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Sheff UTD (A) - Match Thread


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11 hours ago, Jayram said:

We didn’t have a single shot on goal all game today which tends to lead to people being a bit frustrated with the manager and his tactics.

Other then NML hitting the post eh?.

They only managed to score from a set piece, so our managers tactics didn't do too badly against a side just down from the prem with parachute payments and prem league players still on their books imo.

I have been very critical of Warne in the past, but up to now I think him and his team are doing a very good job at competing in this league with what he has to work with.

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31 minutes ago, Turk Thrust said:

Yes that’s the trouble with stats- they don’t reflect what has really happened. You could have stats which show three shots on target (which could have been soft attempts easily saved) yet five shots which hit the woodwork. Same for possession where one side has 69% possession made up of mostly close passing sideways, backwards etc with no real goal threat, yet the other side with 31% used their possession well and were the better side. Too many people are obsessed with statistics. As a former civil servant who worked for a few years on policy, I an well aware of how stats, although true, can be used to show anything you want

I think the stats reflected the game very much so yesterday.

Again - not upset and accept the dwarf in class. Would just like to see an attempt at a little more offensive output.

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13 hours ago, Seth's left foot said:

He’s given it away in other games too, I’m not one to overreact but I think he needs to tidy up that part of his game.

I agree that some players didn’t turn up, that’s why Warne should’ve made some changes sooner. 

It’s never good to get caught in possession and lose it but part of being a creative player is risk taking. Sometimes the risks just don’t come off. Just my random thought rather than outright disagreement 

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Sheffield were better than us. Stopped us playing fluently by being in our shorts and all over us like a rash off the ball. if Moore had been any good he should have done better with three first half passes into our box that he managed to screw up.

defensively we were excellent again

we weren’t outclassed and only a wonderful free kick the difference in the end.  

Had a good day out with my lad and a few of his mates.

top city Sheffield 


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1 hour ago, Turk Thrust said:

Yes that’s the trouble with stats- they don’t reflect what has really happened. You could have stats which show three shots on target (which could have been soft attempts easily saved) yet five shots which hit the woodwork. Same for possession where one side has 69% possession made up of mostly close passing sideways, backwards etc with no real goal threat, yet the other side with 31% used their possession well and were the better side. Too many people are obsessed with statistics. As a former civil servant who worked for a few years on policy, I an well aware of how stats, although true, can be used to show anything you want

I think these good points are what XG tries to address. It's not perfect, and on an individual match basis can be less accurate, but it seems to give good trends of how teams are playing.

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Sheffield Utd played like a team that has in the main played together for a while (I have no idea if that is the case). 

They were certainly well briefed on how we play and how to take the ball back. Derby for some reason kept on doing the same thing resulting in the ball going back to the opposition. I would certainly bring in Philips for the next game for one of the centre backs (I don’t mind which one they were both guilty of sloppiness in possession). 

One to learn from, including the manager and his background team. 

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Really struggled yesterday, thought some usually solid players gave the ball away a lot, Nelson, cashin and Adam’s namely.

slightly concerned this set up isn’t suited to playing away, Yates worked really hard but struggled to hold the ball up. Kenzo had a couple of nice touches but little else.

they were an absolutely massive side also, seemed bigger than us all over the pitch!

 Dissapointing how I don’t think we even got in their half after going behind.

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They are better than us. It's that simple. They are what we will be the 26/27 season if we keep progressing. I thought we might be able to just about nick a draw, we didn't. I'm expecting zero a week on Tuesday at the SoL. On another day they would have had 4 or 5, IMO.

As it was, NML hit the post, might have been given a penalty on another day, their free kick may not have been. As we have, ourselves on many an occasion found out, possession and territorial advantage doesn't always result in goals. As for the one we conceded, even if it was a free kick, that shot should not have gone in. IMO, we should have had 4 in the wall, not 3. Ossie, all 5' 9" of him was the outside man in the wall. He stood still and there was a hint of him turning inside. Why did he not jump? He'd have deflected the ball and it wouldn't have gone in. I hope our dead ball coach, Hammy, "hammers" that into the squad. That free kick doesn't go in then we probably nick a point. 

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2 hours ago, rammieib said:

Has a Derby away steward ever done anything?

What is the function of Derby County Stewards going to away matches?

