won 1 in 8 at home, 3 in 12 overall. There are new players to bed in etc etc but the lack of any cohesive football up the top end of the pitch is worrying!

    Its as if theres 8 new players aka 4/5th of a new team getting to know how each other play, building understanding, fluency etc 🤔

  2. 6 minutes ago, Chris_Martin said:

    so your saying we need 4 transfer windows before we know if our manager is any good?

    Well do u count last seasons??

    we couldnt pay fees to clubs, we couldnt pay fees to agents .. so that eliminates about 90% of the market and we started our shopping 2 weeks before the start of the season.. when everyone else had cleared the shelves of anything worth having

    when other clubs were buying the players that they wanted we were marching through the streets of derby to save our clubs life!!!!

    fk me people have got short or selective memories 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦


  3. 2 minutes ago, Jourdan said:

    The results and performances are tough to take, but hopefully Warne and his team learn from this and make the necessary changes and push for the necessary signings.

    It doesn’t look good so far, but some of the posts on here are extremely reactionary and exaggerated.

    Yes, what we have tried so far hasn’t worked. You can see that both pro and anti Warne camps are in agreement there. No-one is in denial. It’s the worst start imaginable.

    However it is a very recoverable position, so do you abandon a manager and his project on the basis of two games and 180 minutes of meaningful football with a reshaped squad?

    Seasons and fates are not defined by two games. Wins v Burton, Oxford and Fleetwood would present a totally different picture.

    We need to stay calm and Warne needs to deliver a response and quickly.

    As always a sensible balanced post 👏🏻

  4. 6 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    We leave it as it is and we have no chance of promotion. No chance. That’s the road to oblivion.

    We have learnt something. Paul Warne is a crap David Brent wannabe who isn’t fit to coach the local Sunday league team.

    have u had your head in the sand for the last 18 months?

    did u not see what changing managers ever season did to us!

    what bringing a new manager.. with new ideas, new players? Collecting dead wood from previous sackings did?

    it aint champ manager u know, u cant just flog a player cos u feel like it and he’ll leave without a whimper 

    weve got warne.. he might turn out to be utter s***.. but iv got a feeling we’re stuck with it and have to see where the journey ends 

  5. 5 hours ago, Nuwtfly said:

    What exactly is it that you're so upset that people are "whining" about?

    Haven't seen anybody get too upset about our chances of going up this season but I have seen some absolutely fair criticism of a manager who has been in charge since last September.

    Might want to check out tonights match day thread.. some proper toys out the pram going off 

  6. Just now, Tyler Durden said:

    There's a few genuine laugh out loud comments on here 

    The rest is just jaundiced, narrow minded, blinkered drivel.

    There's some folks actually revelling in the scoreline tonight as it then in their minds justifies their own biased personal narrative.



  7. 9 minutes ago, IlsonDerby said:

    Called him a football terrorist last season when we plummeted with relegation form out of the play offs but was willing to give a fresh slate with his own players. 

    Dragged off his marquee signing at half term after 135 rocky minutes of football. 

    135 minutes of football together 

    not really a lot is it 

  8. 3 minutes ago, Yoxoram said:

    Ok fine, call it from 10 games in.

    Yes of course football today is different from yesteryear. The management styles of Brian Clough, Bill Shankly et al almost certainly wouldn't work today. And, football in general has less patience these days.

    If I go back to the Jim Smith appointment. I didnt want him. I thought he was too old and I called for his sacking after the first few games. Boy, was I wrong. One of us will be wrong this time. Time will tell who.


    if it doesnt work .. it doesnt work 

    but to sack someone after 2 games with 8 new players bedding is moronic 

  9. 1 minute ago, Millenniumram said:

    Mate literally everyone else on this thread is telling you why you’re wrong - ever thought it might be you that’s the problem?

    We changed manager every season because most of them were s*** appointments by Morris. Clowes has followed suit unfortunately with a s*** appointment in Warne. It’s not the sackings that got us where we are, it’s the appointments in the first place.

    Love the old “supporters” quote. As if the only way you can support a football team is blind faith that things will work. If anything, it’s people like you who aren’t the true supporters. I want the best for the team, which is Warne going - you clearly don’t.

