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The Optimism Thread (no negativity allowed)


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I will start us off...

After a couple of games of playing 'ok' and maybe deserving a draw despite losing, we have had a stinker. The previous 2 games left us a little complacent, whereas after that last stinker of a game, there is something to react too. 


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Norwich 2nd half performance and Blackburn I think we could have easily walked away with 4 points. Thought Blackburn in particular we created a lot of decent chances but our finishing or should I say lack of it cost us dearly, that's without taking the penalty decision which went against us into account.

I know this is one of those if my aunt had footballs she would be my uncle, but I've been more frustrated than angry to be honest. 

Won't discuss last night though as no negativity is allowed.

 Boro also winning which is nice.

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There's a very good chance that the last game of the season against Sheff Weds will be a winner takes all affair. Winner stays up, loser joins Rotherham in League 1. Form goes out the window in games like that.

Terrifying but massively exciting. I'm booking the 8th of May off work, family duties, life in general.

Imagine the euphoria of winning that game?! It's what football is all about.

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24 minutes ago, David said:

Norwich 2nd half performance and Blackburn I think we could have easily walked away with 4 points. Thought Blackburn in particular we created a lot of decent chances but our finishing or should I say lack of it cost us dearly, that's without taking the penalty decision which went against us into account.

I know this is one of those if my aunt had footballs she would be my uncle* but I've been more frustrated than angry to be honest. 

Won't discuss last night though as no negativity is allowed.

 Boro also winning which is nice.

* unless @Davidshe/he is non-binary in which case she/he would be neither. So, is she/he non-binary? ?‍♂️

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