A small wage, Free travel and a free ticket, Then expect these to get involved with some pi$$ed up morons, I wonder if DCFC give them instructions on how or not how to deal with these "fans"

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It was interesting reading the SUFC forum that not a single poster queried the free-kick award that gave Hamer the opportunity to score. Not one. 

Compare that to the arguments we've had on here with posters being offended that we've only scored from a set-piece in winning some games even when we've deserved the victory.

Maybe we should just accept any luck that comes out way, like other sets of fans appear to, and not waste endless hours bemoaning the fact that we haven't scored after a 20 pass move?

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4 hours ago, angieram said:

This is what I don't understand. You know who they are. I know who they are. Anyone who goes to away games regularly know who they are but the Derby stewards, who travel away as well as home, do absolutely nothing about the bellends who follow us and make life miserable for the rest of us.

This is a societal issue not just confined to football matches. 

For context I was at an England international cricket game a few days ago and the ground announcer was at pains to broadcast on several occasions that abuse of the players, obscene chanting etc etc would not be tolerated.

Kind of amazed me that they felt necessary to make that announcement at a cricket game but there you go. 

This behaviour cuts deeper than louts going to football matches - for them the entertainment is abusing players and baiting fans, the football is a secondary motivation of why they attend games. 

You mention the Derby stewards do nothing, curious what you expect them to do for minimum wage without putting their personal safety at risk. Maybe they are reporting culprits to the club but you're not aware of this as the news isn't shared playing devil's advocate. 

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I think we all want us to win every game. I'm always disappointed when we don't but try to be realistic enough to know that it's going to happen. We are going to get beaten a fair bit this season. Sometimes we will play well and lose. Sometimes we will play badly and lose. Win, lose or draw there will be good and bad in every game, it's the nature of the beast.

I think Warne has the right perspective on this and it's a useful grounding for everyone. Don't get too disheartened when we lose, don't get too ahead of ourselves when we win. Maybe that's a boring way to live but this season at least I think it'll serve us well emotionally if nothing else!

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I think we are doing ok. If we had lost 3/4-0, then I would be concerned but we are staying in games. Looking at the League Table we are 10th and the only clubs we have played so far in the bottom half of the table is Bristol in 13th place and Cardiff. So we have played a lot of the top teams.

Let’s wait and see how we get on against some of the lower teams before we worry too much

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21 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

This is a societal issue not just confined to football matches. 

For context I was at an England international cricket game a few days ago and the ground announcer was at pains to broadcast on several occasions that abuse of the players, obscene chanting etc etc would not be tolerated.

Kind of amazed me that they felt necessary to make that announcement at a cricket game but there you go. 

This behaviour cuts deeper than louts going to football matches - for them the entertainment is abusing players and baiting fans, the football is a secondary motivation of why they attend games. 

You mention the Derby stewards do nothing, curious what you expect them to do for minimum wage without putting their personal safety at risk. Maybe they are reporting culprits to the club but you're not aware of this as the news isn't shared playing devil's advocate. 

Yep , I struggle to watch the Ryder cup now as it’s even infected a sport like golf , 

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3 hours ago, Ram-Alf said:

What is the function of Derby County Stewards going to away matches?

A small wage, Free travel and a free ticket, Then expect these to get involved with some pi$$ed up morons, I wonder if DCFC give them instructions on how or not how to deal with these "fans"

You're right, Alf, and the ones I know to chat to are women. There are a couple of blokes, but I don't know them well.

The whole setup is wrong, imo, because a sizeable proportion of that away support is male and influenced by drink or drugs.

Other blokes don't tackle them either. Safety first.

I would like to think that if a person was reported the club would act, but what can they do, really? It's obnoxious behaviour, rather than illegal. So the rest of us have to put up with it.

An example from yesterday. I arrived at the turnstiles just behind a load of lads singing the Sharp sex offender chant. The entrances are at the far left of the stand. Our seats are far right. The concourse is rammed with singers, beer going everywhere, no way through for a short lady in her late 60s.

So I try to go into the stand on the left, to get down to the front and make my way across the front of the seats. Sheffield stewards say no way and send me back into the mob. 

No customer service, and no recognition that some of us do actually need protecting from our fans.

I know most away fans would tell me to stay at home, but I'm not quite ready to give up on my football yet. But I am beginning to dread the whole experience more and more each season.

Edited by angieram
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