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3 minutes ago, tinman said:

Where are people getting this idea of a sudden influx of money from? Match day sales are 10,000 at best including away fans. even at an average of £30 per ticket that's only £300K. less than a million quid so far this season.  

season ticket sales for this season? god knows but i can't see it being more than a couple of thousand on top of those who carried theirs over from last season. 

Ticket sales will have just about covered August's wages for players and employees. 

Do we get any money from Hughes sale?

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9 minutes ago, tinman said:

Where are people getting this idea of a sudden influx of money from? Match day sales are 10,000 at best including away fans. even at an average of £30 per ticket that's only £300K. less than a million quid so far this season.  

season ticket sales for this season? god knows but i can't see it being more than a couple of thousand on top of those who carried theirs over from last season. 

Ticket sales will have just about covered August's wages for players and employees. 


Had 55,000 fans through the gates... surely a million quid. 

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32 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

You want a worst case scenario?

  • 12 points for admin
  • 12 points for '18 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors
  • 12 points for '19 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors
  • 12 points for '20 P&S plus 9 points aggravating factors

75 points deducted.

I know you're not being totally serious here but...

If memory serves, if you fail FFP in a given year, for subsequent years calculations your loss counts as the max allowable loss for that year, not what you actually lost (to stop one bad year rolling over and ruining 2 potentially fine years following it). So I reckon that makes it much less likely we fail spectacularly for all 3 years.

But on the other side, surely we could also fail the restated 15/16 and 16/17 accounts too, so that's another 42 points we could lose... 

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54 minutes ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

All these supporters paying for match day tickets and now putting copious amounts of money into the club for season tickets.

And our owner doesn't have the common decency to submit the accounts on time or to pay other clubs what they are owed and to even offer communication to the fans.

Where are these minutes from the meeting? After they were submitted back to the club we haven't heard a single thing.

It's an absolute shambles.

I've seen people respond to this charge be saying the EFL have it in for us.

Well they might do, they might not.

But if they give us a deadline to submit our accounts and we don't do it and then we decide we aren't going to pay a transfer fee installment that is due. Then the blame lies solely at one man's door.

Anyone sticking up for him is deluded.

No ticket office, no mascots, no roadrider, more charges, no communication.

I love this club. But right now I hate everything that it has become.

All agreed but at a certain point we have to detach those that fail the club, from the club itself. We all love Derby county, the people running it are letting a club with long history and hopefully a long future without them, down. I see my money going into the club as protecting Derby county rather than helping out Mel or Stephen, who have no interest in the best interests of Derby county anymore clearly. 

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4 minutes ago, Ramos said:

All agreed but at a certain point we have to detach those that fail the club, from the club itself. We all love Derby county, the people running it are letting a club with long history and hopefully a long future without them, down. I see my money going into the club as protecting Derby county rather than helping out Mel or Stephen, who have no interest in the best interests of Derby county anymore clearly. 

I agree with you in a way mate.

But once that money goes into the club. It's up to Mel Morris what to do with it.

Haven't we just had a 15% sell on for Will Hughes too?

Wonder where that has gone 

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1 hour ago, eccles the ram said:

Can someone clarify for me please that, if we go into administration we are docked 12 points, and a further 9 points (if EFL wins regarding our accounts etc...). That makes a gigantic minus 21 points! Is this correct or not?

12 for admin, I can't see any other outcome as Derby County are out of business...would the EFL be able to skin us alive and suck all the marrow out of our bones? only time will tell

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1 hour ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

All these supporters paying for match day tickets and now putting copious amounts of money into the club for season tickets. Factually incorrect most of the season tickets were free issue to supporters Who paid last season, also I would love your definition of copious

And our owner doesn't have the common decency to submit the accounts on time As the club was under investigation by the EFL this would have been a stupid course of action or to pay other clubs what they are owed and to even offer communication to the fans. Very vague open ended comment, communication about what, his shirt size or what he had for breakfast? As the club cannot issue to 28,000 supporters under without prejudice communications, that would be also stupid as it would give away the legal game plan  

Where are these minutes from the meeting? After they were submitted back to the club we haven't heard a single thing. See above comments about stupid requests

It's an absolute shambles. In your opinion

I've seen people respond to this charge be saying the EFL have it in for us. Yes they do

Well they might do, they might not. But not as much as some supporters

But if they give us a deadline to submit our accounts and we don't do it, they the EFL extended the deadline  and then we decide we aren't going to pay a transfer fee installment that is due. Then the blame lies solely at one man's door.

Anyone sticking up for him is deluded. Call me deluded then

No ticket office all tickets available online, no mascots, really you are whining about this!!!! no roadrider so you can't organise your own transport, more charges, no communication see multiple comments above I assume when you play poker you show all the other players your hand.

I love this club. But right now I hate everything that it has become. There is always a team the other end of the A52 you can support



Edited by Charlotte Ram
updated Rams news
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