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Steve Gibson trying to liquidate Derby

Carl Sagan

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28 minutes ago, Ken Tram said:

I don't buy that argument, because the whole club is a risk. What is the likelihood of relegation. It is a risk.

Surely lawyers estimate the chance of success, and that, multiplied by the claim is what the settlement would be.

If the chance is 10% for example, then I think that they'd be taking on a £4.5m liability.

But! Maybe the risk is 50% or 80%. Perhaps there is merit in Middlesbrough's claim. But if the percentage is low, I cannot see that dissuading an investor.

Except this is a failed football business. The administrator is already going to be squeezing for every penny of "value" to pay off the real creditors. They can't just knock a bit off the asking price to cover potential liabilities since it sounds like they are already getting only a fraction of what the creditors are owed, and the creditors are not going to accept getting nothing just because Middlesbrough reckon they are owed 10s of millions for some supposed harm. 

The potential liability sounds like it could be more than the value of the club, and it wouldn't be determined in the courts. A five per cent risk that you are liable for 150% of annual revenue in a loss-making sector is going to put most people off, unless you are a very rich, very long term or very altruistic investor. (Or you just love a good gamble.)

Edited by vonwright
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30 minutes ago, Mihangel said:

Quite - Additionally, given that clubs have financial years that end in May, June, July - It is not possible to punish a club within the 3 year period as there is no way on earth an audited set of accounts would available in time. In this instance, let's say Derby's became available in June (again, almost impossible) what did Boro expect? Go back and redo the play offs? Nah.

Like I’ve just done my tax return for 20/21, before the end of January, which is totally allowed. But if someone wanted to claim that I’d somehow inconvenienced them because I didn’t do it in 2021, which I could have done, all the data was there, they wouldn’t really have a case, as I’m just working to the approved deadlines. I might have dragged it out longer than is necessary, but not longer than is allowed.

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31 minutes ago, Ken Tram said:

Oh my goodness. I assumed that such a football debt would still be settled in the courts - but just mean that any judgement would have to be paid to avoid further football sanctions.

I didn't realise that the EFL would arbitrate and decide. *Shocked*

It will not be an EFL arbitration if it gets to that stage. It will be a statutory independent arbitration hearing in England or Wales. The result will be binding on all parties with no right of appeal.

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10 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

It will not be an EFL arbitration if it gets to that stage. It will be a statutory independent arbitration hearing in England or Wales. The result will be binding on all parties with no right of appeal.

You came up with some very interesting thoughts earlier Brailsford. Did you manage to get your information to the admins?

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3 minutes ago, The Scarlet Pimpernel said:

You came up with some very interesting thoughts earlier Brailsford. Did you manage to get your information to the admins?

They've got all of the issues. Im just hoping the EFL see the error of their ways and have the nouse to stop the claims quickly. The club's ability to fight it at the moment is constrained by time. If the media claims that funding will be in place by the weekend are accurate then that buys us more time. Toby Perkins MP has today released more information about what was discussed yesterday and I am confident that the injustice of our position is now transparent for all but the blind to see. I think the politicians from all sides have played a blinder for us. If this was a criminal case I am certain it could be stopped in it's tracks now and the case would be thrown out. However, civil proceedings are very different and don't always offer speedy solutions. Let's keep our fingers crossed. I honestly think that as long as we can see the season through now, resolution will be forthcoming and the club will remain in existence. What I love about this forum is that everyone is so united behind the club and while there is plenty of good discussion, there is very little squabbling. That's been the same this week with the fans' response to the petition and the lobbying of the politicians. No fanbase anywhere could have done more than ours in the past few days to advance our cause. If there is any justice in the world, we will be alright.

Come On You Rams

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If we get funding in place for the season (Derby city Council - I'm looking at you!) then the pressure goes.
Theoretically we are even allowed to start the next season in admin (finances willing) so then we can subject the MFC and WWFC claims to the level of scrutiny and ridicule they deserve, over the next few months. And lest we forget the EFL's outdated rules on coming out of admin (which i presume is what Q was referencing with their comment on being contrary to statute)


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Whatever happens to us EFL(Parry) and Gibson will be the most detested men in football, especially with the PL for their antics have assured the PL will have a regulator, what a shame.

Sadly saw the best football in the late 60s/70s that is as far back i can go, footballers did not roll about trying to get another player sent off, they were also characters in those days, must say that in our situation it as brought more love for our team, Curtis and Jags and more giving it all for £4,500 and then all the academy players stepping up and not looking out of place, fantastic.

SKY as ruined football with the greed, got rid of sky about 7 years ago, best decision ever made, from a couch potatoe to being active again walking upto 10 miles a day and taking up dance classes not to mention the 2 stone plus weight loss, with an hip replacement 3 years ago(age 67)

Hit sky where it hurts cancel your subscription.

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1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:


I may be wrong on this, haven’t checked for myself, just seen it in here somewhere, but if we’d have lost to Bristol on the last day of the season, they would have leapfrogged Boro into 6th anyway, just to absolutely disprove the theory that in an alternate universe, where we didn’t ‘cheat’ Boro would have 100% ended in the playoffs. It’s more likely it would have been Bristol. It could even have been us, it’s not like any of the players we bought for mega bucks actually improved us much, we might have been better off if we had more financial constraints (as we are now, playing wise). No one can possibly know. 

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2 minutes ago, SirBrian said:

Whatever happens to us EFL(Parry) and Gibson will be the most detested men in football, especially with the PL for their antics have assured the PL will have a regulator, what a shame.


In that film they make about all this, there will only be one bad guy, Steve Gibson. Oh, and Parry, two bad guys then. Oh, and that Wycombe ambulance chaser, 3 bad guys. And you can probably put Mel in there too. There will only be 4 bad guys. And if the admins don’t pull their fingers out. And pretty much every other club in the league who won’t stand up and be counted for fear of being next in the EFL’s cross hairs.

so really, that film will be us against the world. 

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2 hours ago, duncanjwitham said:

Honestly, his entire testimony and evidence is an absolute horror-show from the EFL's point of view.  With their valuer massively overstating his own experience, making basic mistakes (confusing cost-per-seat with cost-per-square-meter at one stage), refusing to show where he got values from, deliberately hiding evidence that disagreed with his position, and more.  Anybody that has any doubts about why we won the stadium value charge needs to read that entire section.

And he didn’t actually visit Pride Park.

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Trying to take the moral high ground when he is blackmailing a club days away from liquidation. I'd rather liquidate than give him a penny.

Why are our admins fees of any concern to him?

Why does he need to know about MSD?


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