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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. On 27/07/2023 at 18:44, David said:


    This is the website that takes snapshots of websites to look back on.

    As Scott said though, it only covers public pages for obvious reasons, your contract details would be behind a login and private to you.

    Not a lot you can do unless you can pull up a copy of the contract by email, which they should have sent a copy to you.

    Completely unrelated but your post for some reason made me think about it.

    What ever happened to the podcast yourself and @Srg used to do?

    really enjoyed it 👍

  2. 58 minutes ago, Rev said:

    I'd suggest you leave them these.




    Who took the jam out of your donut rev?

    I Think you’ve got too much time on your hands pal

    You managed to read and understand the post. i’ve got too much going on in my life to be arsed to spellcheck a football forum post

    oh to be some 🙄

  3. Those that have cared to or been bothered to follow my incessant ramblings on here about bitcoin is a hedge against inflation.

    That its a mean of protecting your assets against a constantly devaluing pound

    ie the pound in your pocket not so long ago could buy u a loaf of bread…. Now ur looking at nearly double that.

    Well…. It isnt going to get any better soon.

    Our financial system is absolutely f*****… its literally a race to the bottom between countries .. ie which countries have the least debt on their already maxed out credit cards and the only way to protect your savings or pension pot against this rapidly devaluing is through solid fixed assets. 

    Watch this and tell me its not freightening.

    if not for us but for our kids. I want to be able to leave them something when im gone but i can promise u it wont be in the form of pounds in the bank as by the time they can access it, it wouldnt even buy a loaf of bread .

    Nottsram prizes are being awarded for who can tell me the assets that might protect your wealth against this debasement lol

    which ties in beautifully with my previous video i posted


  4. 1 hour ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    Potential that Marriott did not fulfil and Derby lost a lot of money on him. He was a bad buy as would JCH be if Peterborough received anywhere near what they're asking for him. They are both the same age; JCH has scored 122 in 363 games, Marriott has 89 in 318 games. Each of them has scored most of their goals in League One (and League Two in Marriott's case) and just a handful in the Championship. Marriott was overpriced and so is JCH at the price Peterborough want.

    Agree with all of that 

  5. 5 hours ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    Yes there is but within it all there is also a lot of good sense too. G's assessment of Peterborough's position is very much in line with mine and others. Paying Peterborough the sort of money they would like for JCH is loaded with a gamble, a la Marriott. We're not playing roulette in the transfer market anymore. There are good reasons why no-one has dived in for JCH so far.

    That and his age… hes a 29 yo forward whos not been prolific any higher than league 1 

    marriott and the many before him that came off the production line at posh had more measurable potential given their comparative age to JCH 

  6. 4 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    The most pertinent bits.  Would he get more than twenty- yes.  Will we spend the money to get him- no.  Is that an error- Possibly if goes for the 1.5-2 million I reckon he will.

    I genuinely dont know the answer, my lazy guesstimate which isnt based on a lot other some of my own assumptions is that there will be clubs higher up and in a better position to make a deal happen if they so choose.

    as for him as a player, other than his goal record i really havent seen enough of him to comment on if i think he would be a good fit etc etc


  7. 10 hours ago, Allen said:

    For what it’s worth, here’s my predictions on league goals each member of the current squad will get

    Ward 6

    Wilson 3

    Elder 1

    Fossy 1

    Nelson 2

    Bradley 3

    Smith 1

    Bird 6

    Hourihane 7

    Sibs 8

    Thommo 2

    NML 8

    Washington 14

    Collo 18

    Barks 4 

    Hope I haven’t forgotten anyone. That’s a total of 84 which is 17 more than last season and without any new arrivals, which I don’t think will be the case.

    I also expect us to concede less than last season.

    Think we’re in for a good season. COIYR.