    Wel thats not true is it

    But according to u warne is another one in the line of s*** appointments 

    maybe .. he is .. maybe hes not 

    but less than 2 games with 8 new players is not the time to throw the towe in on another manager and add him and his collection of players to the bin … bring in another manager and start the whole process again

    more players , more management staff, and the dcfc car crash to oblivion starts again 

    we not learnt anything yet?? 

  10. 30 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    See that’s how I know you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    Speaking about Jim Smith and Brian Clough as if football hasn’t changed. You need to get to the 21st Century.

    For a manager to stay at a club for years, they must show some actual success. All Warne has done so far is fail.

    A good manager can get the best out of what he’s got. Warne has had the whole pre season to work with his players, and this is what he delivers.

    It’s genuinely scary that there’s still fans as backward thinking as you out there. Hate to break it to you, but Woolworths went bust, Freddos and no longer 5p, and Paul Warne ain’t gonna survive much longer.

    Ur a joke pal

    i know u have no idea what your talking about 

    u cant see that changing manager every season for 10 years has got us exactly where we are today ??

    why do u think we got ourselves into a mess? To the brink of extinction

    u really that stupid? Good fking grief

    If u cant see that then ur an absolute fool

    God help this club with morons like that “supporting” it 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Stockyram92 said:

    I dont understand why for some Paul Warne is immune from any criticism, its bizarre 

    Hes not 

    but some people here are relentless and almost itching for us to lose to make their point 

    its tiresome quite frankly rather they just fd off and watched forest if theyre just going to bitch and moan at every turn 

  12. 9 minutes ago, nottingram said:

    Ok fair enough. We’re only 1-0 down to Blackpool reserves then.

    Im not saying its good 

    but iv seen this before and anyone who sat through the jim smith season will know that was not without teething problems 

    same with some guy called clough 

    i knew id be having these conversations early season… didnt think it would he after 1 and a half games thought our fanbase were a bit better than that having seen what happens when u get through a manager a season for best part of a decade

    perhaps not 

  13. 3 minutes ago, nottingram said:

    There are massive structural issues leading to it though. Cashin charging back from the half way line because Warne seems to think Cashin and Nelson can be an overlapping threat

    No its not… Elder had a choice and he made the wrong one simple as

    he made a poor decision , he has to take responsibility for it in the same way wilsdsmith and bradley did 

    iv played centre half and if i did that im carrying the can for it not my gaffer 

  14. Just now, Chris_Martin said:

    Warne chose to sign him though, just sayin...

    Yes but its not fifa .. he doesnt control them when they cross the line does he

    elder has been promoted from this division, hes been team of the season from this division .. what more do u want for what we can afford ? A ballon dor nominee ??? 🤦

  15. 4 minutes ago, Ram1988 said:

    The defence is a shambles, no cohesion or understanding between them. Midfield is far to slow and sluggish and can't get a grip on the game. Front two harldy had the ball.


    Shocking isnt it

    Its almost as if theyve only played 1 and a half competitive matches together 🙄🤦

  16. Just now, Jayram said:

    Genuinely curious mate but how do you explain a team like Wigan who lost 16 players this summer managing to look like a solid cohesive ball playing unit on day one of the season compared to our collection of individuals who seem to have no idea what they are supposed to do? It can only be down to the manager and his coaching staff can’t it? 
    This tonight is a shambles so far and there is no defending it or the coaching staff.

    Pretty simply

    We made two massive defensive individual errors … did u not see them or something

    on another day that game is put to bed and we dont f*** up indivivdually

    warne doesnt carry the can for those sort of silly mistakes… the players own those two

  17. 3 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    Warne isn’t the answer. That’s fact. Darren Moore for example is a much better manager.

    We can show all the patience we want, it ain’t gonna work.

    Hes brought in 8 players, some of whom won’t even start. Blackpool have brought in 6. Doesn’t seem to have done them any harm.

    Time to wake up and smell the coffee mate. 

    8 players and ur moaning that they havent settled and gelled ?????

    think about it 

    thats is exactly derby countys problem

    when was the last time we had a manager for more than a season? More than 18 months???

    and we wonder why we got ourselves into a mess ??!?!

    when was the last time a manager at this club had to time to get it wrong before getting it right? Time to gel players, time to work with players ?

    thank the f****** lord the internet wasnt a thing when jim smith and brian clough were here

    U would have been moaning like a bitch on here early days jim smith 


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