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A bit of a fun one guys rather than rumours of names of players, how about attributes that derby need in our squad.

for me it’s - Goal scoring defender with height who would be a threat from set pieces , a winger with an ability to cross in the ilk of a Tommy smith type from burley era and a fox in the box type who scores most of their goals inside the penalty area.

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As we all know, we need a few bodies in to fill the squad out, ideally in that peak age bracket between 22/23 and 29. What I’d like to see added as a general rule within that group is physicality and athleticism, players that will complement the remaining neat and tidy footballers we have.

What I mean by that is a more mobile forward player who’s running and movement would add another dimension to our attack, as well as creating the space for McGoldrick/NML/Sibley in the 10 roles to do their thing.

A stronger midfield presence to complement Bird/Hourihane/Smith. Bielik-esque but not specifically him as I suspect he’ll be off. Someone who can break up play, win the midfield battle on the deck or in the air then allow Bird and Hourihane to create further forward. 
Fullbacks/Wing backs who are capable of playing as part of a 3 man or 4 man defensive system. They do exist, Nathan Byrne is a good example from our recent past and there are options out there. 

I think Warne is going to stick to his preferred 3 at the back system, so again centre backs who can play that and a 4 at the back comfortably so that we have options within the squad to adapt for different opponents and scenarios. 
Plenty to ask I know, but there are options out there in the free agent market, we have the potential for sensible fees on transfers/loans. If the recruitment team and Warne are aligned it should be an exciting summer watching the squad take shape.

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8 minutes ago, Ram1988 said:

A CB who is strong in the air, two wing backs who can get up and down the line and wip in some good crosses, ball winning hard working CM and a goal scoring centre forward would be a good start for me.

I’d say we need two CBs given we have lost Stearman, Davies and Chester.

I’d like a RB. Any crossing ability a bonus.

Three midfielders minimum, given we will lose at least two, probably more.

 They need to be more physical and carry a goal threat.

Think we’ll lose Barkhuisen, Sibley and Dobbin (and Springett can go) so pacy forwards are a must.

I’d like to see a nippy CF who can work off McGoldrick and a big bonehead CF like Jutkiewicz who can get on the end of Hourihane’s set pieces.

I’d accept offers for Collins.

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53 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

You have a point there.

So many times our players made bad decisions after good play.

As a team, we should try to be calmer and more focussed. I’m sure PW will work on this.

We can’t keep getting drawn into physical aerial battles when we have such footballing talent.


For all the talk of PW being a “hoofball merchant”, we played some decent football last season.

Our players often got sucked into playing to the oppositions tactics, especially away from home. 

Given what we’ve seen, I don’t think Warne sent the team out with a just hoof it instruction like some claim. He wanted them to compete physically, but against some sides they couldn’t do that and lost their way with playing to our strengths. 

Hopefully he will bring in players to add that aggression, power, pace and physical presence that we need and some much needed footballing intelligence and cutting edge.

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2 hours ago, IslandExile said:

Now that we're out of the embargo, who wouldn't want to see Mbappe and Haaland paired together as our strike force?

Oh here we go.🙄

Restrictions lifted, so lets all get ideas above our station, and start making ridiculously outrageous suggestions!  🙄
Dear oh dear!  🙄


Why can't you just be satisfied with either one of them, instead of being so bloody greedy, and demanding both!  Jeez!   🙄





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I don't think we should be signing players "at their peak" as by the end of their contract, they invariably have little to no value. Instead, we should focus on ensuring those players we do have that aren't at their peak stick around to reach them at Derby! And get back to picking up unwanted or fringe players for the u23s to replace them if they do move on

Its not to say we shouldn't sign players who are ready, but 24/25 years old with room to grow rather than 28/29 year olds who will only decline as their contract runs

We have a somewhat unique situation that most clubs don't get, which is that we have no deadwood. Let's not lump on players that Warnes replacement will end up shipping out on loan for their last year of their contract, to leave on a free....

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Players I'd sign

Right footed centreback who's happy covering the right hand flank when countered. Needs a little bit of pace and energy

Wide Forward, who's happy either playing in a 2 up front or out wide, allowing for fluidity of formation in attacking situations. Goal scoring threat rather than a creator

Nippy little winger, happy to run inside or outside and either put a cross in, slip a pass inside, or shoot. Doesn't need to be perfect at all of these, but needs to be a threat at all 3, to reduce predictability in the final third


Edited by Ramchop
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A lot will depend on what ends up being PWs preferred system. It looks like being 3 at the back, 5 in MF and a duo up top.

Looking at that we need 2 new central defenders. Add those to Foz, Cash and Roons and that's the back 3 covered.

2 new wing backs. NML and Barks are brilliant going forward and that is why LR got them in. IMO neither likes that role and would ratehr be the winger LR wanted them to be.

2 strikers. One a target man, the other a speed merchant with brains.

The other thing we need is a Seth Johnson/George Thorne type hard man who will boss the MF and also play some great attacking passes. Hopefully, the new hard man won't have dodgy knees.

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