    Sibley 8 ???

    im not sure he’ll get 8 starts tbh 


  8. 1 hour ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    As I said.  If we had the money, which we either can't spend or based on recent Warne comments probably aren't looking to spend.  I can't see he'll get a move over 1.5 -2 million as they want to sell.  Possibly need too based on recent reports. That's probably his ceiling as a player who'll get 10 in the league above, as he's played their before, with length of contract.  That's a decent price for the goals he'll get in this league.  If were here for 2-3 years it's goals that increase our chances of promotion greatly.  If we go up in a year let him go for a million. Either way it's a decent deal to my mind if his wage is reasonable. Times pushing for Peterborough and the player re a move so expectation will be more tempered than it was 2 months ago.

    best will in the world but Theres a lot of ifs, buts and maybes and guesswork to your assumptions there.



  9. 54 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    He's got 81 goals in his last 120 games at this level and is on the transfer list.  If we had the money Warne would be giving him a piggy back here if he wanted to sign. Why would any club in this division not want that level of goal threat if they could bring it in.

    Cos no team in this leauge has the money for him.

    posh strikers go for a premium because of their history of producing.. bar the one we bought lol.

    they all end up in the championship because its above leaguen one budgets  

  10. 16 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Could mean the rumoured Rhodes deal, perhaps the player or Huddersfield have changed their minds/the arrangement in some way? Bit petulant/unprofessional on Warne’s part if that is the case and he’s called it out in such a public way. 

    Genuinely didnt hear it … where in the interview does he say it 

    be interested to hear it 

  11. 1 minute ago, simmoram1995 said:

    Someone I’m sat with speaks  to Warne regularly at matches asked him about strikers mentioning Ladapo apparently Warne said he’s on 16,000 a week at Ipswich 


    thats a no for him then if its true

  12. 1 minute ago, Andicis said:

    I think he looks a bit uncomfortable on the ball when he is pressed. I didn't think his distribution was great against Chesterfield or so far today. No need to be defensive.

    I wasnt , meant it genuinely, context and tone is lost on here 👍

    i agree totally hes not ever been known for his ball playing and if i had to put a weakness on him from what limited time iv seen him for cardiff distribution wasnt one of his assets 

    Am hoping Warnes more direct approach will mean theres less fannying around on the ball and less chance of getting caught on the ball

  13. 2 minutes ago, lukedcfc said:

    We badly need a striker, going into the season with Collins as our only option is ridiculous. 

    Agree with that. Although while we have washington i do feel we’ll still short of something else. Really need some genuine pace and power but then so is the majority of league one and the championship

    might be a case of waiting to see what comes our way thats affordable

  14. 4 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    Who's scape goating? He made a mistake, I indicated he might be a bit error prone. Keep clutching those pearls.

    i think its a bit soon to be suggesting hes error prone cos of one mistake in a pre season friendly and about 4 games with new team mates

    Maybe the context was lost in translation 👍

  15. 13 minutes ago, Andicis said:

    An error prone centre half is bad news. In any game.

    Its one game.. if its his only mistake of the season i wont give a f***.

    if he makes a couple over the season i stil wont

    if its a recurring theme than fair enough

    bit early to judge though dont u think? 

  16. 17 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I bet you’re the only person on this forum to have watched, or be inclined to watch the whole 1 hour 56 minute debate between two individuals we’ve never heard of. 😀

    😂.. im sure i am (although saylor is pretty famous) 

    joking aside it is an interesting debate

    i do feel though that the gold guy is fighting a losing battle 

    He largely uses the same disproven rhetorics many anti btcers use without much substance.

    everytime i hear saylor speak it makes me want to sell my kids to buy more bitcoin lol

    ok, not that extream but im sold on it shall we say.

    love the early comparison saylor makes with regard to if u gifting knowledge, money and music back in the day 19th century compared to the 21st.

    just basically saying move with the times gramps, its happening and there aint s*** u can do about it 😂😂



  17. On 28/07/2023 at 09:16, cstand said:

    Bitcoin is not a store of value, it’s just a speculative asset people hope will go up in price.
    After this debate Bitcoin dropped from $65,000 to $16,000.

    I wonder how many bought at near ATH after this video on laser eyes advice, it’s going up forever, then panicked on the way down, sold and lost a lot of money.

    Maybe a store of value to some people though.


    Oh wow 

    just watched that debate, i felt sorry for the gold guy genuinely

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