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Proud to say been on Royal Duty a few times over the years only in a small capacity mainly emergency back up.

Only got called up once to rectify a serious problem to make sure everything went smoothly without anyone knowing, so well done to everyone involved yesterday to make sure everything went like clockwork everyone was a credit to the nation.





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48 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

250k people queued up to see the coffin apparently. This doesn't seem like very many people really, certainly doesn't justify blanket queue coverage for a few days.

4.1 billion people watched the funeral yesterday probably the biggest ever TV audience.


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28 minutes ago, cstand said:

Proud to say been on Royal Duty a few times over the years only in a small capacity mainly emergency back up.

Only got called up once to rectify a serious problem to make sure everything went smoothly without anyone knowing, so well done to everyone involved yesterday to make sure everything went like clockwork everyone was a credit to the nation.





My mate’s an armed copper in Leicestershire and was on sniper duty at Windsor yesterday. He had a good view but thankfully had bugger all to do! And agreed, the whole day was incredibly well organised and executed, it really was remarkable.

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30 minutes ago, Kinder said:

My mate’s an armed copper in Leicestershire and was on sniper duty at Windsor yesterday. He had a good view but thankfully had bugger all to do! And agreed, the whole day was incredibly well organised and executed, it really was remarkable.

Tell him thank you! 

I wasn't there, but an open gathering of that magnitude with some of the most prominent citizens of the world in London and Windsor does not go well without a huge amount of planning and hard work behind the scenes to keep everyone safe and well. 

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45 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

Over half the world's population, you sure?

Wasn't even watched by half of the people in this country.


Not sure how anyone can ever measure the figure though. 

No one's asked me who watched it in our house. I believe some watched In cinemas. They'd probably have accurate figures for that but I doubt they're included in BBC figures. Then there's people watching on a big screen in towns or parks. 

May as well just guess a figure. Which is probably what they do anyway.

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1 hour ago, JoetheRam said:

Over half the world's population, you sure?

Wasn't even watched by half of the people in this country.

I imagine it was a lot (given it was on every channel), but let's not get carried away.

Think it was on statista website but TBC so needs to be verified.

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1 hour ago, JoetheRam said:

Over half the world's population, you sure?

Wasn't even watched by half of the people in this country.

I imagine it was a lot (given it was on every channel), but let's not get carried away.

I remember about 20 years ago an article claming 1 billion people watched Man Utd vs Liverpool in a league match.

4.1 billion, approx 50% of the world watching is almost certainly rubbish made up by PR agencies working for the Royals/the Goverment. Might include news report footage mentioning a country's leader was there.

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

I remember about 20 years ago an article claming 1 billion people watched Man Utd vs Liverpool in a league match.

4.1 billion, approx 50% of the world watching is almost certainly rubbish made up by PR agencies working for the Royals/the Goverment. Might include news report footage mentioning a country's leader was there.

It does not mean they watched all of the funeral but watched some part of it at any time.

3.6 billion watched Atlanta Olympic opening ceremony.

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37 minutes ago, cstand said:

It does not mean they watched all of the funeral but watched some part of it at any time.

3.6 billion watched Atlanta Olympic opening ceremony.

Yeah, so basically, how many people may have watched a news broadcast in the last 24 hours. Would presumabley be the same for any major worldwide event, like Olympic opening ceremony.

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10 hours ago, cstand said:

It does not mean they watched all of the funeral but watched some part of it at any time.

3.6 billion watched Atlanta Olympic opening ceremony.

These estimates must surely be based on a tiny sample size that is then grossed up. Have any of us ever met anyone who's television viewing has been monitored? No one asked my, or anyone I know, if I watched either of these events. 


Unless Big Brother really is watching us all. ?

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8 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

These estimates must surely be based on a tiny sample size that is then grossed up. Have any of us ever met anyone who's television viewing has been monitored? No one asked my, or anyone I know, if I watched either of these events. 


Unless Big Brother really is watching us all. ?

Apparently, 29 million watched the funeral in the UK (less that Euro 2020) final. So if about half the UK watched it, let's say, erm, half the world watched it.

These are just estimates reported as fact. I reckon this is the number of people who watch tv news each day, plus some youtube/fb metrics to inflate the number.

UK estimates are probably fairly accurate. Using a fairly small sample, you can get reasonable estimates. Assuming the people who have their tvs monitored are a representative sample!

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

Apparently, 29 million watched the funeral in the UK (less that Euro 2020) final. So if about half the UK watched it, let's say, erm, half the world watched it.

These are just estimates reported as fact. I reckon this is the number of people who watch tv news each day, plus some youtube/fb metrics to inflate the number.

UK estimates are probably fairly accurate. Using a fairly small sample, you can get reasonable estimates. Assuming the people who have their tvs monitored are a representative sample!

I had seen the 4 billion world wide figure and it seems quite impossible, over half the world population.  China didn't show the event. Only about half the UK population watched it so how come it was seen by so many worldwide?


The whole event was on from 8 am to 5pm on BBC, so I doubt many watched it all the way through. 29 million may have been the peak audience but many will have seen the service but not the procession and vice versa. I would guess one way or another with people dipping in it was probably over 30 million in the UK, but even using that measure 4 billion seems incredible worldwide. 

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1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

These estimates must surely be based on a tiny sample size that is then grossed up. Have any of us ever met anyone who's television viewing has been monitored? No one asked my, or anyone I know, if I watched either of these events. 


Unless Big Brother really is watching us all. ?

List of world wide broadcasters, the funeral lasted all day,there are 15 billion  mobile devices.



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7 minutes ago, cstand said:

List of world wide broadcasters, the funeral lasted all day,there are 15 billion  mobile devices.



So there are a lot of broadcasters and the funeral lasted all day. I’m not saying the viewing figures are wrong just that they must be estimates based on a very very small sample size.

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The viewing figures are interesting and I'd suggest way over-egged in terms of world-wide figures. Interesting little snippet here about the >4billion figure: https://fullfact.org/news/Queen-funeral-viewing-figures/

Been working in broadcasting for 3 years so do have an idea how figures are worked out in the UK, predominantly using BARB (Broadcasters' Audience Research Board) who poll a selection of viewers representative of the average household then roll that up.  Your TV, phone, laptop etc will tell a broadcaster who's watching when you stream something (you'll usually do it through an account) and also what you are watching (Babe Station viewers, Big Brother is watching you).

I remain unconvinced by the view that over 50% of the world's population watched it. As of last year there were some 1.72 billion households with TVs globally.  That implies practically every TV in the world was tuned into the funeral which is tosh.  There's some 68 million people in the UK, yet according to (fairly accurate) data, less than half watched it in the UK.  And that's for their own Queen. 

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