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Incoming loan watch


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Tough for Baningime when 6 into 5 won't go. I expect Everton fans watching from afar aren't especially happy either, but there's a long way to go and I would think everyone will have a contribution to make. If Matty Clarke isn't fit for Watford, I'm sure we'll see Beni on the bench.

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Clarke - we've had him for two seasons so feels like he's a Derby player anyway. Would love it if we signed him permanently

Edmondson - based on 60 minutes I'd be delighted if we got him in for good too

Roberts - yes please if finances allow

Gregory - not fussed either way

Baningime - no idea

Mengi - is he a full back or a CB? Thought he was poor at Wycombe but highly-rated apparently and only a kid so he'll improve

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3 minutes ago, Rampant said:

Clarke - we've had him for two seasons so feels like he's a Derby player anyway. Would love it if we signed him permanently

Edmondson - based on 60 minutes I'd be delighted if we got him in for good too

Roberts - yes please if finances allow

Gregory - not fussed either way

Baningime - no idea

Mengi - is he a full back or a CB? Thought he was poor at Wycombe but highly-rated apparently and only a kid so he'll improve

Clarke - is decent and I can’t see him playing for Brighton unless they are relegated. Edmondson we will see if he is any good, Robert’s can obviously play due him being at Man City having never really played for Man City. Gregory is an experienced forward in the championship whilst Baningime is one of those who we haven’t got a clue about really whilst Mengi is highly thought of but has an awful lot to learn based on what I saw against Wycombe. So basically they all have to impress us apart from Clarke who we might be able to sign ( the two loan fees might have signed him anyway from Portsmouth anyway)

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Echo all of the it’s one game comments but Edmundson really did look like he had something about him the way he took charge and carried the ball forwards. It would be really tough on Wiz but Edmundson & Clarke could potentially our best pairing or perhaps we will potentially see 3 at the back again although it seems a bit hit and miss when we play that 

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12 minutes ago, YouRams said:

Wasn’t too convinced by Mengi, got done a few times on the wing and looked almost awkward going into some challenges, but it was his first game so hopefully just nerves. 

Bit unfair considering it's he's very young and he's normally a centre-half.....

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48 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

Bit unfair considering it's he's very young and he's normally a centre-half.....

I’m not writing him off yet as I said first game, was just expecting a lot more composure with how highly he’s rated, we shall see. 

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4 minutes ago, YouRams said:

I’m not writing him off yet as I said first game, was just expecting a lot more composure with how highly he’s rated, we shall see. 

He's never played senior football before. It's expected. Tomori wasn't great at the start either

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3 minutes ago, YouRams said:

I’m not writing him off yet as I said first game, was just expecting a lot more composure with how highly he’s rated, we shall see. 

I would imagine that the confidence of U23 football at Man Utd quickly evaporates as the reality of championship rollerball against Wycombe kicks in .  We'll see.  We did have a large defensive contingent in the squad the other night mind you.  I hope we haven't got one of those silly deals were he has to play in half the games at the expense of Sibley and the like regardless of form.  

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Think the good thing with the loanees that we currently have at the club is that, if we have the funds, we probably have a realistic chance of signing most of them permanently, should we want to. It’s probably only Mengi and Baningime that I’m not convinced we’d be looking at potential permanent deals for - the former because Man Utd obviously rate him highly and won’t let him go, and the latter because I feel he’s only here to cover for Bielik, who will hopefully return next season. 

Out of the rest, I’d obviously love to sign Clarke. He’s proven himself a top Championship centre back during his time here, especially in terms of how excellent his distribution is for a big “old fashioned” centre back. He’d be a key player for years to come if we can sign him.

Gregory I’m not so convinced on. He had a good debut, but his last performance showed more of what I was worried about when we signed him - his physical weakness and lack of ability to hold the ball up. I don’t think he’s what we need in a striker, so as things stand I wouldn’t be looking to make that one permanent. Edmundson I haven’t seen enough of yet to hold any sort of opinion on.

Roberts is probably the one I’m most interested in. He arrived as a former wonderkid who hasn’t yet quite lived up to his potential, but I think he’s already showed some flashes of brilliance. He looks like he could really provide that creative spark that we’ve been missing - he carries the ball into dangerous positions superbly, and he looks to have some serious end product in his locker too. I’m sure there’s areas for improvement as well of course, tracking back is normally an issue for young wingers so we’ll probably have to work on that, and his height may prove to be a problem if we keep playing hoofball as he’ll never get on the ball! But I think he’s probably already a top player at this level who would be a regular starter for us if we can sign him, and he’s probably got the potential to even be the best player in this division if we can unlock his full talent.

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Clarke is a good centre half at this level, but isn't looking like/rated as being good enough to make the step up any time soon. Imagine they will look at getting some of their outlay back given they have no shortage of players for his position.  If he was moving into the last year of his contract I'd expect us to pay a loan fee that would see us take him for the year and then sign him at the end of it, but he's got 2 left so they'll hold out for £3-4m. I'd happily keep him as he's fairly young, keeps improving and left sided centre halves aren't commonplace.  More than likely he'll go to someone else in this division who has the cash on a permanent.

Mengi wasn't particularly good the other night, but a debut out of position isn't fair to judge.

Edmundson I feel will be ours if we want him. If he does okay paying £500k-1m for him, with lower wages, may be a better deal than keeping Wisdom.

Looking forward to seeing Banger but looks like he will only get a shot if Bird drops out.

Roberts looks like a decent player. Probably the sort we could keep on loan next year and bring in when his contract expires if we're lucky.

Gregory I'd take on a 1 year deal in summer when his Stoke contract expires, but he'll probably go back to Millwall.

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I thought there was promising signs of a good understanding between Byrne and Roberts. If it carries on in the same way then our strikers should definitely get more than scraps to feed off. 

Add to that a few marauding forays from Edmundson and our goals for column should start looking a lot healthier too. Potency has been severely lacking this season so these two additions look like addressing that. 

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