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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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51 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

No they are not absolutely free to sack him. He has employment rights as much as anyone. Hark at us arguing the polar opposite to our normal political leanings. You right wing activist you.

As far as bringing the company into disrepute, I am led to understand that they acted before his name made the national press. I heard a senior employment lawyer yesterday saying that the company acted too quickly and that would not be seen to well at a tribunal. Also that bringing the company into disrepute is not easy to prove and very difficult when not on company time.

Saying that, I would not want him working for me but an employer has to follow the law and sometimes the law is a ass.

Haha - you are correct, I should have phrased it slightly differently "free to *try* and sack him" - and he is free to bring an unfair dismissal claim against them

If they acted before it was national news then that doesn't reflect well on them. 

My gut feeling would be that he wouldn't want to dwell on it any longer than necessary. An unfair dismissal case only brings more attention to what a nob he was. Even if he's proved right in the eyes of the law it won't change that

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A man has been charged with common assault after England's chief medical officer Prof Chris Whitty was accosted by a group of men in a London park.

Lewis Hughes, 23, of Wigton Way in Romford, was charged on Thursday over the incident, which took place on Sunday, the Met Police said.

Assault offences explained – Sentencing (sentencingcouncil.org.uk)


Common assault (section 39, Criminal Justice Act 1988)

A person is guilty of common assault if they either inflict violence on another person – however slight this might be – or make that person think they are about to be attacked.

They do not have to be physically violent – for example, threatening words or a raised fist could lead the victim to believe they are going to be attacked – and that is enough for the crime to have been committed. Other acts like spitting at someone may also classed as common assault.

Well, I never knew that.

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2 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

I was at a local pub gig in a beer garden last weekend - all done to "the rules"

socially distanced tables, no standing, and no singing along - capacity of about 50-60 people in the audience

Then two days later you see Wembley with 40,000 fans in it, all over each other singing their heads off

Something not right in there somewhere...


That was a 'pilot event' though which Covid knows to avoid. 


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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

I've watched the video. If that's all that happened, I think he'll have a good case for unfair dismissal. 

They do themselves no favours, look like a right pair of idiots. But if you're a drunken idiot in your own time, that's your privilege. I suspect that the media attention will be the thing that gets them the sack, not what they actually did. All looks very self-taken, so I wouldn't be shocked if they turned the camera off before being a bit more confrontational. 

Thing is ... as somebody said, it's pure playground bullying stuff, they saw him and decided to pick on him, thinking he won't put up a physical fight.

I am guessing they will have done that before ... road sweepers, waiters etc

If anyone here saw that happening to their Grandad they wouldn't like it at all.

For some kind of sad Cockney quiffy-haired, suede shoe 'hard man' kudos

Unfortunately a lot of people think the bloke they picked on is one of those who has saved the country ... including Boris

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+1 for one of the Indian-made jabs. If it impacts as many as 5 million people you would hope it'll get sorted out. It's on the WHO list, and EU countries are allowed to accept vaccines on that list as well as those approved by the EMA. I can't see the likes of Spain and Greece wanting to miss out on such a significant number of possible travellers. Fingers crossed ?

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20 minutes ago, Olton Ram said:

+1 for one of the Indian-made jabs. If it impacts as many as 5 million people you would hope it'll get sorted out. It's on the WHO list, and EU countries are allowed to accept vaccines on that list as well as those approved by the EMA. I can't see the likes of Spain and Greece wanting to miss out on such a significant number of possible travellers. Fingers crossed ?

Same here - my first was 4120Z003 but my second was from a batch not on the naughty list

FFS Boris!



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21 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

It's a bit harsh losing your job. I watched the video after reading the 'results' and was surprised by the mildness of it. They were obviously a bit pished and being silly. Not pleasant for Whitty (knowing his family history) but surely he wouldn't want a bloke to lose his job? Apology would be enough you'd think?

Not for you to judge though is it? If this were your dad, your uncle or some other loved one, would you still feel it to be so trifling a matter? I know I'd react if I saw my dad being jostled and pulled around like that. It wouldn't be pretty and no apologies would be sought. So easy to say it's not a big deal when it's not you or yours on the end of it.

As it is, the main protagonist has now been charged with common assault so it will now be in the hands of the court. Whether you agree with Whitty's stance or not, this is not the fist time he's endured such behaviour and I'd promote his right to be able to walk through a park without being being gripped up over the rights of the louts responsible, all day, every day.

Edited by 86 Hair Islands
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1 minute ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

Not for you to judge though is it? If this were your dad, your uncle or some other loved one, would you still feel it to be so trifling a matter? I know I'd react if I saw my dad being jostled and pulled around like that. It wouldn't be pretty and no apologies would be sought. So easy to say it's not a big deal when it's not you or yours on the end of it.

That's why it was a question. Note the punctuation mark!

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