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v Brentford (H) - Matchday Thread


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Sith Happens
1 minute ago, IronRam 140.6 said:

I used to think so. However myself and my footy WhatsApp group to a man have all just conceded we actually have really really abject players. 

I'd argue Thomas Cwykwa in his first season showed more than the majority of these young guns, yet we hold out hope they will blossom at some point.

Its the hope that kills you. 

Cywka was superb in his first season 

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Brentford are finding massive spaces in the midfield which is disappointing considering Shinnie, Bird and Knight are more workmanlike than creative.

It smacks of not understanding the shape required, or not being setup correctly. 

It's the first game I've seen for a while and I'm not sure how Derby are trying to play. 


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Rooney at HT: right lads, just as planned we are now 2-0 down 

Now concede just another two after the break and we can all go home happy.

Bird - you haven't played much, be ready to go out after the game and say how we are ready to bounce back and should have taken our chances better

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2 minutes ago, Heisenberg said:

Rooney says 4 wins from 10 (9 after tonight) will be enough for safety.

Can anyone honestly see where they are going to come from? 

His arrogance saying we’ll be nowhere near the relegation places also doesn’t sit right with me. Going to be a very nervy end to the season.


4 goals in 9 is looking increasingly unlikely. Soul destroying ?

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7 minutes ago, Ramos said:

Seems odd playing Watson in the number 10. When he’s shown promising signs in the two - playing the ball forward and offering some purpose in passing. Game has passed him by in that number 10. 

He hasn’t really played the 10 role and tbh he was rarely playing that for the 23s either. What it highlights is the vast difference in coming off the bench for 20/30 mins at 1-0, 2-0 or 3-0 down when the opposition are basically just killing time and managing the game, sitting deep and allowing you to have the ball all the time you don’t hurt them.....

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2 minutes ago, angieram said:

Easy for me to say when we're 2-0 down but we said before kick off he should have played the more attacking formation against Millwall and the defensively solid one tonight.

He got it wrong. He just seem to get it. Strange that a player of his ability can’t read how a game might go.

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5 minutes ago, Derbados said:

Cocu watching us right now


It’s that ricks fault .... well that and the useless rick who hired him ... you know what’s his name supposed to have the teams interest at heart in reality he’s ducked us right over and now trying to abandon ship ... and the guy can’t even do that properly 

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