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The Administration Thread


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Just now, Topram said:

Strange how much Nixon still thinks CK will buy us 

If the money turns up in the next week or so, he still will. It’s not going to be quick to get any of the other offers sorted. 

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10 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:



Grant Thornton were fined for their work with Patisserie Valerie scandal...Grant Thornton are no more


Andrew Hosking was part of Grant Thornton, Grant Thornton were involved in running Midland Car Parts when they went into liquidation, I was an employee of MCPs at the time, I was owed 4 weeks holiday pay along with the 40 other employees...we never saw a been, Grant Thornton were fined millions for their role in the above case





















To be fair, those incidents are 10 years apart.  And Grant Thornton do still exist.  I’ve dealt with them in the course of my work, on the other side of the fence!!

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4 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

That's not what their statement says. 


Well, their statement says they have taken a decision to talk to other parties, not that they have talked to other parties, or when they would talk to other parties. I'm sure the statements are not worded the way they are by chance. You'd read it, think that means what it should obviously mean, but it says the made "the decision"...

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2 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

That's dated yesterday.

Yes, early evening.  So makes sense they start talking to other parties today.  As some of the media have reported.  And then it’s only as a contingency.  That might be just a call to ask if they’re still interested.  The 5pm deadline today is the important one as that really does mean exclusivity is over.

Edited by FlyBritishMidland
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For any inter-bank transfer there is a 16 digit TRN code. The TRN code is a unique reference number used to identify individual payment or securities settlement instructions and the recipient can quite easily request it from the issuing bank. It beggars belief that Quantuma would not have requested the code in order to verify that funds have actually been transferred.

If they have and have and their bank has confirmed that the TRN is valid, likewise the value of the transfer, then there's the reason Quantuma have provided deadline extensions.  Not because I doubt CK's word. I don't know him well enough to do so. But simply because to fail to do so once the transfer is delayed indicates a total and utter dereliction of their duties as highly paid administrators.

To avoid landing the forum owner in deep doodoo, I'll refrain from saying what I really think, but I would hope that when the dust settles on this, which I believe it will quite soon, the IPC needs to have a bloody good look at Quantuma and whether or not their handling of this administration has in any way met the standards expected of a professional insolvency practitioner. Think I'd best leave it there other than to say that I really hope folk are not getting too upset tonight and that anyone who is feeling particularly troubled should probably take the weekend off trawling the forum and other socials as it seems unlikely that there will be further meaningful movement before Monday, if then.

Edited by angieram
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15 minutes ago, Kernow said:

Would be quite poetic for Quantuma to get paid their fee in the end, only to get fined much more than that for how they've handled this afterwards.

That can happen. But it won't help us. 

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7 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

Quantuma will just start selling what few players we have left.

Expect Knight and Buchanan to be sold for 500k a piece this week to buy themselves a bit more time.


If this even gets rumoured get the holiday forms in ready for the office protests. 

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We need to all start writing to our mps again,quickly, we need to get the profile of this situation raised again before its too late.

We can't trust the clowns at Quantuma or the EFL to get this sorted....as we have already seen for the last 9 months.

Cmon, let's get on with it before it's too late...

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10 minutes ago, FlyBritishMidland said:

To be fair, those incidents are 10 years apart.  And Grant Thornton do still exist.  I’ve dealt with them in the course of my work, on the other side of the fence!!

I was offered a job with Grant Thornton in Reading in the late 80s, took a job with Barclays instead….

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Well not a good day to just be able to give thread a glance now and then! Totally confused. So still no $ arrival, CK taking part in sponsored silence, ashley/appleby may be in or out depending what you read, Morgan has appeared from nowhere despite sky saying about his bid being hard to ressurect (what bid, when was that), Q away with fairies, EFL much crosser than just yesterday? Missed anything?

my ray of hope is one of my favourite posters @Unlucky Alfhas posted an ITK comment which took ages to find once saw reference to it and I cant remember him doing so before and so am attaching much credibility to it

just about caught up but sadly missed 1884 in real time

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